Tagged what do Republicans stand for

Carly Fiorina Mama Grizzly with "Executive Experience"

Palin’s Mama Grizzly With a Skeleton in Her Closet

Running for US Senate in California, Republican Carly Fiorina has been touting her “executive” experience (thank you Sarah Palin) as CEO of Hewlett-Packard. Her campaign bio makes her sound like she whipped that place into shape, managed a mega-merger with Compaq and helmed the “reinvention” of the company. But wait—behind the business leader façade of this Mama Grizzly pick we find some rather unpleasant facts. Carly was fired from Hewlett-Packard. How does that fit into “executive experience”? Couple that with the fact Hewlett-Packard is giving substantially more money to Carly Fiornia’s opponent, liberal Democrat Barbara Boxer, and you have to wonder if the Republicans vetted their picks this year.

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