At Values Voter Summit Donald Trump Promotes An America Where We Live ‘Under One God’
“Imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people, under one God, saluting one flag.”
“Imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people, under one God, saluting one flag.”
Not only does Trump make money off countries with anti-gay laws, but the guy he picked as his VP is the architect of Indiana’s anti-gay RFRA
Obviously, Carson himself does not subjugate his religious beliefs to the Constitution. No Republican candidate is willing to do that
Donald Trump told the crowd what a great Christian he is, right before he earned boos by attacking Marco Rubio in a very un-Christian way
Donald Trump may have divorced himself from Fox News, but he’s throwing himself into Evangelical arms this weekend by speaking at the so-called Values Voter Summit. This is the yearly conference hosted by Tony Perkins’ Family Research Council, where Republican candidates can pretend they’re in Iowa and, as Right Wing Watch’s Brian Tashman puts it,…
Republicans are big on dog whistle politics, particularly going into a midterm election where they have no apparent agenda to run on, and as is usually the case with Republicans, they are appealing to a dependable voting bloc that are rabid over socially conservative (read religious) issues.
The health law is cover for the real enemy that Republicans will go to any lengths to defeat; President Barack Obama.
Ted Cruz was the winner of the yearly “theogasm,” being nominated the man best equipped to destroy America’s experiment in democracy
Trending at the Values Voters Summit: when “a president praises a promiscuous co-ed,” it is “the definition of civilization decline”