Elizabeth Warren Blasts Republicans For Insulting The Constitution And Obama
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) hammered Republicans today for insulting the Constitution and President Obama by refusing to do their jobs.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) hammered Republicans today for insulting the Constitution and President Obama by refusing to do their jobs.
Senate Republicans admitted that they are blocking President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee as an election tactic. Some Senators admit that they will confirm Obama’s Supreme Court pick during the lame duck session if they lose the presidential election in November.
“Senator McConnell will cave and President Obama will fill this vacancy this year,†Harry Reid predicted. Mitch McConnell’s House of Obstruction Cards came tumbling down today in quick succession right after President Obama announced his SCOTUS nominee.
Mitch McConnell’s plan to obstruct President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, by holding no meetings, hearings, or votes is coming closer to collapse as eight Senate Republicans have stated that they will meet with the nominee.
President Barack Obama is likely to announce either Judge Sri Srinivasan or Judge Merrick Garland as his pick for U.S. Supreme Court nominee and the announcement could come as early as Wednesday, a source familiar with the selection process said on Tuesday.
Citing the criticism for his commitment to diplomacy, the President touted JFK’s reasoning for trying negotiation, “‘Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.'”
A self-described conservative Texas gun rights activist planned to bring his rifle to President Obama’s South by Southwest festival (SXSW) speech and wrote, “This may get interesting.â€
President Obama hit Republicans right between the eyes by explaining how birtherism and the GOP’s politics of hate created Donald Trump.
GOP candidates want to reverse Obama’s gains with huge tax cuts for the rich that helped create the Bush deficit the President has erased
Holder says, “You know, we treat marijuana in the same way that we treat heroin now, and that clearly is not appropriateâ€
Sen. Lindsey Graham admitted that Senate Republicans are obstructing Obama’s Supreme Court nominee because they are still upset that Democrats changed the filibuster rules in 2013.
Sandoval opposes solar energy, gun safety laws, thinks Obamacare is unconstitutional and will uphold Vatican-5’s anti-women bloc for decades
President Obama called out the political cowardice of Congress while annihilating every Republican argument, and setting the record straight on GITMO.
The mainstream media must identify the real American government and Supreme Court “hostage takers;†the Koch brothers
President Obama joked that he was going to give “an indisputably qualified set of remarks,” and “I trust that you’ll give them a fair hearing.” The audience appreciated the totally not veiled message with laughter and applause.
“Obama and Kids” is trending today after White House photographer Pete Souza shared the first photo in this gallery on Thursday of President Obama and a small visitor at the Black History Month celebration.
Just hours after Republicans decided that they wanted to deny Obama the power of the presidency — even suggesting that he should not nominate someone, President Obama announced that he would nominate a replacement for Justice Scalia.
Despite the protests of many medical organizations, Republicans ignore the health cost to Americans in favor of corporate profits
President Obama annihilated the Republican claims of economic gloom and doom in a White House appearance where he called out the GOP failed economic policies and the fact that their presidential candidates appear to have no plans of their own for the economy.
Instead of adhering to the new Obama Department of Labor rule, AIG is selling the AIG Advisor Group to a Canadian pension investment manager
President Obama is making sure that his Democrats remain focused and together by delivering the message that the relevant contrast in 2016 is not between Sanders and Clinton, but between Democrats and Republicans.
President Obama laid out the bait when he outlined his positive vision for America, and the Republican presidential candidates couldn’t resist. Instead of talking about the Democratic candidates, the Republican field spent the night lost in an alternate universe of despair.
It is an abomination that an avowed religious bigot like Kim Davis was invited as a protest and counterweight to President Obama’s message
Seven years in, one thing has become abundantly clear – this President is on a moral mission. Not all people who run for the highest office of the land actually have an agenda to do good for the people, but it appears as though this President did and does.
Democrats need to follow President Obama’s lead and promise not support or work for the campaign of any candidate who opposes gun reform.
Republicans in two states are appealing to SCOTUS to empower them to abolish another state’s rights to pass a law Republicans do not like
President Obama is calling out the media for trying the scare the American people about terrorism in order to boost ratings.
No wonder Republicans were praising themselves; just one unrelated-to-spending rider in a spending bill gave the Kochs tens-of-billions annually and endangered Americans lives and well-being; it is what Koch Republicans regard as a win-win.
President Obama used a few moments of his end of the year press conference to remind Republicans and the American people of the many successes of his administration in 2015.
During his address from the Oval Office, President Obama ripped the proposals for discrimination against Muslim-Americans that are being offered by Republican presidential candidates like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
President Obama leads the nation even in its darkest moments, and the San Bernardino slayings are no exception.
While speaking at the White House today, President Obama delivered a blunt truth that many Republicans don’t want to hear. The President that it is too easy for people to carry out mass shootings and we need to make it harder for would-be killers to get guns.
Americans can make a very accurate inference that Republicans have blood on their hands for inciting rage and more violence towards women’s healthcare providers; just like they are inciting violence against American Muslims.
“We have to do something about the easy accessibility of weapons of war on our streets to people who have no business wielding them.”
President Obama reacted to the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting by declaring that enough is enough and that something must be done about the easy access to weapons on our streets.
They claim Obama is a collaborator because he adheres to America’s long-standing exceptionalism of giving war-weary refugees a safe haven
During a press conference in Malaysia, President Obama pulled no punches and shredded cowardly Republican presidential candidates who are fearing four-year-old orphan refugees being admitted to the United States.
Senator Feinstein is leading an effort to bar gun sales to people on the Terrorist Watchlist, but the NRA is fighting her efforts.
The Kochs want to pollute with impunity by simply claiming they were unaware that it was a federal violation to poison the air and water
The unemployment rate has not only dropped since Obama took office, it has dropped dramatically.
She tweeted: We’ve seen a lot of hateful rhetoric from the GOP. But the idea that we’d turn away refugees because of religion is a new low.
Rupert Murdoch has joined Jeb Bush in wanting only Christian refugees, but upped the ante by demanding they be “proven” Christians
President Obama vowed to continue supporting the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the United States.
Jeb Bush says “Islamic terrorism” isn’t really about religion but he sure doesn’t want any Muslims in this country – even refugees
The Islamic State grew out of Al Qaeda in Iraq, and of course, Al Qaeda was not IN Iraq until after Bush’s invasion, making Santorum a liar
President Barack Obama knows this. That is why he hunted down and killed Osama bin Laden. That’s not something any person with an ounce of humanity wants to do, no matter what- to kill another human being. But it was necessary.
The Islamic State counts on the response they’re going to get from Republicans this weekend, and GOP leaders will be only too happy to oblige
It turns out the American people don’t agree with Republicans that it’s all that important what candidates believe about the Bible
Clinton warned us a year before the true nature of Wall Street and the financial sector’s malfeasance manifested in a worldwide recession
President Obama addressed a packed St. Regis hotel ballroom Monday afternoon and promised OFA supporters that while he is only going to hold office for another 14 months, he’s not going anywhere.
Obama said, “The fact of the matter is, is that if you ask the question Ronald Reagan said was the most important thing to ask about a presidency, and that is, ‘Are you better off than you were four years ago?’ You are.”
TransCanada’s Russ Girling accused Obama of “choosing misplaced symbolism over merit and science, and allowed rhetoric to win out over reason”
Climate activist Bill McKibben expressed jubilation after President Obama announced his decision to deny the Keystone XL pipeline.
President Obama said that Keystone XL will do nothing to grow the economy and called out Republicans for falsely inflating the economic impact of Keystone.
Unemployment rate ticked down, wages grew, and overall the economy added 271,000 jobs in October — which makes the last three years the strongest years for job creation since… oh, 2000.
Mike Huckabee says he gets to decide what is constitutional or not, not the Supreme Court, which is given that job by the Constitution
TransCanada claims they need more time to work with American officials but the real reason is to avoid a losing battle with President Obama
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest tore apart Donald Trump after the billionaire made a factless claim about President Obama and interest rates.
The White House claimed another Republican scalp today as Press Secretary Josh Earnest ripped Chris Christie for falsely claiming that President Obama doesn’t support the police.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest blasted Paul Ryan after the Speaker went on national television and falsely blamed President Obama for the Republican refusal to allow a vote on immigration reform.
If Americans need an example of true fiscal responsibility, they can look at the state of the economy under a fiscally responsible Democrat, President Barack Obama.
Fox News is in cahoots with Republican candidates Jeb Bush and Donald Trump, inventing inflated numbers of Syrian refugees to scare the base
President Obama connected the dots and exposed how the dysfunctional Republican agenda is literally destroying the beautiful country that we live in.
Judge Charles R. Breyer said that the DEA’s interpretation of the bipartisan medical marijuana bill “defied logic and language”
A federal judge has granted approval for a Canadian corporation to begin mining for uranium in the Grand Canyon National Park
President Obama’s job approval rating has gained six points since July and 11 points over the past year.
In one fell swoop, the President took a concrete step to reduce all current and future threats to the Arctic region. The Administration cancelled new lease sales in the so-called “Polar Bear Seas,” the Chukchi and Beaufort, just off the north Alaskan coast.
President Obama reduced Donald Trump to a pathetic puddle by explaining in less than a minute why Trump won’t win the 2016 election.
Apparently what the gun maniacs in Oregon are up in arms over is the concept of gun safety as a political issue; they are livid that President Obama said as much.
When you ask yourself why we have a Congress that will conduct a several years long investigation into a made-up conspiracy theory but refuses to even entertain the idea of responsible gun ownership laws, the answer is clear. Nonvoters.
Now that President Obama and a couple of Americans are asking why Congress cannot take action to reduce the frequency of mass shootings, John Boehner has come up with a typical Republican answer; it is not their fault or their responsibility to act.
President Obama will give Congress at least 90 days to debate the agreement after it’s posted online before signing it. Love it or hate it, this commitment, when fulfilled, will make this the most transparent agreement on record.
The CBO put the deficit for the just ended fiscal year at 2.4% of GDP, below 50-year average.
Some 2.1 million Australians visit the U.S. annually and the call for boycott is likely motivated as much by self-preservation as disgust
Gun violence comes courtesy of the tireless effort and machinations of Republicans and the NRA to create a structurally violent country
The Obama White House this week took steps to force communities to halt the “cruel, inhumane, and degrading” treatment of the homeless
Almost immediately, Pope Francis and President Obama negated any Republican hopes of using the Pope’s visit to score political points by teaming up at the White House on a climate change message.
During his speech to the Business Roundtable, President Obama hijacked the Republican debate by taking down Donald Trump for claiming that America is not great.
Obama “failing to directly engage millions of voters” is not a valid complaint against the Obama Administration but revisionist history
Obama defends workers’ right to earn the federal minimum wage and overtime protections; something Republicans believe is an abomination
President Obama is taking executive action on Monday for workers. Get all of the facts here.
During a speech in New Orleans, LA, President Obama strongly told Republicans that he will not allow them to hold the economy hostage with another government shutdown.
Charles Koch could not believe the President would do something that “flabbergasted” the dirty billionaire like telling the truth
More and more groups have come forward to support the president. The latest is a group of 51 Christian leaders, who represent dozens of Christian denominations and organizations. In a letter to Congress, they voiced their support of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as the best means of keeping nuclear weapons out of the hands of Iran.
President Obama has a liberal firewall in the House of Representatives as Nancy Pelosi has kept her Democrats together, and they are ready to deliver total victory for the president on the Iran deal.
The mainstream media is finally reporting that the Koch’s legislative arm ALEC is moving into the open to prevent action on climate change
President Obama is pushing back against the Republican lies about Medicare while celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid.
While he signed the three-month transportation funding bill, President Obama delivered a stern lecture to Congress in general and John Boehner and Mitch McConnell specifically about their total inability to govern.
Everything bad about America that the rest of the world sees increasing, and Americans feel, is purely Republican and it is truly pathetic
President Obama ripped the ridiculous Republican Party as being incapable of discussing serious issues. The President specifically called out Donald Trump, Mike Huckabee, and Ted Cruz during a press conference in Ethiopia.
No sane human being would think to regard something normal as awful, except when a common occurrence founded on a group’s twisted values and behaviors is exposed for all the world to see; then it is prudent to label “normal” as awful.
As GOP stupidity mounts, claiming they can stop a deal they cannot legally stop, President Obama proves again he can make the tough decisions
Republican politicians thrive on the seemingly increasing stupidity of many Americans and they have learned exactly how to address their ignorant base
This idea that Israel, or Netanyahu, has unfettered purview of America’s foreign policy is a legacy of the Bush administration
Mitch McConnell is blocking dozens of President Obama’s judicial appointments in an attempt to rig the courts.
President Obama delivered an epic speech in La Crosse, Wisconsin where he both celebrated his administration’s successes while dropping numerous fact bombs on his Republican critics.
The media proclaimed “lame duck” president has roared back again, as President Obama signed an executive order this morning order that put the Labor Department into action to extend overtime pay and raise wages for 5 million workers.
Conservative opponents of the Constitution see no contradiction in attacking the Marriage Equality ruling as a violation of the Constitution
The heart and soul of President Barack Obama were on full display as he moved the nation with his powerful eulogy for the slain Rev. Clementa Pinckney.
President Obama burst into a spontaneous rendition of the poignant and appropriate song, “Amazing Grace”.