Obama White House Trashes Donald Trump And The Republican Party For Race Baiting

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 06:07 pm


President Obama’s White House is calling out Republicans for race baiting and connecting the dots between the racist behavior of House Republicans, the Confederate flag, and Donald Trump.



White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest praised South Carolina Republicans for taking down the Confederate flag, and then lowered the boom on Trump and the GOP:

Republicans in Congress, however, seem to have values and priorities that lie elsewhere. Right now, the Interior appropriations bill in the House is jammed up because a sizable number of House Republicans are eager to protect the status of the Confederate flag on National Park Service grounds.

These are the same House Republicans who voted for a party leader who once described himself as, “David Duke without the baggage. These are the same Congressional Republicans who have declined to criticize the race baiting rhetoric of a leading Republican presidential candidate. That’s to say nothing of the Senate Republican, who saluted that candidate.

So when you hear me say that Congressional Republicans have an agenda that is out of step with the vast majority of Americans, this record, at least in part, is what I’m referring to.

For anybody who isn’t familiar with what he was talking about, Earnest connected today’s House Republican meltdown to the documented racism of the third-ranking Republican in the House, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), which he connected to the Republican refusal to criticize Donald Trump, which he connected to Sen. Ted Cruz’s praising of Trump’s racism.

Press Secretary Josh Earnest was speaking for President Obama. He connected the dots for the American people so that it was easy to see the link between this Confederate flag issue in the House and a pattern of racism in the Republican belief system.

Donald Trump and the House Republicans are both engaging in race baiting, and Obama’s White House called them both out on it. The Republican decision to oppose Obama by exploiting racial division was made before this president ever took office.

Nobody better understands what Republicans are up to than President Obama, and his White House has sternly called their politics of racial hate.

Jason Easley
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