Trump Says He Prefers a ‘Good Shutdown’ to Making a Deal With Dems to Fund Government
Frustrated with having to “do a deal” to fund the government Trump whined, “Our country needs a good ‘shutdown’ in September to fix mess!”
Frustrated with having to “do a deal” to fund the government Trump whined, “Our country needs a good ‘shutdown’ in September to fix mess!”
PFAW assert that “the burden was on Senator Sessions today to show that he’s fit to serve as attorney general. He failed miserably.”
Rather than “big things” we have been treated to a clinic on entropy; a lot of “big words” rather than “big things,” and very little action
Cummings has not announced his candidacy, but a WA Post shows that he would lead a three-way primary race by double digits.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is demanding Social Security and Medicare cuts in exchange for his vote to raise the debt ceiling.
Since Boehner’s surprise resignation announcement, calls for removing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have intensified.
GOP Congressman Matt Salmon texted Utah Senator Mike Lee a message that said: “Next guy in the crosshairs is probably gonna be McConnell.”
Strategists fear Trump could badly lose a general election campaign, dragging a lot of Republican Senate candidates down with him.
In Wisconsin, the situation has gotten so bad for the Republicans that they actually consider being down by 8 points “good news.”
A local newspaper lashed out at Kirk’s extreme rhetoric on the Iran deal, calling him the love child of Michele Bachmann and Ted Cruz.
Jim Bob Duggar said incest deserved execution. That sounds great — but he said it while he was shielding his own son from any legal consequences for molesting his own sisters.
Just over six months after winning back the Senate, Mitch McConnell’s GOP majority is proving to be more dysfunctional than ever.
Republicans are making much of their “balanced” budget but this “work harder for less” budget is not really balanced at all
Boehner’s reaction to Senate dysfunction is to claim a change of leadership in the Senate has given us a Senate that is actually working.
The U.S. government should only award federal contracts to companies that pay American workers a living wage.
Before a packed room in a Manhattan Barnes & Noble bookstore, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren (D) refused to back off her criticism of Wall Street, after some of the big banks hinted that they could withhold campaign funds from Senate Democrats.
In a rare moment of bipartisan cooperation, the US House overwhelmingly passed a Medicare payment overhaul bill on Thursday.
Murphy’s candidacy gives the Democrats strong odds of winning the Senate seat held by Republican Senator Marco Rubio.
During Monday’s broadcast of Morning Joe, co-host Joe Scarborough finally relented and said that the “one-two punch” of House Republicans inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak and the sending of a letter to Iran by 47 GOP Senators was a step too far for the party.
The board for the Oklahoma University chapter of SAE voted on Thursday to hire Attorney Stephen Jones to represent them.
Early polling suggests that if Democrat Russ Feingold decides to mount a comeback Senate bid, Wisconsin will back him all the way.
Inviting hate group leader Tony Perkins to speak about religious freedom is just more evidence of the GOP’s farcical approach to governance
47 GOP Senators signed a letter to Iran, warning them that Republicans were prepared to undermine any nuclear agreement reached with the US.
Former Congressional Representative Joe Walsh (R) says he is “very seriously considering challenging” Illinois Senator Mark Kirk (R).
Rand Paul says he wants Congress to read bills before they vote, relying on them to tell us truthfully if they actually read them.
West Virginia Delegate Brian Kurcaba says rape is awful, but remarks that it can create a beautiful child.
Boehner twisted history to claim that “the American people can’t afford a repeat of the same old top-down policies of the past”
The only thing keeping Republicans in power right now is money, and they’ll tell any lies to hold onto that money.
Gavin Newsom has decided not to run for Senate in 2016 making attorney general Kamala Harris the presumptive front-runner if she runs.
Now that Republicans will have control of both houses of Congress, they will start, immediately, passing legislation to revert back to Bush-era economics and undo the economic progress of the past six years.
Midterm election results in Georgia show progressive trends and point to battleground potential for the 2016 presidential race.
One election where a Democratic seat was flipped red was Montana’s District 32 State House race. The Republican, Gilbert Bruce Meyers, was convicted of assault on a minor and sentenced to four years in prison.
Incumbent Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen held on and defeated Republican Scott Brown in New Hampshire’s US Senate race on Tuesday evening.
In a Quinnipiac poll last week, the firm showed Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) ahead of the incumbent Democrat Mark Udall by seven points, 46% to 39%. However, Monday’s results showed the race a lot tighter, with Gardner’s lead shrinking to two points, 45% to 43%.
What the future holds for voting in North Carolina is unknown. What is known is that the damaging and chilling effects of this law will be felt for decades, even if the law is overturned this summer.
In a poll released Wednesday by the Garin-Hart-Yang Research Group, Rep, Bruce Braley (D-IA) holds a commanding lead with early voters in Iowa’s open US Senate race compared to his Republican opponent, Joni Ernst.
During Monday morning’s broadcast of Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough took Joni Ernst to task for canceling meetings with the editorial boards of Iowa newspapers and local news stations.
There are two issues guaranteed to get the wing-nuts to the polls even if they have to crawl on their bellies over barbed wire in a typhoon. The first is anything to do with not being able to let their kids under ten play with howitzers; the second voting magnet is anything to do with the possibility that Bob and Bruce might marry.
New Jersey Republican Jeff Bell, who is running against incumbent Democrat Cory Booker in New Jersey’s US Senate race, told a New Jersey newspaper Thursday that he is behind Booker because single women are “wed” to the Democratic Party due to their reliance on government benefits.
Republican Senate Candidate Joni Ernst could be in some hot water over county public contracts awarded to her father’s company when she served as the county’s auditor. Ernst is running against Democrat Bruce Braley for Iowa’s open US Senate seat.
In a meeting with reporters on Monday, Republican Senate candidate David Perdue claimed that he is “proud of” his career in outsourcing jobs and blamed Washington policies for his own business decisions.
A Kansas district court ruled on Wednesday that the Democratic Party does not need to name a Senate candidate to take on incumbent Republican Senator Pat Roberts. This decision opens the door for independent candidate Greg Orman to face Roberts in a head-to-head battle.
On Monday, the Washington Post published an article from their resident fact checker Glenn Kessler that highlighted an awful campaign ad from Georgia Republican David Perdue. Kessler ‘awarded’ the ad Four Pinocchios, meaning it is a complete and total lie.
David Perdue, the Republican candidate for Georgia’s open US Senate seat, released another ad on Wednesday doubling-down on his debunked claim that Democratic opponent Michelle Nunn funneled money to terrorist organizations through the Points of Light Foundation.
All the talk of a Republican takeover of the US Senate after this year’s midterms may have been a bit premature as a new poll in Georgia shows that Democratic candidate Michelle Nunn holds a three-point lead over Republican nominee David Perdue for Georgia’s open Senate seat.
The Heritage Foundation is located right in the middle of the DC power corridor and well it should be, as arguably the most powerful right-wing think tank of them all.
A poll released by the Detroit News on Tuesday gave Republicans some bad news regarding their efforts to overtake the Senate from Democrats in November. Rep. Gary Peters (D-MI) currently holds a ten-point lead over Republican Terri Lynn Land, 47% to 37%, in Michigan’s open US Senate race.
In an article published Tuesday in the E&E Daily, a Beltway publication devoted to environmental and energy issues, Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) stated that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid “runs the Senate like a plantation.”
On Wednesday, President Obama met with Republican Texas Governor Rick Perry, along with other political and religious leaders in Texas, to discuss the ongoing crisis concerning migrant children from Central America being detained at the border. Perry then ran to Fox News.
During Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s The Ed Show, Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) discussed the recent protests in Murrieta, CA surrounding the transport of undocumented immigrants to a processing center in the city.
Mark Mayfield, one of the leaders of the Central Mississippi Tea Party and a key supporter of Mississippi State Senator Chris McDaniel during his recent US Senate campaign, was found dead Friday of a gunshot wound.
Two days after losing in Mississippi’s US Senate Republican primary runoff election, State Senator Chris McDaniel is still refusing to concede to the winner, incumbent Senator Thad Cochran.
West Virginia Senate candidate Natalie Tennant plans to campaign with Elizabeth Warren in July.
In a story posted by Daniel Strauss of Talking Points Memo on Tuesday, Thom Tillis, North Carolina’s State House Speaker and Republican nominee for US Senate, did an interview in 2012 where he suggested that Hispanics and blacks are not ‘traditional’ Americans.
A poll released by Public Policy Polling on Thursday shows that Democrats are way ahead of their Republican opponents in Oregon’s major races this year
Kesha Rogers, a LaRouche supporter who equates Obama to Hitler and calls for his impeachment, is leading the Dem Senate primary in TX.
This week, Bevin decided to release an attack ad against McConnell regarding his vote on the debt ceiling increase that took place earlier this month.
An open carry bill that would have allowed citizens to openly carry firearms in public without a permit, was resoundingly rejected in SC.
On Tuesday night’s episode of CNN’s Crossfire, Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) stated that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is wrong in threatening to filibuster the clean debt ceiling bill that passed in the House on Tuesday.
Senator Pat Roberts is not a current resident of Kansas. This issue has opened the window for the Kansas Tea Party to primary him in the fall.
OK Senate candidate Jim Bridenstine (R) responded to a woman who advocated executing the President by pouring gasoline on her paranoid rage.
A newly released Public Policy Polling (PPP) survey from Alaska reveals how badly tarnished the GOP brand is even in the Last Frontier State. Mark Begich, the Incumbent Democratic Senator, leads all Republican opponents in the poll. Alaska voters are not thrilled with Mark Begich’s job performance. 43 percent of Alaska voters approve of…
In a battle to determine party control of the VA Senate, Jennifer Wexton (D) coasted to a resounding 53-37 victory over John Whitbeck (R).
On Tuesday, Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) announced via email that he will run for Governor of Louisiana in 2015.
On Wednesday’s edition of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart brilliantly intertwined two stories that, on the surface, have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
Republican US Senate candidate Greg Brannon wants to abolish the Department of Agriculture because he thinks food stamps are slavery.
The campaign for Alison Lundergan Grimes released a statement slamming Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for his stance on the extension of jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed.
On Wednesday afternoon, both Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and Rob Portman (R-OH) backtracked and said that they would only vote for passing the extension if Democrats would agree to offset the new spending with cuts elsewhere.
Liz Cheney, recently a Fox News contributor and daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, decided to dropout of the US Senate race in Wyoming on Monday.
On New Year’s Eve, Watermark, a noted Florida-based LGBT publication, published an interview that the paper’s founder, Tom Dyer, had with former Florida Governor Charlie Crist.
The hope from Republicans was that Reid would just table some of the nominees and hold off until January after the Christmas break. That isn’t happening.
A newly released PPP poll shows MItch McConnell clinging to a one point lead over his Democratic opponent, Alison Lundergan Grimes.
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee released their fundraising numbers in November and they were nothing short of sensational. For the month, the DSCC raised a total of $5.1 million.
Only one of the five Democratic candidates seems worthy of support from progressives, liberals and centrists interested in flipping the seat from red to blue. That candidate is El Paso attorney Maxey Scherr.
Scott Brown wants to run for Senate in New Hampshire in 2014. It would help if he remembered the state’s name.
Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) was confronted by reporters on Tuesday and asked his thoughts about this being the ‘do nothing’ Congress.
Unless Democrats want more of the same in DC until January of 2021, they’ll have to move their frozen rumps and make their way to the polls.
The Senior Senator from Utah is endangering lives by putting his personal gain before the public’s health.
They claim to defend religious liberty but they need to read the Pledge of Allegiance with its vow of “liberty and justice for ALL”
Ted Cruz has had the ear and hearts of the Tea Party and right-wing almost from the day he arrived in the Senate. That could be changing.
When he says he is going to shut down the government and then shuts down the government and then says he never shut down the government but he will do it again, dammit, you better listen.
The rest of us are looking to Virginia and New Jersey voters to send Republicans the message the rest of us cannot.
Today was a shameful day for America because 8% of the population, Ted Nugent and Wayne La Pierre, ALEC, and gun-crazed Republicans thumbed their noses at the great majority of Americans.
President Obama said he would sign the UN Disability Treaty but the Republicans blocked it, so it’s a broken Obama promise according to PolitFact.
38 Republican senators voted against ratifying a United Nations treaty on the rights of the disabled modeled after the Americans with Disabilities Act, because they ‘feared for US sovereignty.’
America won four more years for President Obama, but did we issue a mandate for change or for the status quo?
Democrats are subjected to a different set of standards than Republicans when it comes to their behavior including in political ads.
Missouri Republican Todd Akin says that women who are legitimately raped don’t get pregnant and that abortion punishes the child, not the rapist