Tagged Trump Russia scandal


Trump In Panic Mode Because Investigators Are Trying To Flip Paul Manafort

The reason why Trump was freaking out on Twitter on Saturday is that US investigators are trying to flip Paul Manafort and get him to tell them everything he knows about Trump and Russia. Reuters reported: U.S. investigators examining money laundering accusations against President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort hope to push him…

Trump committed voter fraud in Florida

Trump Just Gave The One Answer That Could Get Him Impeached For The Russia Scandal

Trump claims that he didn’t know anything about the meeting where his son tried to collude with a representative of the Russian government. If evidence surfaces that Trump did know, the President will be linked to collusion with a hostile foreign government and could be impeached. Reuters reported: Asked if he knew that his son…


Trump Collusion Smoking Gun: Russian Hackers Discussed How To Get Clinton Emails To Flynn

It is being reported that Russian hackers were caught discussing how to get hacked Clinton emails to Mike Flynn of the Trump campaign, which would be proof that Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. Buried in the middle of a story about how a Republican operative tried to obtain Hillary Clinton’s hacked emails,…

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