Rush Limbaugh insists that Democrats "are trying to bust up one of the last geographic conservative regions in the country."
Curtis Ellis says the ladies - "often the keeper of the family budget" - dig Trump's "economic nationalism message."
Farah says Cruz is the 'real deal,' a new Reagan when all Democrats Sanders and Clinton offer us is the…
White supremacists, convinced they are somehow an oppressed group, think Donald Trump will lead them to a mysterious promised land
David Barton got his book of lies about Jefferson back into print again, thanks to the liars at World Net…
The Benham brothers don't experience reality like the rest of us, so their explanation of why we liberals hate Christmas…
Now that the Department of Justice has created a new position to combat domestic terrorism, conservatives, as predicted, are hopping…
Republicans have sold their souls, assuming they have any, to white nationalists who believe mixing races is rebellion against God
I'm not seeing anything remotely relevant or meaningful coming out of right wing circles any time soon, until they work…
Context is everything, and in willfully misrepresenting the past, Republicans create a false premise upon which to build their plans…
A Maryland school board removed all religious holidays from its calendar, angering Norris - would adding Muslim holidays have made…
Joseph Farah wishes to point out that useful as Fox News is, it isn't WND, the home of wingnut excess.
Benghazi was bigger than Watergate (and apparently, 9/11 as well) but "Seal Team 6-Gate" is bigger even than Benghazi! (and…
The truth behind the calls for impeachment is that Republicans won't be happy until President Barack Obama is reduced to…
Reality is the ultimate enemy of Republican ideology, so Tom Tancredo picks up his vorpal blade and shows himself asylum-ready
Matt Barber calls quotes anti-Constitutionalist Patrick Henry to defend the Constitution and to portray Obama as the anti-Constitutionalist
WND says those nasty Palestinians are re-writing the Passover story. The problem is that the Qur'an says that Moses led…
Not many people have noticed, but something very interesting has happened within the right wing of American politics. It seems…
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