It Was An Enraged Trump Who Sent Giuliani Out For Interview Disaster

Trump was enraged over the Mueller report, so he sent Rudy Giuliani out to defend him. The result of the interview was so bad that it helped the case for impeachment.

It Was Trump’s Idea To Send Giuliani Out To Defend Him

Kristen Welker of NBC News reported, “We are told that privately, he has been fuming about some of the revelations in the Mueller report. It was all hands on deck. A number of his top aides, advisers, and lawyers out on the Sunday shows really trying to go on offense and trying to downplay the revelations in the Mueller report, including Rudy Giuliani, who made this statement, which raised a lot of eyebrows.”


Instead of defended Trump, Giuliani defended taking information from the Russians during an interview on CNN. Giuliani said, “There’s nothing wrong with taking information from Russians. It depends on where it came from. You’re assuming that the giving of information is a campaign contribution. Read the report carefully. The report says we can’t conclude that. People get information from this person, that person.”

Giuliani was also laughed at on NBC’s Meet The Press when he tried to blame Obama and Hillary Clinton for the Mueller investigation.

Trump is running his own media strategy straight into the ground

At the beginning of the 2016 campaign, many in the media pushed the idea that Trump was a master media strategist, which looking back on it now, appears to be a pathetic attempt to normalize the abnormal. Donald Trump created another news cycle of bad coverage for himself but sending Rudy Giuliani on to the Sunday shows. Insecurities and impulses drive Trump’s media strategy. The president is more interested in managing his cable news coverage than running the country.

Trump acting as his own communications director is one of the biggest reasons that he is on track to be a one-term president.

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