President Obama Takes Down A Heckler Who Tried To Disrespect Him In The White House
President Obama wasted no time taking down a heckler who tried to disrespect him during an event at the White House.
President Obama wasted no time taking down a heckler who tried to disrespect him during an event at the White House.
Upon the news that President Obama’s trade agenda cleared a hurdle in the Senate, the White House gently reminded journalists of their previous incorrect predictions and dire warnings of the End of Obama.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF), has finally conducted comprehensive research and reported what every conscious human being on Earth already knows like they know the Sun rises in the East; GOP trickle-down economics is a certifiable economic disaster that reliably retards economic growth, kills jobs, and increases income inequality.
The Charleston massacre surprised some around the world who thought an African American President meant the nation’s days of racism were history
Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz told reporters Friday in a gaggle on Air Force One en route San Francisco that the president has said before he believes “the Confederate flag belongs in a museum, and that’s still his position.”
So to blame Obama for any failure to change the laws is to lash out at one of the few people willing to take on the NRA. That’s not helping.
Everyone from President Obama to the mayor of Charleston has made a specific point of saying the aftermath of a racially-motivated gun massacre of nine innocent and unarmed African Americans is a time for healing. Although they said the right thing, everyone is certainly sincere and they mean well, and they truly hope to comfort the victims’ families, survivors, and distressed Americans suffering the same pain, disgust, outrage, and sadness they feel after every other senseless gun slaughter. However, there is no healing for this sick, violent, and racist nation, and everyone knows it.
The vote in the Republican-controlled Senate on Monday was an overwhelming bipartisan statement that the President’s 2009 executive order banning torture must be ensconced in permanent law to prevent a Republican administration’s repeat performance in the future.
President Obama is setting a trap for John Boehner and Mitch McConnell by threatening to veto defense spending for the entire year unless Republicans back off of their budget cuts.
President Obama drove a stake through Republican narratives about him at the G-7 Summit on Monday, pointing out that since he took office, the United States cut our deficit by two-thirds. A fact you would not know if you only listened to Republicans or the media.
Gov. Bobby Jindal is going to be running for President, but his approval rating has sunk so low that President Obama is more popular than the Republican in deep red Louisiana.
President Obama choked up several times while delivering a deeply moving eulogy to Beau Biden today.
May marks a new record for President Obama’s private sector job growth record, with the private sector adding 12.6 million jobs over 63 straight months of job growth.
During an appearance on Fox and Friends, Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) got the status of the Patriot Act wrong and launched into a new big lie while blaming President Obama for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s crushing defeat on renewing provisions of the Patriot Act.
The White House’s response to the Republican-led Senate’s lead-by-crisis on the Patriot Act was to remind everyone that the President worked with Congress to craft a reformed version of the Patriot Act a year and a half ago
President Obama has rescued arrogant and ungrateful Texas Republicans by signing a federal disaster declaration for those areas impacted by the state’s deadly floods.
President Obama and his administration have announced bold new executive actions that have left Republicans fuming by protecting 33% of the nation’s clean drinking water supply.
In a Memorial Day speech that saw him receive several standing ovations, President Obama thanked the troops who came home and those who didn’t and marked the first Memorial Day in 14 years in which the United States was not fighting a ground war in Afghanistan.
Hypocrite Mike Huckabee criticized President and First Lady Obama’s parenting because they allow their daughters to listen to Beyonce, but he is supporting Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, the parents who covered up their son’s acts of sexual abuse.
It was prescient, then, that when President Obama addressed graduates of the Coast Guard Academy and told them that “denying it (climate change), or refusing to deal with it endangers our national security. Anything less is negligence. It is a dereliction of duty and it undermines the readiness of our forces,” he was describing and referring to Republicans.
President Obama issued a veto threat to yet another Republican attempt to starve and deny science and science-based programs.
President Obama and former President Bill Clinton got more attention than the Republican presidential candidates combined with a good-natured exchange on Twitter.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and 17 Senate Democrats are urging President Obama to use his executive powers to help American workers.
Fox News responded to being called out by President Obama by suggesting that poverty would be solved if African-Americans would stop being lazy and go get jobs.
While taking part in a discussion on overcoming poverty, President Obama exposed the empty language that Republicans are using to pretend that they care about the poor.
Democrats are seizing the opportunity that is being presented by the combination of the increasing popularity of Obamacare and a Republican party that is paralyzed by years of its own ACA rhetoric.
After years of putting up with their attacks, President Obama is getting his revenge on Fox News by freezing them out of access and denying them exclusive interviews.
Republicans in Congress will get to voice their displeasure of any deal on Iran’s nuclear program, but House Democrats have enough votes to sustain a veto from President Obama if Republicans disapprove of the deal.
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is hinting that they may go beyond President Obama’s free community college proposal, by suggesting a plan that will make getting a college education debt free.
Republicans like Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) helped to push a conspiracy theory that President Obama is sending the military in to take over Texas, but the Pentagon has thrown cold water on the GOP’s hysteria.
In his first comments after six Baltimore police officers were charged in the death of Freddie Gray, President Obama said that it is vital for the truth to come out and justice to be served.
President Obama came out swinging and pulled no punches while taking out Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, and devoted an entire segment to the Koch Brothers during his White House Correspondents’ Dinner remarks.
President Obama has outsmarted Congressional Republican obstructionists with a planned executive action that will raise the wages of millions of American workers.
On this Earth Day, President Obama and Bill Nye The Science Guy are highlighting the value of vulnerable places like the Everglades and announcing new steps to protect the people and places climate change puts at risk.
President Obama turned their own argument against Republicans by suggesting that we must act against climate change to protect the nation’s God-given natural wonders, and our children from disaster and harm.
Rep. Ted Yoho has authored a resolution in high hopes of using it to begin impeachment proceedings against President Obama for acting like a President. It is allegedly supposed to take aim at the President for his immigration actions.
President Obama called out Mitch McConnell, John McCain, and all of the Senate Republicans who are actively trying to sabotage his foreign policy on the world stage.
The neo-con’s solution has been fulfilling Netanyahu’s twenty-three year campaign for Americans to die in a war with the Islamic Republic of Iran primarily because Israel wants to be the only Middle East nation with an American-provided nuclear arsenal.
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) got a surprise caller as he was taking questions KNPR. President Obama called in and shocked Reid by glowingly paying tribute to retiring senator.
The White House is sending the message to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) that the Republican budget he just passed will be rejected by President Obama unless serious changes are made.
House Republicans saw their budget dreams go up in smoke as President Obama is already signaling that he will veto the unpopular, but freshly passed House budget.
President Obama issued a statement celebrating the fifth anniversary of the Affordable Care Act that told Republicans to embrace reality while he debunked some of the biggest lies about Obamacare.
President Obama used his weekly address to hammer Mitch McConnell and congressional Republicans for playing politics by holding up Loretta Lynch’s confirmation vote to be next Attorney General.
The White House is laying into Mitch McConnell after the Senate Majority Leader wrote a letter to the nation’s governors telling them to ignore new EPA rules.
President Obama has sent a wave of terror through the Republican Party by suggesting that the most direct way to get rid of Citizens United is to require mandatory voting by every eligible citizen.
Republicans have actively worked for the collapse of the political system (government) entirely. Now, the machinations of the Republicans have been exposed on the global stage and finally a foreign leader said what the world and an increasing number of Americans already know.
President Obama had strong words for the Republicans who signed the letter Iran. The president said in the trailer for his interview with Vice that Republicans embarrassed themselves by sending the letter to a government that they consider to be their “mortal enemy.”
Speaker Boehner delivered an absurdly delusional appearance on CBS’s Face The Nation where he blamed President Obama for all of his own failures as a leader.
Now they are lining up at the annual Aryan-sponsored conservative conclave to accuse the President of all manner of malfeasance in cleaning up and dealing with George W. Bush’s religious crusade in Iraq that engendered the rise of Islamic extremists known as the Islamic State (IS, ISIS, ISIL).
Once in a while, and not very often, one award-winner actually says something worth hearing and as is usually the case, if it is an important social message it will irritate some group. Apparently, when Patricia Arquette called for equal rights for women, and specifically appealed to other minority groups to join the war for equality, it raised the ire of the right and left.
One of the biggest nightmare scenarios for Republicans is coming to life as Sen. Elizabeth Warren is signaling a team up with President Obama on some new consumer protection rules.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell campaigned on forcing the president to bend to the will of Republicans, but it is the Kentucky senator who is now on bended knee asking Obama to reconsider his promise to veto the Keystone XL bill.
Republicans and the Koch brothers make no secret that next to taxes, there is no part of the federal government they despise more than the EPA, so it is a major slap in their faces that it was the agency they hate above all others that delivered the death knell of their 8 billion-dollar dream project.
For the past seven years President Barack Obama has delivered prescient State of the Union speeches that should appeal to the majority of Americans regardless of their party affiliation except for one small detail; he represents the federal government.
Of course, nothing helps families make ends meet like higher wages. That’s why this Congress still needs to pass a law that makes sure a woman is paid the same as a man for doing the same work. Really. It’s 2015. It’s time. We still need to make sure employees get the overtime they’ve earned. And to everyone in this Congress who still refuses to raise the minimum wage, I say this: If you truly believe you could work full-time and support a family on less than $15,000 a year, go try it. If not, vote to give millions of the hardest-working people in America a raise.
Congressional Republicans are shocked and on the defensive because President Obama has refused to be humbled by their election victory. The president has responded to the Republican takeover of congress with a flurry of action that has destroyed Boehner and McConnell’s agenda.
It is being reported that one of President Obama’s surprises at the State Of The Union will be an announcement of an executive order that will take on the Koch Brothers and Citizens United.
In fact, there is absolutely nothing whatsoever that Republicans represent that Dr. King would even tepidly support, and in fact he would be leading the fight against everything conservatives stand for; whether they are social, racial, or economic policies.
Sen. Bernie Sanders announced that he is supporting the president’s plan to cut taxes for the middle class while closing loopholes that the wealthiest Americans use to avoid paying their fair share. Sanders said, “President Obama’s plan moves us in the right direction.”
President Obama told congressional Democrats in a closed door meeting that he planned to continue going on offense. The president vowed to defend the Democratic agenda and called on the members of his party to help sustain his vetoes.
Early in his speech in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, President Obama unleashed a barrage of facts about his economic record that was devastating body blow to his Republican critics.
Speaker of the House John Boehner threw a tantrum during his press conference because President Obama refused to give Republicans any advantage before he issued his veto threats.
U.S. President Obama strongly condemned the attack on the satirical Paris newspaper that left at least 12 people dead. The President vowed to provide any assistance needed to help bring these terrorists to justice.
icant advertising revenue.
Obviously, the President has preached at, begged, and cajoled Republicans to pass legislation addressing the income gap and there is no better way to start than allocating major funding to rebuild the country’s infrastructure.
President Obama got a big win over the NRA today as his nominee to be Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, was confirmed by Senate, 51-43.
President Obama notched another big victory as Republicans put off their attempts to stop his immigration order and agreed to fund all of the federal government except Homeland Security through September 2015.
With The Colbert Report wrapping up it nine-year run this month as host Stephen Colbert moves to CBS to take over David Letterman’s spot, the show was able to pull off a bit of a coup by booking President Obama as a guest Monday.
In the past few weeks, there has been an uprising of awareness of police brutality all over the U.S. yet it appears that conservatives are countering the protest with the justification that if you fail to submit to the police, you deserve what you get…that is until their own are brutalized.
CNN’s Candy Crowley tried to spin Obama as an unpopular president coming down the homestretch of his second term, but she was quickly straightened out by a panel of historians who discussed the fact that the president still has plenty of juice left.
Representative Peter King (R-NY) told Fox Business on Tuesday that the way to fix this Ferguson deal is for President Obama to invite Darren Wilson over to sort of make up for months of “smear and slander”.
According to one angry racist Republican, the start of ethnic cleansing is when an African American President takes executive action on immigration enforcement to create a Socialism-loving brown population.
Pelosi’s office released a statement in which they conjure up the image of John Boehner staggering about DC begging someone to take the House GOP lawsuit after repeated rejection until they finally settle upon a TV personality.
Republicans in Congress are throwing a fit over President Obama’s climate change deal with China, but there is nothing that they can do to stop the agreement.
Republicans have no respect for the valiant service and sacrifices of veterans. In fact, for well over a decade, at least, Republicans have done everything within their power to dishonor their service.
Even if some Americans do grasp the concept of Republicans as the ultimate takers, they likely fail to comprehend that the GOP are ultimately monumental givers; it is that spirit of generosity that drives their habit of robbing the people.
After meeting with President Obama, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released a readout of the meeting that was missing key parts of the conversation, and read like a desperate attempt by the Republican House leader to look tough.
Gov. Scott Walker is reeling in Wisconsin. Will Tea Party extremism trump Clinton and Obama support for Mary Burke?
There has been relative silence on two new economic reports that put a stake in the economic agenda Republicans are frothing at the mouth to enact should they win control of Congress.
Calls for the Progressives to “break up” with the Democratic Party as an abusive partner miss the mark. The problems is actually their neglect of the party.
On Meet The Press, President Obama called out Republicans in Congress for not having common sense. The president pointed out that the lack of common sense has led Republicans to obstruct everything.
The news of the beheading of Steven Sotloff by ISIS just being reported as Fox News blamed President Obama for the murder of the American journalist.
After loads of tough talk, Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) caved and will take part in a roundtable discussion with the president when he visits Texas.
An integral part of strong families is the ability to take time out of a busy life of work to care for loved ones, regardless of age, when the need arises, and there is no-one in Washington fighting to strengthen families as hard as President Obama.
The president was asked about the Bergdahl controversy at a joint press conference in Brussels, and he made the Republicans look like unpatriotic fools with his answer.
The claim that President Obama campaigned, and revels, in being “the abortion President” is driven by racism, evangelical fanaticism, and an abject ignorance of statistics.
President Obama tore into Senate Republicans for blocking a bill that would raise the minimum wage, while painting a picture of a GOP that doesn’t care about working people.
Cynical people often suggest that presidents visit scenes of tragedies for political reasons, but President Obama’s visit to Oso, Washington today serves as a reminder of the power of a presidential visit to help people feel cared about.
For Speaker of the House John Boehner, it is the prospect of the government attempting to improve the economic situation of underpaid workers that drives him to consider suicide.
Forty three House Republicans are sponsoring a bill that if passed would force the House to sue President Obama for behaving like a president.
POTUS has spoken. The president’s Twitter account has playfully executive ordered that people not spoil season two of the Netflix series House of Cards.
Boehner may face serious repercussions from “true conservatives” in the tea party movement, but that is the price he pays for climbing in bed with morons and imbeciles who went to Washington to destroy the government that Boehner has been all-in for over the past three years.
Republicans will have killed an additional 240,000 jobs in 2014 according to The Council of Economic Advisers who estimated that not extending the unemployment benefits will have a deleterious effect on hiring.
The Supreme Court is likely not done facilitating theocratic tyranny or disabusing the people from their 1st and 14th Amendment rights if right wing extremists have their way.
Republicans can hardly be bothered to do much in the way of meaningful legislation, and yet they find time to come up with a bill that does nothing except elevate the danger of another war.
A panel of economists has joined President Obama, and struggling Americans to assert categorically that income inequality is crushing the life out of the population, and holding back the economy.
The real tragedy of the Newtown massacre was that despite scores of legislators saying it was finally time to move to address mass gun violence, there has been absolutely nothing done.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has taken steps to reassert Netanyahu’s power over American Middle East policy to thwart the P5+1 agreement that halts Iran’s alleged nuclear weapon program.
It was a certainty that Republicans would use the recent good news on the economy, both GDP growth and job numbers, as a reason to find new ways to thwart the recovering economy and kill more jobs.
Twisted House Republicans are proudly celebrating their obstruction of President Obama and bragging about how they have slowed the government down.
Christian militias claim that under the bible and the Second Amendment they are justified in using deadly force to remove President Barack Obama.