Benghazi Hoax

Rep. Steve King Claims Trump’s Russia Scandal is a ‘CNN Narrative’

Rep. Steve King Claims Trump’s Russia Scandal is a ‘CNN Narrative’

In 2012, eyeing Hillary Clinton, King did not need facts or a chronology. Now, with all eyes on Donald Trump,…

8 years ago

House Republicans Stain Fourth of July with Celebration of Benghazi Witch-Hunt

Pretending to act in the name of patriotism, House Republicans have instead used the Fourth of July to celebrate a…

9 years ago

Bill O’Reilly Says Benghazi Committee Should Have Listened to Him

Bill O'Reilly thinks he knows how to question Hillary Clinton, as though he is any better with facts than the…

9 years ago

Fox News’ Sandy Rios Calls Clinton a Professional Liar and the Hearings a Disaster

Rios, a consummate apologist and liar for Fox and the American Family Association, accuses Clinton of being a consummate apologist…

9 years ago

Even Red State’s Erick Erickson Says Benghazi Hearings Are a Waste of Time

Erick Erickson took to his blog to complain that it "was all a political spectacle" and "carnival road show of…

9 years ago

72 Percent Of Americans Say Benghazi Investigation Is A Political Sham

72 percent of Americans believe the House Select Committee on Benghazi is mostly using the Benghazi investigation to achieve political…

9 years ago

GOP Whistleblower Was Fired For Refusing to Target Clinton Benghazi Investigation

Republican Benghazi woes mount as it is reported that Republicans fired their own investigator in part because he refused to…

9 years ago

Clinton Emails Have Provided GOP Yet Another Excuse to Cry “Benghazi”

The GOP is determined to ignore every relevant fact about Benghazi on their mission to crucify Hillary Clinton

10 years ago

U.S. Intel Failures Have Become the Latest Republican Benghazi Hoax

Led by Fox News (again), the mainstream media's reaction to Obama's admission of American intel failures has become the latest…

10 years ago