Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Says Trump’s Indictment is ‘Injust’ and is Making People ‘Afraid of Their Thoughts’

Sarah Palin Says Trump’s Indictment is ‘Injust’ and is Making People ‘Afraid of Their Thoughts’

Former Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin is very concerned that Donald Trump's indictment is "injust" and like Orwell's 1984…

1 year ago

The Fatal Flaw of Thinking Donald Trump and Sarah Palin Are Stupid

Neither Donald Trump nor Sarah Palin, nor for that matter Marjorie Taylor Greene or Lauren Boebert, want elected positions so…

2 years ago

Alaska Goes Blue As Democrat Mary Peltola Defeats Sarah Palin

In the final round of ranked-choice voting, Democrat Mary Peltola defeated Sarah Palin to win the Alaska House special election.

2 years ago

John Oliver Rips The Mask Off Of Sarah Palin Grifting House Run

On Last Week Tonight, John Oliver said that Sarah Palin is a grifter who doesn't belong in Congress.

2 years ago

Sarah Palin Raves About Trump’s Testicles During Toxic Self-Pity Rally Rant

Sarah Palin uncorked a classic rant that was loaded with self-pity and topped with praise for Trump's nearly 80-year-old testicles.

3 years ago

Sarah Palin’s House Campaign Is A Disaster As She Leads Santa Claus By Just 13 Points

A new poll of the first round of voting in the Alaska House special election was released and it showed…

3 years ago

Steve Schmidt’s ‘Warning’ Is A Kill Shot To The McCain Mythology

The Big Secret revealed in Schmidt's "The Warning" newsletter is that John McCain was a hero, but also a coward.…

3 years ago

Sarah Palin Joins Insane 51 Candidate Alaska House Primary

Sarah Palin filed to run in an Alaska House primary to fill the seat of the late Rep. Don Young…

3 years ago

Anti-Vaxxer Sarah Palin Tests Positive for COVID-19 Again

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R) has tested positive for COVID-19 again, this time ahead of her defamation trial against…

3 years ago

Major Trump Supporter Sarah Palin is Encouraging Mask Use After Catching COVID-19

For the last year, Donald Trump has minimized the risk of contracting COVID-19. The former president even fell ill with…

4 years ago

Piers Morgan Pushes Back Against Sarah Palin For Her Falsehoods About The Election

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin refused to walk back her falsehoods about the 2020 general election during an interview with…

4 years ago

Trump Attacks the Late John McCain But Claims His Campaign Was Sabotaged

Donald Trump lashed out at the late John McCain on Thursday while also agreeing with the false suggestion that his…

4 years ago

Sarah Palin Claims Media Dislikes Conservatives, Has Double Standard Regarding Kamala Harris

Speaking to Fox News host Jesse Watters, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R) claimed the media dislikes conservatives voices and…

4 years ago

Opinion: Let Republicans Help Defeat Trump, but Don’t Be Fooled

The Lincoln Project republicans came out in full force last December, declaring in a New York Times op-ed their mission…

5 years ago

A New Report Proves Republican Governed Red States Are Economic Parasites

A new report reveals that those same red state Republican voters who want the federal government cut to shreds are…

10 years ago

The Support of Sarah Palin and the Koch Brothers Backfires and Brings Down Joni Ernst

By more than 2-1, the Koch Brothers affiliation hurts Joni Ernst with voters in Iowa. They are equally unimpressed by…

10 years ago

Republican Hypocrites Can’t Hide From the Hypocrisy Behind Their Duck Dynasty Outrage

For Americans with half-a-brain, the conservative hypocrisy is as glaring as the subjects conservatives are certain their older, whiter, and…

11 years ago

Tea Partiers Are Desperately Trying to Get Sarah Palin to Run for Senate

Showing a level of cluelessness that is surprising even for them, a Tea Party PAC is trying to recruit Sarah…

12 years ago

Jealous ‘Assclown’ Sarah Palin Attacks the Correspondents Dinner Charity Event

The queen of bitter jealousy had reared her ugly head as Sarah Palin attacked the White House Correspondents Dinner, despite…

12 years ago

An Old Foe Is Returning in 2014, and He Could Defeat Nikki Haley

In all likelihood the 2014 South Carolina Governor's race is going to be a replay of the 2010 race, not…

12 years ago

Newsflash: Sarah Palin Comes Out Against Education

Sarah Palin thinks that Melissa Harris-Perry's ad calling for an investment in public education is evidence that MSNBC thinks your…

12 years ago

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Sarah Palin, the GOP’s New, Kinda New and Old Voices

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Sarah Palin seem to have captured the spirit of the current crop of Republicans; still…

12 years ago

While Railing Against Consultants, Sarah Palin Spent Millions on Republican Consultants

In her latest SarahPAC video, Sarah Palin urges her supporters to give her money to fight back against GOP consultants,…

12 years ago

Reeking of Obama Hate and Desperation, Sarah Palin Was the Joke at CPAC

At CPAC, Sarah Palin stepped straight out of 2008 and offered America the same desperate, cartoonish, Obama hate that has…

12 years ago

Sarah Palin’s Cash Grab War on Christmas Book Doesn’t Mean She’s Back

Sarah Palin's upcoming book complaining about the commercialism of Christmas doesn't mean she's back. Palin is just doing a drive-by…

12 years ago

The Bill to Fund the Government Is the Latest Bit of Stand-up Comedy From House Republicans

The primary purpose of House Bill 933 is to perpetuate the bloat of the defense budget and decimate domestic programs.

12 years ago

Rush Limbaugh Insanely Claims Sarah Palin Wasn’t Wrong About Anything

Rush Limbaugh went way, way, way off the deep end today by claiming that Sarah Palin wasn't ever wrong about…

12 years ago

Calling all Right Wing ‘Patriots’ Please Identify All the Freedoms You’ve Lost

Right wing "patriots" are constantly complaining of losing their freedoms and liberty. I would ask what these freedoms and liberties…

12 years ago

The Role of Sarah Palin Will Now Be Played By Herman Cain On Fox News

Death panels have been replaced by 9-9-9 as Herman Cain will be taking over Sarah Palin's role as the voice…

12 years ago

Like Most Cockroaches, Ted Nugent is Still Here

Ted Nugent said that if Barack Obama was re-elected and Mitt Romney did not prevail, then he would either be…

12 years ago

Sarah Palin Hits Rock Bottom, Would Lose Alaska to Her ‘Rival’ Hillary Clinton

A new poll by Public Policy Polling (PPP) shows that not only are Alaskans done with Palin, but Clinton could…

12 years ago

The Firing of Sarah Palin Signals the Ultimate Failure of Fox News to Defeat Obama

Many in the media are calling the firing of Sarah Palin the end of an era, but what it truly…

12 years ago

The Conservative Obsession with Liberal Media Bias is Right Wing Propaganda

The "Liberal Media", is a tiresome and wholly inaccurate screed that is the centerpiece of right-wing propaganda.

12 years ago

After She Was Fired Sarah Palin Hilariously Tried to Out Fox Fox News

Ego met ineptitude as Sarah Palin hilariously thought that she could out fox Fox News, and manage the spin behind…

12 years ago

A Bridge (To Nowhere) Burned: Fox News Dumps Sarah Palin

I bring you sad news from the tundra, patriots. Sarah Palin will no longer be offering her "analysis" on Fox…

12 years ago

The Right Calls Obama a Dictator, but Sarah Palin Disarmed the Alaska Civil Militia

The same people who love Sarah Palin call Obama a dictator. But in 2008, then Gov. Palin stripped the militia…

12 years ago

Opposition to Chuck Hagel is a No-Win Scenario for the GOP

There is no conceivable outcome in which GOP opposition to Chuck Hagel ends happily for Republicans

12 years ago

Conservatives Want to Fire John Boehner and Replace Him With Sarah Palin

A number of conservatives are so outraged with John Boehner over the fiscal cliff deal are seriously pushing to fire…

12 years ago

Sarah Palin’s Stalkerish Obama Obsession Gets Even Weirder and More Bizarre

President Obama's celeb D-List stalker, Sarah Palin appeared on Fox News and gave a performance that was so weird it…

12 years ago

Hardcore Conservative Saxby Chambliss Repudiates Norquist Tax Pledge

Cracks begin to appear in the no new taxes wall as Saxby Chambliss signals a willingness to rethink the question…

12 years ago

The Mystery that is Hillary Clinton: To be, or not to be a 2016 Candidate

There are 2 prominent women who could assume their party's mantle as Presidential candidates in 2016. They are Condoleezza Rice…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney Says Obama Has Given Up but is Romney even Trying?

Mitt Romney wants to convince Ameicans that Obama has quit on them, perhaps to cover up the fact that he…

12 years ago

Sarah Palin Claims Innocence of Muslims Video Doesn’t Really Exist

In a desperate attempt to blame President Obama for the violence in the Middle East, Sarah Palin claimed that the…

12 years ago

Fake Jew Says Obama Victory Would be God’s Judgment on America

The fundamentalists got themselves covered now, so don't even try to argue: if Obama wins, it's God's will. If Romney…

12 years ago

The Recipe for a Republican Politician

The unsavory ingredients that go into making a Republican politician create a perfect storm for America and the world in…

12 years ago

Republican Convention Bombs As Viewership Drops by 17 Million

The GOP's Mitt makeover isn't going over well with American television viewers. Compared to night two of the 2008 Republican…

12 years ago

Fox News Dumps Sarah Palin and Cancels All of Her Interviews

Sarah Palin has taken to Facebook to complain that Fox News has canceled all of her scheduled interviews during their…

12 years ago

Why Won’t Sarah Palin Admit Her Body Has Magic Powers

Bryan Fischer is upset that his word isn't good enough; that his Christian male voice does not invalidate a woman's…

12 years ago

The Obama Campaign Declares Sarah Palin Mentally Incompetent

Obama campaign spokesperson Stephanie Cutter defended Vice President Biden from Republican attacks about his competency by calling Sarah Palin mentally…

12 years ago

Christian End-Time Fantasies Endanger Us All

Christian end time fantasies are not limited to the world of fiction; these people get elected to office and influence,…

12 years ago

Romney’s Ryan Pick is 20% Less Popular than Sarah Palin

Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan is 19 points less popular than John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin in 2008,…

12 years ago

Sarah Palin’s Bitter Parting Salvo Mentions Obama 26 Times, Ryan 3 Times

In a note meant to congratulate Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin only mentions them three times while focusing…

12 years ago

Dogma and Expediency War for Conservative Christian Hearts and Minds

For years we've been told Obama's Christianity matters but where Romney's Mormonism comes in, will expediency win out over dogma…

12 years ago

Sarah Palin Calls Obama Nauseating, America Replies the Feeling’s Mutual

Sarah Palin surfaced on Sean Hannity's show tonight to call President Obama a nauseating liar. One look at Palin's poll…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney Replaces Sarah Palin as America’s Most Hated Politician

A new Pew survey has found that Mitt Romney is so unpopular that he has now replaced Sarah Palin as…

12 years ago

A Terrified Fox News Trots Out Sarah Palin to Attack Elizabeth Warren

Fox News is feeling so threatened by Elizabeth Warren that they called on Sarah Palin to attack the Massachusetts Senate…

12 years ago

Sarah Palin Dooms Chick-fil-A with a Constitutional Lecture on Gay Hating Chicken

Sarah Palin has decided to give America a lesson on the constitution, and how gay hating chicken fits into the…

12 years ago

Cheney Reminds Voters Why Romney is Another Palin by Calling Palin a Mistake

Cheney based his assessment of Palin not being ready based on her short time as Governor, ignoring that Romney basically…

12 years ago

Fox News Pressures Romney to Let Human Disaster Sarah Palin Ruin his Convention

Fox News began their arm twisting to get Sarah Palin a speaking slot at the Republican Convention with Bill O'Reilly…

13 years ago

Fear Factor: The Conservative Christian Crusade Against Mormonism

When one scary religion tries to make another sound scary, it's time to step back and take stock of the…

13 years ago

Pathetic Sarah Palin is Reduced to Tossing Playground Insults at Nancy Pelosi

Can't you just feel the joy it must give Sarah Palin to reach into the bag where she keeps all…

13 years ago

Lifetime Buries Its Bristol Palin Bomb Out Back and Hopes We Don’t Notice

Lifetime has quietly announced that after getting a taste of how much America can't stand the Palins, they taking the…

13 years ago

From Blaming God to Epilepsy: the Right Wing’s Obamacare Armageddon Meltdown

The Right is in total meltdown mode; from claiming that Justice Roberts is suffering from "cognitive dissociation" to blaming God…

13 years ago

Sarah Palin Crawls Out from Under Her Rock to Spread More ACA Manure

From the annals of deep conservative thought we got this "insight" from Sarah Palin's Twitter feed: "Obama lied to the…

13 years ago

One Bad Tripp: A Live Review of Bristol Palin’s Crime Against America

After America got their weekly dose of child abuse disguised as artistic pursuit on Dance Moms, they were force fed…

13 years ago

Scott Walker Hopes Sucking Koch Will Save Him From Recall Doom

Scott Walker is outspending his opponent, Tom Barrett 10-1. The big boys have made their position clear in the recall…

13 years ago

America’s Choice: Why Obama in 2012?

There are many reasons to vote for Barack Obama in 2012, and very few to vote against him, given the…

13 years ago

Women Are the Key to Restoring Our Political Sanity

The U.S. government has been gridlocked since the Republicans captured the House. Only women voters can change that dynamic; men…

13 years ago

Satan Ate My Government! The Fundamentalist Addiction to Satan

You get the idea that if we banned the word Satan we'd all be a lot happier but that fundamentalists…

13 years ago

GOP Women Still Embracing Mama Grizzly Chic

I am afraid, Mama Grizzly Chic is still the rage in the GOP's harem culture, where conservative women are real…

13 years ago

Stone Coal Liar: Sarah Palin Claims Obama is Bankrupting the Coal Industry

Sarah Palin continued her Fox News walk of shame out of big energy's dorm room today defying all logic and…

13 years ago

Sarah Palin Mounts Her Stripper Pole and Shakes It for Big Oil

Like any desperate has been who is seeing it all fade away, Sarah Palin hit a new low by shaking…

13 years ago

Jon Stewart Sharpens the Knives and Takes Down Sarah Palin

Jon Stewart didn't just joke about Sarah Palin on the Today show, he took out the knives and cut through…

13 years ago

Mean Girl Down: Sarah Palin’s Pathetic Plummet to Today Irrelevance

Sarah Palin's stint as Mean Girl getting petty revenge on Katie Couric on Today demonstrates just one more reason why…

13 years ago

Sarah Palin Attacks and Demeans The Disabled By Calling Them Defenseless

While taking part in Sean Hannity's show on left wing hate language, Sarah Palin demeaned disabled Americans by referring to…

13 years ago

Rick Santorum Pushes the ‘Right’ Race and Religion Buttons to Capture the Deep South

Rick Santorum won in Alabama and Mississippi because Evangelical right-wingers constituted the overwhelming majority of Tuesday's Deep South voters. And…

13 years ago

Sarah Palin Freaks After Obama Uses Her Racism to Attack the GOP

Sarah Palin had a Facebook meltdown last night because President Obama dared to use her own words in context in…

13 years ago

Game Over: The Cynical and Dangerous State of the Republican Party

If you haven’t seen 'Game Change' yet, it’s a must see movie, and not because it’s about Sarah Palin, but…

13 years ago

Sarah Palin Unveils 2012 Strategy: Insane Racism Redux

Sarah Palin was on Fox News' Hannity last night lecturing Obama on how he needs to stop trying to take…

13 years ago

Sarah Palin Throws Brokered Convention Threat at Mitt Romney

Oh boy. Sarah Palin is at it again.  Yes, she’s flirting with the disaffected Tea Party base and brokered conventions…

13 years ago

Don’t Be Surprised If You Get Shot This Year

As state and national elected officials battle for the most egregiously NRA-friendly legislation possible, bizarre shooting incidents are popping up…

13 years ago

Sarah Palin Opens The Door To Being The GOP’s 2012 Savior

Sarah Palin heads to CPAC and plays more cat and mouse with conservative. What did Sarah Palin mean when she…

13 years ago

The Tea Party Demands That Public Education Not Be Equal For All

Tea party leaders have shown their un-American roots by demanding that education be returned to an era when it was…

13 years ago

The Problem with Republican Voters

The problem with Republican voters is that they are ill-informed. Worse, this ignorance seems to be a self-imposed state since…

13 years ago

The Nevada Caucuses: Let The Horse-Trading Begin

When the horse trading starts, things could get squirrelly and unpredictable during the GOP's Nevada caucuses.

13 years ago

Sarah Palin Finally Fulfills Her Godly Purpose Of Destroying The GOP

You thought Sarah Palin was a non-entity, didn’t ya’? Guess again, liberal elite suckers! Yes, but this time she's working'…

13 years ago

Why Winning a Caucus in Iowa is a Loss Nationally

With the Iowa Caucus upon us we can see that the GOP has become trapped by its own extreme narrative,…

13 years ago

TLC’s Sarah Palin’s Alaska Jumps the Shark by Attacking Critical Blogger

TLC’s "Sarah Palin’s Alaska" website has a Broadsheet section written by David Murray. Last night, Mr Murray attacked a Texan…

14 years ago

Federal Court Says Murkowski In, Miller Out

Miller lost his federal case - the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals threw out his lawsuit on Tuesday, just…

14 years ago

Republican Support for Sarah Palin Plunging in Polls

After a rough two years of Palinitis stained by winning Politifacts' Lie of Year award among other ignoble distinctions, it…

14 years ago

Joe Miller Says He’ll Hold His Breath Until They Let Him Win

Joe Miller will not try to perform a citizens arrest on Lisa Murkowski but he will take her to federal…

14 years ago

Busted! Sarah Palin Exposed as a Teleprompter Using Fraud

Sometimes our life experiences come in handy. This is one of those times. Who can forget Ms Palin’s endless mocking…

14 years ago

Do You Love Your Freedoms? Sarah Palin Has Citizen Kicked Out for T-Shirt

Sarah Palin had a woman escorted out of her book signing today in Alaska. The woman's crime was the t-shirt…

14 years ago

Why Sarah Palin Isn’t Abraham Lincoln

Comparisons of Sarah Palin to Abraham Lincoln are absurd. It takes more than stacking wood as a child to make…

14 years ago

On GMA, Sarah Palin Hints at Her Plan to Transform America

During Ms Palin's interview with GMA co-anchor Robin Roberts, Ms Palin responded to criticisms regarding her rather dismal current poll…

14 years ago

The 2010 Beck Apocalypse: A Year of Lies in Review

Glenn Beck has taken everything conservatives have done and want to do and leveled them as accusations at the left.…

14 years ago

Big Pimpin’ and Media Whorin’ Around With Sarah Palin

On the surface, the purpose of Sarah Palin’s visit to Haiti appeared to be to draw attention to the plight…

14 years ago

The Right’s False Patriotism: American ≠ Israeli

Why did Sarah Palin keep an Israeli flag in her office in Juneau? She needed an American flag and an…

14 years ago