Trump Defies His Lawyers And Digs His Own Grave By Attacking James Comey And Russia Investigation

Donald Trump is now claiming that James Comey is the real liar and that he never asked Comey to fire Mike Flynn.

Trump tweeted:

James Comey has a sterling reputation as far as honesty is concerned. Democrats still don’t like the decisions that he made that hurt Hillary Clinton in the election, but no one questions Comey’s honesty. Donald Trump has trouble coming up with one true statement a day. Trump feeds his own delusions through and fantasyland of lies. Trump’s new fantasy is that he is the truth teller, and Comey is the one who can’t be trusted.

Only a crazy person would walk down this path.

According to legal experts, Trump’s tweets could be used by both Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and Congress in impeachment proceedings. Trump’s tweets have already been used as evidence in court against his administration’s Muslim ban, and his ban on transgender persons serving in the military.

Trump never learns, and this president’s downfall may be accelerated by his inability to stay off of Twitter.

Jason Easley
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