A Jealous Sarah Palin Lashes Out at Barack Obama On Health Care

Palin Strikes Out Bitterly at Obama Only to Hit Herself

The half-term governor of Alaska who quit mid-term due to an inability to get her agenda passed and indeed, even her own Attorney General confirmed (a first in Alaska), strikes out at Obama, calling him “inexperienced” and unable to get a bi-partisan bill due to his “lack of management experience.” Sarah is concerned that Obama is in “over his head” on health care reform.

Oh, wow.

This from the woman who was forced to quit after tearing Alaska apart with her lies about her ethics violations, failed fiscal policies, numerous shady dealings, and an inability to even get her own Attorney General confirmed (a first in Alaskan history). A woman so cankerous, inexperienced, and unaware of the legislative process and law that she was charged with over 21 ethics violations during her self-aborted first term. A woman so divisive that her own party turned against her in Alaska, with previous top supporters calling her a “sociopath” “narcissist” and “snake in the grass”.

Yes, this from the woman whose own team members turned on her. One of them is writing a book right now. Her own campaign managers turned on her during her failed 2008 bid, publicly calling her a fabricator and suggesting in no uncertain terms that she has mental issues. A woman whose own campaign managers decided that if McCain won, they would have to force him to change the VP role so as not to inflict Palin on America because she was “dangerous”.

This woman is chastising her President on his inability to get bi-partisan legislation passed?  Does she realize that all of America, save for a few thousand desperate teabaggers,  can see through her venomous attacks of pure projection and jealousy?

In spite of Palin’s confidence to the contrary, Obama is going to get it passed because his own party supports him. And that party is the one the American people trust more than they trust Sarah’s party. That’s why the Democrats are the majority right now. See, this is how it works in Real America. People vote and then someone wins. And then the winner gets to pass their agenda if they’re good at their job and they’re not faced with a obstructionist party which puts power above country. Hmmmm….

And guess what? Obama’s people are not writing tell-all books about him, going on Primetime TV to warn Americans about mental instability, or charging him with ethics violations.

His own party didn’t have to hire a city manager because he was a failure at his job as mayor of a small town of 6000 people. Does that ring any bells, Palinistas? Obama’s wife isn’t cc’d on all of his executive emails because he is actually capable of making decisions without being managed by another person. And while I’m at it, this might be a good time to let Sarah in on the fact that the founding fathers did not write the pledge of allegiance, and they most certainly did not write the part about God. It was, in fact, written by a Christian socialist. You know, one of those people who believe in the teachings of Jesus, unlike Sarah and her cult of Dominionist, end-times seeking, science denying social-Darwinists. Such a Christian socialist would have been FOR this healthcare bill, not against it.

Sarah couldn’t even rally her own party behind her choices. And that’s truly the sign of a failed leader.

Furthermore, her party’s failure to come to the table with a solution to the healthcare crisis is no reflection upon the President or his promise to work with both sides of the aisle. Instead, it is a reflection of the Republican allegiance to the corporate insurance industry and nothing more. It is a reflection of their unwillingness to solve the largest fiscal crisis facing this country right now. And that’s something Sarah knows a lot about, having quit when the going got tough fiscally in Alaska.

Is Sarah really this blind to her own record and reality? How can she go on national TV and spew her Orwellian distortions without ever feeling a twinge of guilt? Exactly what makes up this “person” we call Sarah Palin? What does she stand for, other than self-promotion, greed, lies, and bitterness?

See, Obama is a constitutional lawyer, a community organizer, and indeed, Sarah’s President. Which is sort of like being a failed mayor and a half-term governor besmirched by guilty charges on ethics violations, only with real knowledge about the law and an ability to lead.

Watch out, Sarah, because your bitterness and your jealousy of President Obama is clouding what little patriotism you ever possessed.

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Sarah Jones

Listen to Sarah on the PoliticusUSA Pod on The Daily newsletter podcast here. Sarah has been credentialed to cover President Barack Obama, then VP Joe Biden, 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and exclusively interviewed Speaker Nancy Pelosi multiple times and exclusively covered her first home appearance after the first impeachment of then President Donald Trump. Sarah is two-time Telly award winning video producer and a member of the Society of Professional Journalists. Connect with Sarah on Post,  Mastodon @PoliticusSarah@Journa.Host, & Twitter.

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