up with chris hayes

NRA Fueled Loonies Are Now Threatening Democratic Members of Congress

NRA Fueled Loonies Are Now Threatening Democratic Members of Congress

Rep. Richard Nolan is the first Democratic to go the record describing the thinly veiled threats that he is getting…

12 years ago

Romney Campaign Admits Their Tax Plan Redistributes Wealth to the Rich

The most inept and incoherent presidential campaign in history continues to shoot itself in the foot as Romney economic adviser…

12 years ago

Anti Tax? The GOP Tax Plan Clobbers the Middle Class and Poor

Republicans keep claiming the mantle of being anti-tax, but in fact, they are the party of anti-taxes for the rich,…

13 years ago

Watch Romney’s Magic Finger as He Endorses Obama’s Jobs Record

Watch as Mitt Romney not only endorses Barack Obama's job record, but walks voters through the president's jobs turnaround.

13 years ago