
Herschel Walker makes no sense on healthcare

Herschel Walker Nonsensically Denounces Government Healthcare While Claiming He Wants People To Have Government Healthcare

Herschel Walker claimed in the same sentence that he was opposed to government healthcare, but he also wanted people to have the same healthcare as US Senators, which is government healthcare. Video: Herschel Walker says Americans should get off government healthcare, and get the plans US Senators have. Note: US Senators have government healthcare. pic.twitter.com/Bs2H8YN6xj…


Fetterman Blasts Oz for the Republican’s Refusal to Be Upfront About His Abortion Stance

John Fetterman blasted Mehmet Oz for his refusal to give a straight answer about how he would vote on a national abortion ban. “Dr. Oz can’t seem to get two words out: yes or no. It’s been an entire month since the GOP’s national abortion ban was introduced in the Senate, and Dr. Oz still hasn’t said how he’d vote.”

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