War with Iran

The House To Act To Block Funding For War With Iran

The House To Act To Block Funding For War With Iran

Rep. Ro Khanna said that he expects the House to act on his legislation to block any funding for a…

5 years ago

Democrats Move To Take Away Trump’s Power To Start A War With Iran

Led by Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) a group of Senators is pushing to add an amendment to the NDAA that…

5 years ago

Boehner Says Obama’s Unwillingness to Attack Iran Shows a Lack of Commitment to Democracy

There is no low Republicans will not sink to when they are deprived of the opportunity to launch another baseless…

9 years ago

Obama’s Diplomacy Wins As Iran Keeps Up Their Part of Nuclear Deal

President Obama has sought a diplomatic solution to Iran's nuclear threat, and yesterday, diplomacy won a small victory as Iran…

11 years ago

Senate Hypocrites Ignore Our Needs at Home But Help Israel Push For War With Iran

Republicans can hardly be bothered to do much in the way of meaningful legislation, and yet they find time to…

11 years ago

Romney’s War With Iran Rhetoric Jeopardizes Both Israel and the United States

Regardless of his motives, Mitt Romney is not looking out for America's best interests and by extension, jeopardizes Israel's security…

13 years ago

When It Comes to War Mitt Romney is George W. Bush With Magic Underwear

If Willard Romney controls the world's most powerful military will repeat the Iraq and Afghanistan disasters because he is, after…

13 years ago

GOP Dishonors Veterans’ Sacrifice with Benefit Cuts and Privatized Healthcare Schemes

America promised its veterans to provide health care after their sacrifice and service, and the GOP dishonors them by cutting…

13 years ago

Senate Republicans Reject Peace and Push for War With Iran

Senate Republicans have diminished the chances of a peaceful resolution to the Iran nuclear situation, and one cannot help but…

13 years ago

From Draft Dodging to War Mongering Mitt Romney is George W. Bush

If Romney were not a coward, he would campaign as Bush incarnate and promise voters to exceed Bush's malfeasance and…

13 years ago

No Coincidence: Republicans Pushing For War With Iran Are Big Oil’s Best Friends

It is no coincidence that the Republicans pushing for war with Iran are also the same folks who do the…

13 years ago

Deadbeat War Hawks Want more Blood and Pillage in Iran

The American military industrial complex is gearing up our army to butcher through the Iranian people, and the bill will…

13 years ago

Draft Dodger Romney Misfires On Obama Jab And Insults U.S. Veterans

While attempting to criticize Obama's commitment to the military, Mitt Romney managed to insult every veteran who has bravely served.

13 years ago

Without Saying His Name The 2012 GOP Field Promises A Return To Bush

Each of the 2012 GOP presidential hopefuls has, at some point, promised to return to Bush-era policies.

13 years ago

Republicans Turn Their Attention Back To Inciting War With Iran

Republicans have begun pushing for a war with Iran, and are using Israel’s defense and Iran’s nuclear program as a…

14 years ago