Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 06:07 pm
As he continues to suck all the air out of the GOP party, Fox News Exploits San Francisco Murder To Rehabilitate Donald Trump. According to this Poll: Donald Trump Has Only 1% Chance of Getting GOP Nomination, but Trump Reportedly Met With Ailes Before Declaring Presidential Bid. No doubt that’s why Fox Figures Lead The Charge Praising Trump’s Immigrant Smears For Igniting National Immigration Debate, even before the senseless murder of Kathryn Steinle. You know who else has noticed? The Donald himself: Watch Donald Trump Praise Fox News’ Laudatory Coverage Of His Incendiary Immigration Remarks:
When Fox & Friends Trots Out Ann Coulter To Validate Trump On Immigration, you just know the truth is being bulldozed under. According to Fox “News” fave Ted Nugent: ‘Donald Trump Should Be Given The Medal of Freedom,’ while Fox & Friends’ Doocy [invents]: “Sadly, People Are Murdered All The Time By Illegals.” The Conservative Media War Over Donald Trump shows no sign of letting up, especially since Fox “News” is leading the charge when Fox’s Harris Faulkner Wants Apology From White House Over San Francisco Killing, and Megyn Kelly [asks]: Why Is Obama Silent on Woman Murdered by an Illegal Immigrant?
However, Loofah Lad has declared Jihad against San Francisco, just like he did with Dr. George Tiller, and we know where that led:
O’Reilly Pins San Francisco Woman’s
Death on Mayor; Obama ‘Complicit’O’Reilly: Kate Steinle Is ‘Collateral Damage’
of San Francisco’s ‘Insane Far-Left Politics’
You just know The Falafel King is serious when he sends ambush stalker, Fox’s Jesse Watters Confronted San Fran Board of Supervisors over Kate Steinle’s Death. Watch:
But, it’s all a video stunt. After he confronts the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Watters barges into the Mayor Ed Lee’s office, camera in tow, and demands to see him immediately. When the extremely polite and patient receptionist says “He has a press office down the hall,” Watters starts braying like the jackass he is: “MAYOR! MAYOR LEE!!! MAYOR? YA IN HERE? IT’S JESSE WITH THE O’REILLY FACTOR!!! JUS’ ‘AV A FEW QUESTIONS!!! [Jump cut to him politely telling the receptionist, who should have just called the police at his antics] “Please tell him Watters’ World’s looking for him, alright? Thank you.” Then he goes and hectors the Mayor’s press office.
As Bernard Goldberg Tells O’Reilly ‘I Was Embarrassed’ Watching Jesse Watters In San Francisco, as reported by NewsHounds:
O’Reilly loved Watters’ disrespectful behavior so much, he put it in his Talking Points commentary rather than wait for the Watters World segment that comes later in The O’Reilly Factor show.
But Goldberg threw some mighty cold water on the effort. He said O’Reilly “went too far” by sending Watters to make “a sanctimonious speech about the evils of sanctuary cities.” It “crosses a line,” Goldberg said. “I was embarrassed watching it.”
“It’s one thing to stick a microphone in their face and ask those tough questions. It’s another to stand as a representative of Fox News at the podium at a public hearing and make a speech,” Goldberg admonished.
Not that O’Reilly has ever shown any mind to anything he’s ever been told.
It’s been noticed that Racist Chickens Come Home To Roost As Donald Trump Leads The GOP In New Poll, while even Obama White House Trashes Donald Trump And The Republican Party For Race Baiting. How bad did the criticism get for the Grand Old Party? So bad that RNC Chair Reince Priebus Called Trump, Reportedly Asked Him to ‘Soften His Tone,’ so naturally a Fox Host Lashes Out At RNC For Reportedly Scolding Trump. Yes, Fox’s Gretchen Carlson to RNC: Deal with Your Own Problems Before Scolding Trump, while Trump Disputes Reports GOP Told Him to ‘Tone It Down’ — Of Course.
For sheer lulz, there’s nothing funnier than After Lambasting “Sanctuary Cities,” Hannity Goes Quiet Upon Learning Giuliani Enforced Similar Policy As NYC Mayor.
Is Donald J. Trump the Manchurian Candidate, here to assassinate any semblance of an orderly election process? If so Fox “News” can proudly say, “We built that.”
The only thing Fox “News” likes better than kissing Trump’s assets is fear-mongering. It only took a couple of coincidental computer glitches and Fox’s Tantaros Baselessly Suggests NYSE Shutdown An ISIS ‘Trial Run.’ Then, less than 2 hours later, Wreched Gretched hosted a cyber-security expert who ratcheted up the fear factor when he said official White House denials of a cyber-attack should be ignored because they came too quickly to be credible. That’s when Shep Smith Schools Guest for Blaming Web Outages on Terrorism Without Evidence. Watch and read along:
“What we do as journalists is listen to the reporting of the agencies,” he said. “And everyone who knows anything about this has reported to us- in the same way that they always do- that these things are not connected, that there was a glitch on Wall Street, that United had a problem of its own, and that what we have here is a grouping of separate incidents that happened to come on the same day.
Shep also noted that “conspiracy theorists” were tying the outages to subway delays in New York City. “Put them together in a soup, does not a soup make. We cannot say any of these things are related, that some attack is underway because social media says that North Korea is claiming responsibility. That is not a source.”
“And right now what we need to not do is spread panic that is not realistic, that doesn’t have any place in today’s world,” Smith said. “We have a series of things that people can get all weird about on social media if they want to. But unless and until somebody in charge who has looked into things with a grain of sense and a bit of knowledge comes forth and says this is connected. unless and until that happens, we should probably stop it.”
“Because it’s not any good for anybody. It’s just seems crazy, Gretchen,” he said. “Don’t you agree?”
While, Gretched said she agreed, watch it again: she never pushed back at her guest, the so-called “expert,” and lapped up his fear-mongering.
Friday Fox Follies noticed something interesting in Megyn Kelly freaks out over NY affirmative consent law: What about men’s rights? In the middle of what is already an unhinged point of view, the “straight news anchor” felt the need to toss in a gratuitous attack on President Obama:
“It is important to improve the rights of women who are victims of sexual assault on college campuses,” she told colleague Brit Hume. “But we are going in a direction where we almost entirely eliminate the rights of men. And there’s a presumption now in these campuses, thanks to the Obama administration, of guilt. There’s a presumption of non-consent. And if you are a young man who gets accused, it’s your burden to go in there and prove consent, and we’re getting to the point where you have to have a contract. And if you don’t, you’re gonna be presumed a rapist.”
It just shows ta go ya how blaming President Obama is nothing but a knee jerk reaction at this point. Which is how a Fox & Friends Guest Blames Obama for Ariana Grande and Unpatriotic Millennials, and gets validated on the Curvy Couch:
For the past six or seven years — and that’s a good chunk of a millennials’ adult life – we’ve had a president who doesn’t believe in American exceptionalism and doesn’t speak up for the American values this country was built on. Can you blame millennials for their modicum of patriotism when for the majority of our adult lifetime, we have not witnessed anything to make us think differently?
It’s always Obama’s fault. Got that?
It took almost no time at all: After Marriage Equality, Fox News Pivots To “Religious Liberty” Horror Stories. Fox’s Advice To Gay Couple Refused A Wedding Cake: “Just Get A Carvel Cake,” because that’s what Brain Brian Kilmeade would do. Meanwhile, Fox News’ Favorite Sheriff Calls For Armed Insurrection Over Gay Marriage? because that’s exactly how the Founding Father’s anticipated settling matters between the 3 branches of government.
FOX QUACKERY: FFF would like nothing better than to get Dr. Keith Ablow on an analysts couch, even if it’s a curvy one, to find out why stupid crap dribbles out of his mouth. This week’s Ablow Job is legendary:
Fox News Doctor: Gender Equality
Means Men Can Now Hit Women
PASSAGES: Fox drops a new show into its weekend schedule. May it be as wildly successful as Greg Gutfeld’s comedy cavalcade:
Fox News delivers ‘Property Man’
FOX BYTES: On Fox & Friends: Unemployed Blacks Are Persecuting Paula Deen! • White Fox Guest Calls Black Lives Matter Movement ‘A Fraud’ • Fox Guest Calls Michael Brown ‘A Thug From Ferguson’ • Here’s How Fox News Politicized USA Women’s Soccer Win • Outnumbered Gals Stoke Outrage Over Seattle School Based Birth Control Program • Tucker Carlson Blames “Dishonest” Gay Marriage Advocates For Potential Polygamy Push • Fox News’ Special Report Demeans Transgender Teens As Impressionable Children With A Mental Disorder • Fox Defends Jeb Bush’s Call For Americans To “Work Longer Hours” With Faulty Data, Disproven Theories • Fox’s Bolling Admits Jeb Bush Got Facts Wrong When He Called For Americans To “Work Longer Hours” • Fox News Has Spent 5 Years Warning That The U.S. Could Become Greece • Fox’s Brit Hume Blames “The Deregulation Of Sex” For Campus Sexual Assaults • Fox & Friends Glosses Over FIFA’s Systemic Sexism In Attempt To Justify Gender Pay Disparity • Geraldo and Ann Coulter Rematch on Illegal Immigration Devolves into Shoutfest
Headly Westerfield is about to embark on the 3rd Annual Sunrise to Canton Road Trip for Research. Consequently, he’ll be filing the next several dispatches from deep in the heart of Fox “News” country.
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