Coward Paul Ryan Sits On The Fox News Board And Refuses To Debunk The Big Lie
Someone leaked a conversation that Paul Ryan and Liz Cheney had with donors, but instead of helping Cheney, Ryan is doing nothing.
Someone leaked a conversation that Paul Ryan and Liz Cheney had with donors, but instead of helping Cheney, Ryan is doing nothing.
The chaos in the House over the government funding bill is happening because Speaker Paul Ryan is acting like a minion for Trump and Sean Hannity, according to Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD).
Sen. Paul has become one of Trump’s biggest defenders on Russia, turning a blind eye to what increasingly looks like criminal conduct.
In the Trump era, we’ve seen Paul Ryan for who he is: a spineless political hack who stood silently by while the president trampled on American democracy.
Against all evidence, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) said he didn’t have a problem with President Donald Trump sitting down with Putin, claiming that what matters is the message that Trump might send to stop meddling in our country.
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) on Tuesday said he is willing to consider additional sanctions on Russia.
Yes, that’s all of the commitment we have from the Republican Speaker of the House, even after his party’s president announced in front of the entire world, while standing next to President Putin, that he backed Russia over his own country.
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) gave proof of the his party’s lack of patriotism and backbone on Monday when following President Trump’s shocking stance siding with Russia during his joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Trump “must appreciate that Russia is not our ally.” “There is no moral equivalence between the United States…
An immigration bill that was supposed be a compromise among Republicans, and was endorsed by Trump, crashed and burned in the House. Trump endorsed the bill via a tweet: HOUSE REPUBLICANS SHOULD PASS THE STRONG BUT FAIR IMMIGRATION BILL, KNOWN AS GOODLATTE II, IN THEIR AFTERNOON VOTE TODAY, EVEN THOUGH THE DEMS WON’T LET IT…
Nicolle Wallace hammered Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for helping Trump ruin the lives of 2,300 children
U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday that President Donald Trump should not pardon himself, becoming the second Republican leader in Congress to balk at the president’s assertion that he had “absolute” power to do so.
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) said that Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) abdicated his duty to build a wall to stop Trump from reaching into the evidence locker on the Russia investigation. Instead of attending the bipartisan Gang of 8 briefing, Ryan left town to go fundraise.
Republicans are refusing to investigate Speaker Paul Ryan’s firing of the popular House Chaplain because he advocated for the poor in a prayer.
On Meet The Press, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) made it clear that he would not allow a House vote on a bill to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller even if it passes the Senate. Video: Transcript of the exchange between Chuck Todd and Paul Ryan: Chuck Todd: Do you believe that if…
“This is the founding mythology of Paul Ryan over his 20 years in Congress,” Maddow said about the claim that Speaker Ryan is a fiscally responsible budget expert.
“Where was Paul Ryan’s press conference after Charlottesville? … Where’s Paul Ryan been standing up defending Robert Mueller day in and day out? It hasn’t happened.”
Paul Ryan was able to list exactly one legislative accomplishment as Speaker of the House, which proves how big of a failure he really has been. Video of Ryan: Ryan is proud that he is biggest failed Speaker Of The House in history. — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) April 11, 2018 Speaker Ryan said,…
Republicans have been acting surprised that Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is not running for reelection, but the news of his bailing has been known for months, and the reason isn’t just family. It’s the Trump dumpster fire and bloodbath that is coming in the midterm. Video of House Freedom Caucus Chair…
After repeated denials of rumors about House Speaker Paul Ryan’s plans to retire, it was confirmed on Wednesday that he will, in fact, be leaving Congress. “This morning Speaker Ryan shared with his colleagues that this will be his last year as a member of the House,” said counselor to the Speaker Brendan Buck. “He…
Despite official denials that Speaker Paul Ryan is resigning, rumors that he plans on leaving his current position in politics persist. A Republican congressman just strengthened those rumors in a Monday interview on the Nebraska Newsmakers podcast. “The rumor mill is that Paul Ryan is getting ready to resign in the next 30 to 60…
As he enables the Russian attack on our election, the Speaker of the House said on Tuesday in the Czech Republic that the U.S. and its allies should condemn Russia for meddling in elections and launching cyber attacks.
About 40 high schoolers from Wisconsin are using the start of their spring break vacation to bring the weekend’s national wave of gun control marches to the hometown of Republican U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan.
Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) showed a special level of spinelessness as he begged House Republicans not to bully Trump on his tariffs. The Washington Post reported, “The morning meeting came as Republican lawmakers grasped for a strategy to persuade Trump to change his mind, with House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (Wis.),…
Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) made it clear during his weekly press conference that fixing the federal background check system was as far as he is willing to go on guns. In other words, there will be no vote on an assault weapons ban. Video: Ryan said, “Of course we want to…
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) couldn’t even take a stand against Trump on the issue of domestic violence at his weekly press conference. Video: Coward #PaulRyan won't even criticize Trump for not condemning domestic violence. This is what Trump enablement looks like in action. #RobPorter — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) February 14,…
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi continues to be a powerful fundraising figure for the Democratic Party. According to POLITICO, Pelosi raised nearly $50 million during 2017. Out of the $49.5 million total, $47.6 million went to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Pelosi raised these funds by holding 204 events in 43 cities. This is nearly…
Donald Trump caused this mess by lifting protections for DACA recipients. Paul Ryan is making it worse by not holding a vote to clean it up.
In one speech, she likely did more work than Trump has done all week, and Republicans could do nothing but tip their caps.
House Speaker Paul Ryan once again proved that he has no self-awareness or grasp on reality after posting a tweet on Saturday touting a secretary’s $1.50 weekly raise, which he credited the GOP tax bill for. Ryan shared an AP Business News article on workers receiving slightly higher salaries after the Republican tax overhaul and…
Ryan cares more about dismantling the social safety net and advancing the interests of his wealthy donors than he does about helping his constituents or holding this dangerous president accountable.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan offered up a disgusting defense of Devin Nunes that accused Democrats of playing politics, while he tried to change the subject to tax cuts. Video: Trump whipping boy Paul Ryan scrambles to the defense of Devin Nunes. — PoliticusUSA (@politicususa) February 1, 2018 Ryan said, “They are just…
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is turning a blind eye and supporting Devin Nunes in his treasonous secret memo effort to kill the Russia investigation. Video: CNN’s Manu Raju reported, “There is a lot of support within the Republican conference on the house side to move forward and release this memo. The speaker Paul…
Two top law enforcement officials met U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday to discuss demands by congressional supporters of President Donald Trump that the Justice Department hand over files relevant to investigations of possible Trump 2016 campaign ties to Russia, a source familiar with the meeting said.
When it comes to the country’s bills and responsibilities towards its own population, right-wing politicians treat things like deficits as a plaything, alternatively ignoring it or using it as a cudgel. We can see much of the same behavior in the way the Right-Wing tax bill has been playing out. Right-wingers have a very…
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) couldn’t really explain the huge $1.5 trillion the Republican tax plan is estimated to add to the federal deficit.
Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called out Speaker of the House Paul Ryan for lying about how the Republican plan to cut taxes for the rich would help the middle class.
A nation’s stomach turned as Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) told America that the 71-year-old president is still learning about racism.
There’s something very wrong with Ryan weighing in on this and using his power in government to try to silence free speech. Qualifying that with acknowledging their right doesn’t mitigate from the chilling of free speech of such a powerful person in government shaming the players’ criticism of government.
The GOP representative had planned to “force a vote on his bill to extend work permits and deferred deportations for young undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.”
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) immediately tried to cover for Trump’s decision to end the DACA program by placing the blame on former President Obama.
House Freedom Caucus Chair Rep. Mark Meadows is warning that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan will lose their jobs if they don’t carry out Trump’s border wall and tax cuts for the rich agenda.
The Speaker said more Americans will be without insurance because it’s what they want, not because the GOP health care plan is bad.
Republicans in Congress – emboldened by the bully in the White House – are no longer trying to disguise how they feel toward lower and middle-income Americans.
House Oversight Democrats tore through Speaker Paul Ryan’s bogus defense that Trump should get a free pass on obstructing justice because he’s new at this by producing the evidence that the President knew exactly what he was doing.
Republicans in the House of Representatives are about to dismantle financial reforms enacted by President Obama after the Great Recession.
A new Quinnipiac University poll revealed that passing a bill that raised the cost of health care and took away coverage from millions has made Speaker Paul Ryan the most disliked leader in Congress.
Republican House leadership is worried now about what other leaks could come next.
After the leak of a taped conversation with Kevin McCarthy telling Paul Ryan and others that he thought Putin was paying Trump and Republican lawmaker Dana Rohrabacher, House leadership is “agitated.”
In 2012, the FBI warned Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) that Russian spies were trying to recruit him. This new report takes aim at the “just joking” defense made by Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy in regards to the explosive report that in June of 2016 they were discussing Putin paying Donald Trump.
Imagine if House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA ) told Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and his colleagues last year that he thought Russian President Vladimir Putin paid Republican Donald Trump.
Because it was just reported that this happened on June 15, 2016. Spokespeople for the two Republican leaders flatly denied this, until confronted with the fact that there is a recording. Now they claim it was a joke.
Last summer, referencing Hillary Clinton, Ryan said: “Individuals who are ‘extremely careless’ with classified information should be denied further access to such information.”
As Paul Ryan was leaving Success Academy charter school in Harlem Tuesday afternoon, he got loudly and angrily booed and people chanted, “Healthcare for all not just Paul!”
There were also “F*ck you!” chants, and there were a lot of them.
Paul Ryan was greeted by protesters shouting “Shame!” and carrying signs reading, among other things, “Healthcare is a human right!”
While Republicans are banking on their repeal efforts to excite the base of their party, it’s becoming clear that they are in over their heads.
“AHCA was posted online a month ago” and “scored by CBO — twice.” She lies. The version voted on didn’t exist a month ago and was never scored.
GOP Congressman Kevin McCarthy says Republicans do, in fact, have enough votes to advance the legislation.
As the GOP-controlled government continues to wage war on middle-class Americans, this number will likely get worse.
If this is the GOP’s secret weapon in keeping control of the hotly contested seat, then they’re in big trouble.
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) is much less popular than other new Speakers. Only 29% approve of Paul Ryan, while 54% disapprove of the job he is doing according to a new Pew Research poll.
With Trump in charge of America’s nuclear arsenal – like a toddler playing with a loaded firearm – Congressional oversight is a necessity.
Democrats are taking this investigation seriously, while Republicans are bending over backward to protect the GOP president.
With members of Congress like Maxine Waters calling them out, Trump and the White House will not get away with lying about or diverting attention from their clear ties to Russia.
During an interview on CBS This Morning, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan made a false statement about House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes’s source being a “whistleblower type person,” which is a reason for an independent investigation into the role of the Speaker in the effort to cover-up the Russia scandal.
The colossal failure of Donald Trump and Republicans to agree on a plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act is already having wide-ranging effects.
By giving a three-word answer at his weekly press conference, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan revealed that he is using his power to assist President Trump with his Russia cover-up.
As the debate was about to end on the health care bill, the House abruptly went into recess as President Trump asked Speaker Paul Ryan has pulled the health care bill, because it doesn’t have enough votes to pass.
The Speaker was in no mood to deal with the press after a day of spectacular failures for his party.
Trumpcare will cost more than initial estimates – and none of the cost increases will go toward covering the 24 million Americans that will lose health insurance under the plan.
“I think if you read this entire report, I’m pretty encouraged by it. And it actually exceeded my expectations.”
Paul Krugman warns that we should not “presume that Ryan and company have any idea what they’re doing.”
“We ask Congress to protect our patients, and find ways to maintain coverage for as many Americans as possible.”
Opposition is opposition and, reasons aside, it’s good news that so many on both sides of the political spectrum are fighting against the latest GOP attack on the Affordable Care Act.
Republicans claim to be doing away with the individual mandate. But their newly released plan would slap uninsured Americans with even bigger penalties.
The House Republican Obamacare replacement plan has been leaked and it as bad as expected. The Republican plan would kill subsidies and Medicaid expansion. It would allow states to create high-risk pools with benefit caps and would cause millions of Americans to lose their health care. The Republican plan is a death sentence for millions of Americans who benefit from the ACA.
If this is how Paul Ryan truly feels, then he should be nowhere near the halls of Congress.
Ryan isn’t bothered with Trump’s atrocities. He is thriving on Trump’s chaos to “slip in his own deplorable but more mundane agenda” without anyone noticing.
During an interview on Meet The Press, Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) gave a single answer on Obamacare repeal that revealed why the attack on the ACA would be a disaster for the American people.
The addition by an anonymous hero is certainly accurate, as Ryan has shown himself to be completely spineless when it comes to Donald Trump
“It is an appropriate way to end eight years of failed policy with Russia. And…serves as a prime example of this administration’s ineffective foreign policy”
It would be a mistake to talk about Medicare specifics now. It’s an important issue, but we can’t do everything at once, and we shouldn’t try.
Paul Ryan Ignores the Wells Fargo fraud scandal and instead accusing Dodd-Frank of killing free checking accounts
Republican Paul Ryan thinks Hillary Clinton should apologize for speaking the truth about Trump; or because she is a woman.
Paul Nehlen, Paul Ryan. The result for Democrats – and for the country – is unchanged, because nothing by any other name is still nothing.
Paul Ryan’s speech wasn’t just the oratorical version of NyQuil, but it was also one big attempt to revise history in his party’s favor – and it failed big time.
Zachary Marcone, a Republican student, said he couldn’t support Donald Trump because he is “openly racist” and asked Speaker Ryan how he could morally justify his support of Trump.
Declining to pass a bill to even stop terrorists from legally buying guns in this country, House Republicans ran for their summer recess while telling reporters that their flight was “leadership.”
Ryan accuses Democrats of attacking bipartisanship even though he was in the room of GOP luminaries who decided to obstruct Obama
“Look, anti-Semitic images – they’ve got no place in a presidential campaign. Candidates should know that…obviously they’ve got to fix that”
Ryan says “we need more information about how the Bureau came to this recommendation,” even though FBI Director James Comey explained it
The Daily News mocked Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) for his cowardice in response to the Democratic sit-in over terror gun bill, calling him the NRA’s “li’l lapdog”.
After months of dancing around endorsing Donald Trump, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) held his nose and endorsed Trump in the smallest venue imaginable. Ryan endorsed Trump in a column for the local Janesville, Wisconsin newspaper.
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), who inherited his Speakership and made grand promises of his leadership returning the House to “regular order”, has fallen flat on his face as the House was unable to pass a budget by the April 15th deadline, as mandated by law.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan slammed the door shut on any Republican hopes that a sane non-candidate might save the party, but Ryan left plenty of room for Scott Walker or Marco Rubio to swoop in and steal the nomination from Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
Ryan said at AIPIC that “A confident America stands by its allies.” It’s just a shame the GOP doesn’t stand by the American people.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) tried to reshape and save the Republican Party from Donald Trump during a Capitol Hill speech to House interns, but instead of rescuing his party, Ryan drowned in a fantasy of his own creation.