United States Constitution

Liar David Barton Claims That U.S. Constitution Quotes ‘Almost Verbatim’ from Bible

Liar David Barton Claims That U.S. Constitution Quotes ‘Almost Verbatim’ from Bible

“You’ll find almost verbatim wording in many clauses of the Constitution to passages in the Bible. It’s a one-to-one correlation…

8 years ago

Trump Says He Prefers a ‘Good Shutdown’ to Making a Deal With Dems to Fund Government

Frustrated with having to "do a deal" to fund the government Trump whined, "Our country needs a good 'shutdown' in…

8 years ago

Frustrated Dictator Trump Says ‘Archaic’ Constitution is a Bad Thing for the Country

@POTUS on getting things done in government: "It's a very rough system. It's an archaic system...It's really a bad thing…

8 years ago

Opinion: SCOTUS Hears Arguments To Tear Down Church and State Barrier

A ruling for theocracy will effectively demolish church-state separation and neuter the First Amendment’s religious clauses.

8 years ago

Rep Gutierrez Tells CNN Sanctuary Cities Are Actually ‘Fourth Amendment Cities’

“If you supply a warrant to the city of Chicago, we will absolutely honor that warrant. But you’ve got to…

8 years ago

Pat Robertson Says People Who Oppose Trump Are Revolting Against God

The First Amendment says "there is no...infringing on the freedom of the press." Not by Donald Trump. Not even by…

8 years ago

Sean Hannity Wigs Out Over Morning Joe Criticism of Stephen Miller

"Steve Miller works 18 hour days serving the country and the @POTUS What do you do? Basically talk to yourself…

8 years ago

Sen. Angus King: Trump Lacks ‘A Gut-Level Understanding of Checks and Balances’

"John Marshall settled that question in 1803. This is Mr. Trump meet Mr. Madison. Division of powers, independent judiciary, fundamental…

8 years ago

In Donald Trump’s America There is No Free Speech Without a Permit

Protesters at Denver International Airport were told by Denver police, “Stop doing anything that could be construed as free speech…

8 years ago

Donald Trump Announces He Will Be Leaving His Business to Avoid Conflict of Interest

"I feel it is visually important, as President, to in no way have a conflict of interest with my various…

8 years ago

Trump Announces Meeting With the People Who Will Run Government for the Next 8 Years

"Great meetings will take place today at Trump Tower concerning the formation of the people who will run our government…

8 years ago

Newt Gingrich Says Pastors Have a Duty to Fight ‘Totalitarian Secularism’

"I think you have a duty...to have the courage to stand up and tell the truth; tell the truth about…

8 years ago

Republicans Obsessed with Idea Witches Are Running Our Country – Yes, Really

“I know that there’s demonic forces in that city. I have personally met people that refer to themselves as witches,…

8 years ago

Pastors Don’t Put Lipstick on a Pig – They Place a Crown On its Head

The meeting was as bizarre a convocation as any known to history, the disreputable hailing the disreputable and defending the…

8 years ago

Washington Post Editorial Board Says ‘Oh Hell No’ to Trump Presidency

"We cannot salute the Republican nominee or pretend that we might endorse him this fall. A Trump presidency would be…

9 years ago

Pat Boone Wants Blasphemy Laws to Punish Saturday Night Live

Boone says “there should be regulations that prohibit blasphemy” because SNL made fun of Christians pretending to be persecuted

9 years ago

Ted Cruz Will Roll Back Access to Contraception if Elected

Cruz says he will illegally order an investigation of Planned Parenthood and end requirement of contraceptive method coverage for employers

9 years ago

Trump Supporters Reject SCOTUS Nominee Merrick Garland Because He’s a Jew

According to Duke, "three open Jewish members" is too many on SCOTUS, because "those Jews" will do "whatever the Jewish…

9 years ago

Franklin Graham Freaks Out, Claims Secular Government is New to U.S.

Graham's big lie: “You talk about us being a secular government, a secular society — that’s only taken place in…

9 years ago

The Christian Jihadists Are at the Gates and They Want Your Rights

Christian jihadist terror is grasping at the heart of America, culminating in cries by presidential candidates usurp the Constitution

9 years ago

Southern Poverty Law Center Warns of More Insurrection to Come

Nobody did anything about Cliven Bundy's armed insurrection, so it hardly comes as a surprise that his son Ammon should…

9 years ago

Marco Rubio Says to Ignore SCOTUS Decision and First Amendment

Marco Rubio continues the Republican narrative that the Bible they haven't read trumps the Constitution they haven't read

9 years ago

Rand Paul Says You Don’t Have a Right to Pants

If that's true, what Paul is saying is that I DO have the right to pursue happiness without my pants.

9 years ago

Jeb Says Term “Islamic Terrorism” is not About Islam but Says “No” to Muslim Refugees

Jeb Bush says "Islamic terrorism" isn't really about religion but he sure doesn't want any Muslims in this country -…

9 years ago

SCOTUS Be D*mned – Bobby Jindal Says No Earthly Court Can Redefine Marriage

Jindal insists he just wants the right to live his Christian faith, but what he really wants is to force…

9 years ago

Huckabee Wants to Thank SCOTUS for Their “Thoughts and Opinions” And Ignore Them

Mike Huckabee says he gets to decide what is constitutional or not, not the Supreme Court, which is given that…

9 years ago

Fox News Upset That School District – Like Jesus – Told Coach to Pray in Private

Liberty Institute says if Coach Joe Kennedy isn't allowed to continue praying - against Jesus' wishes - they will sue…

9 years ago

CNN Host Drops U.S. Constitution Truthbomb on Ben Carson Supporter

Alisyn Camerota read the "No Religious Test" clause out loud and said, "Carson's belief system violates that part of the…

9 years ago

Kim Davis To Get an Award From Family Research Council for Excellence in Bigotry

Based on a fantasy version of the US Constitution, the Religious Right hails Kim Davis as a Savior and Gives…

9 years ago

Oath Keepers Plan to “Protect” Kim Davis from Arrest by US Marshals

The group said, "This judge needs to be put on notice that this sort of behavior is not going to…

9 years ago

Look Out! “General” Jerry Boykin Says Christians ARE the Government

Boykin claims "when you hold up a Bible, you need to hold up the Constitution right next to it" and…

9 years ago

David Barton’s Appalling Lie that the Constitution Puts God’s Law Above Man’s Law

Barton says the Founding Fathers were all about God's law trumping man's. The problem is, the idea is nowhere found…

9 years ago

They’re Serious: Republicans Actively Calling To Shred the Constitution

The 14th Amendment grants citizenship to anyone born on U.S. soil. The GOP want to shred the Constitution to revert…

9 years ago

Mike Huckabee Says he Will Use Military to Prevent Abortion

Asked in Iowa how he could stop abortion when it's perfectly legal, Huckabee said, "We'll see, if I get to…

9 years ago

Texas Republicans Violate The Constitution By Denying Citizenship To US Born Hispanic Children

Texas has been violating the 14th amendment, by refusing to issue birth certificates to American-born children of undocumented immigrants.

10 years ago

Mike Huckabee Vows To Resist Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Ruling With Executive Orders

Huckabee declared that he would sign executive orders protecting businesses and churches who oppose gay marriage.

10 years ago

The Religious Right’s Full Page Denunciation of the United States Constitution

If you want a place where you tell everybody what God wants and then force everybody else to listen to…

10 years ago

Rick Santorum Says He Decides What is Constitutional, Not the Supreme Court

Rick Santorum says says you refusing to believe what he wants you to believe is a violation of the First…

10 years ago

In Challenging the Supreme Court, Republicans Challenge the Constitution

The upcoming SCOTUS marriage equality ruling is just another opportunity for Republicans to challenge the constitutionality of the Consitution

10 years ago

Religious Right Serves Restraining Orders On Supreme Court Justices Ginsburg and Kagan

Tt was no great surprise that evangelicals followed the lead of two congressional Republicans and issued religious orders restraining the…

10 years ago

Fox & Friends: Priest Says Don’t Trust President Who Doesn’t Fear Eternal Damnation

Father Jonathan Morris took to Fox & Friends to push fear of eternal damnation while ignoring the Constitution's No Religious…

10 years ago

It’s Getting Hard to Tell Where Sovereign Citizens End and Republicans Begin

Both Republicans and so-called sovereign citizens are citizens and subject to federal authority. If not, we should rethink deportation laws

10 years ago

Apparently, Refusing to Stone Gays Means You’re Not a Christian

Of course, the pastor saying this also needs to be stoned for not following the Law of Moses

10 years ago

Bob Vander Plaats Says Exercising First Amendment Rights Mocks God

Yes, actually exercising your First Amendment right to have your own beliefs is a "huge concern" with "spiritual ramifications" in…

10 years ago

S.C. Says Constitution Allows Discrimination Against Women So Gay Discrimination Is Okay

The crux of South Carolina's argument in support of discriminating against gays is that if it constitutionally permissible to discriminate…

10 years ago

As Religious Tyranny Arrives, Religious Freedom Lovers Flee Indiana

Indiana is the latest state to proclaim religious tyranny, and the reaction (no NCAA?) is anything but what Hoosier bigots…

10 years ago

Mike Huckabee Says He Has Magic Powers and Will Use Them to Kill You

Mike Huckabee thinks he can call down fire from heaven to smite his opponents, an act (phew!) in violation of…

10 years ago

Using a Convention of States to Destroy the Federal Government for the Kochs

Republicans are supporting using Article V of the Constitution not to propose amendments to the Constitution, but to destroy the…

10 years ago

Senate Subcommittee Invites Hate Group Leader to Testify about Religious Freedom

Inviting hate group leader Tony Perkins to speak about religious freedom is just more evidence of the GOP's farcical approach…

10 years ago

It Is Time To Repeal the 10TH Amendment And Unify America

It is true that there was open rebellion and massive bloodshed as one faction that could not countenance a 'united'…

10 years ago

Red State Voters Are Stupid For Electing Insane Republicans

One can hardly feel empathy for the people living under Republican extremists because unlike people suffering under fanatics in Taliban-controlled…

10 years ago

The Republican Passed Keystone Pipeline Bill Violates The Constitution

Every one of the Koch Republicans, and their oily Democratic cohorts, who voted to approve a State Department construction permit…

10 years ago

Sen. Chuck Grassley Absurdly Claims Bill of Rights Dependent on Citizens United

The only thing keeping Republicans in power right now is money, and they'll tell any lies to hold onto that…

10 years ago

Palin for 2016? Ha! It’s Ohio Governor John Kasich Who Has A Puncher’s Chance

A new 'serious' candidate just started kicking the tires for 2016. He's 62-year-old, twice married, Ohio Governor and former Congressman,…

10 years ago

In 2014 America Abandoned Its Constitution And Devolved Into a Fascist Theocracy

Republicans in state after state spent the past year hastily passing legislation abolishing other Americans' 14th Amendment rights

10 years ago

Ben Carson’s Embarrassingly Stupid Attack on Obamacare

Ben Carson thinks Obamacare is unconstitutional because it doesn't help everybody. The only problem with that is that it DOES…

10 years ago

Scalia Is Wrong: The Constitution Prohibits Torture and GOP Civil Rights Violations

Conservatives have proffered every possible scenario to justify torture, including Supreme Court Justice Scalia invoking a fictional television counter-terrorism agent,…

10 years ago

Of Black Men and Sea Changes – and Hope

Barack Obama and John Boyega were both attacked for taking a traditional white man's role: president and storm trooper

10 years ago

Racists Demand Punishment For African Americans Exercising First Amendment Rights

For decent Americans it is beyond comprehension that it is acceptable for white supremacists, whether they are St. Louis-area cops…

10 years ago

Rick Santorum Lyingly Claims Separation of Church and State is Communist and un-American

In fact, the separation of church and state is something quintessentially American. Americans invented the idea, after all

10 years ago

Texas Republican Proposes Another Civil War By Ending The Union Through Nullification

The Civil War is something a Texas Republican legislator, Dan Flynn, is attempting to repeat through a proposal that empowers…

10 years ago

The First Amendment Protects All Religions – Including Satanism

You don't have to approve of a religion to understand and accept that every religion is on equal footing in…

10 years ago

Texas Legislator’s Biblical Proposal Abolishes Constitutional Equal Rights

Republicans and religious conservatives detest the 14th Amendment for myriad reasons, but chief among them is the guarantee of equal…

10 years ago

Demand That Republicans Pledge To Support Democracy Or Get Out Of Politics

Although Republicans detest democracy, they certainly understand the principle behind it and instead of swearing an oath to support a…

10 years ago

Bryan Fischer Says Government is Meant to be a Minister of God

"When government defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman...It's doing its job. It's fulfilling its role…

10 years ago

Victory for Democracy as Wisconsin and Texas Voter ID Laws Come Tumbling Down

Democracy called checkmate against Scott Walker's attempt to rig Wisconsin's vote, while a Federal Court slapped down Greg Abbott's attempt…

10 years ago

Right-Wing Justice Scalia is Crusading to Establish Religion by Constitutional Fiat

Koch and Vatican surrogate Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia delivered a judicial sermon at Colorado Christian University and informed 400…

10 years ago

The Values Voter Summit’s Promotion of Religious Tyranny is Un-American

These speakers want to fundamentally alter our way of life. In the ideal fake-Christian world, our freedom of religion would…

10 years ago

Airman Ordered to Swear a Religious Oath or Get Out of the Air Force

The United States Air Force, itself sworn to "support and defend the Constitution," cannot abide by, support, or defend either…

10 years ago

Hobby Lobby Wasn’t Enough For Conservatives Who Want To Rewrite The Constitution

In fact, there is a desire among many extreme conservatives to hold a new Constitutional Convention to craft a new…

11 years ago

The Supreme Court’s Shameless War on American Democracy

The Supreme Court ought to be protecting democracy. Like the other branches of the government, it answers to the people

11 years ago

Ted Cruz Lies and Claims Senate Democrats Will Abolish The 1st Amendment

Ted Cruz was introducing his father at the Watchmen on the Wall, sponsored by the extremist Family Research Council and…

11 years ago

Fake Christians Tear Up the Constitution in Chesterfield County, Virginia

Wicca is "neo-pagan and invokes polytheistic, pre-Christian deities," and therefore it does not fall within "the Judeo-Christian tradition."

11 years ago

Beyond Discrimination Arizona’s 1062 Bill Gives Criminals a Get Out Of Jail Free Card

This abomination masquerading as legislation is precisely what the religious right and career criminals have dreamt of throughout their pathetic…

11 years ago

Virginia Marriage Equality Decision Exposes Religious Right’s Hatred of America

Religious Right leaders don't understand the spirit or the exact words of the Constitution, which they continually confuse with the…

11 years ago

Georgia Rep. Paul Broun Supports the Bible, Not the Constitution

Broun asks a question based on a false premise: "does it fit the Judeo-Christian Biblical principles that our nation is…

11 years ago

Republicans Want to Change States’ Constitutions to Conform to Their Ideology

What happens when a constitution doesn't conform to the Republican Party's ideology? If it's the constitution of the United States,…

11 years ago

Missouri Republicans Violate the Constitution with Attempt to Nullify Federal Law

In Missouri this week, Republicans moved forward another measure to nullify federal gun laws.

11 years ago

South Carolina’s Lee Bright Wants to Replace Lindsey Graham – and the United States

Bright says, "If the Tenth Amendment won't protect the Second, we might have to use the Second to protect the…

11 years ago

The Supreme Court Could Rule that Hobby Lobby is More of a Person than You Are

The problem is that if corporations have Freedom of Religion, its employers lose their Freedom of Religion

11 years ago

The Unfair Tax Exemption for Politically Active Churches Must End

There is a simple solution that will satisfy the Christian churches and the secular groups suing for equality, and it…

11 years ago

The Gettysburg Address 150 Years Ago And Now: Lincoln, Obama and The Great Task Remaining

One hundred fifty years later, President Lincoln's Great Task remains uncompleted.

11 years ago

Ex-Generals Say President Obama Must be Forced to Resign

Vallely and Jones want to violate the Constitution so they can call for adherence to the Constitution with strict congressional…

11 years ago

ENDA is Great but Do Not Count the Religious Loons Out

They claim to defend religious liberty but they need to read the Pledge of Allegiance with its vow of "liberty…

11 years ago

Republicans Set The Constitution Ablaze While Killing One Million American Jobs

Since 2009, Republicans have broken their oath of office repeatedly by deliberately undermining the government's ability to function and creating…

11 years ago

The Senate has the Constitutional Power to Expel Ted Cruz

The Senate theoretically has the Constitutonal power to expel Ted Cruz by a two-thirds vote immediately and with no recourse.

11 years ago

Protesting Right Wing Truckers Are Hauling a Load of Constitutional Ignorance

A group of vigilante truck drivers will set upon Washington to demonstrate that when it comes to Constitutional ignorance, they…

11 years ago

Missouri Republicans Are Working on a New Secession Plan

Republicans have not given up on their dream for a Civil War do-over, when their ancestors made the apparent mistake…

11 years ago

Republicans Around The Country Are On A Law breaking Rampage

There is a definite patten among Republicans of finding some means of of ignoring , breaking, or circumventing laws that…

12 years ago

Michele Bachmann Endorses Tyranny Over the Constitution

Michele Bachmann seems to envision an America governed not through the democratic process but through a prayer-tyranny of the bigoted…

12 years ago

Ralph Nader Attacks the Imperial Presidency but Ignores the Do-Nothing Congress

Ralph Nader is railing against the "imperial presidency" but has nothing to say about our runaway, do-nothing Congress. It makes…

12 years ago

The Republican Party and the un-Founding of America

Republicans claim to be the defenders of the Constitution; this while wishing to do away with every amendment save the…

12 years ago

Republicans Shred the Constitution By Passing Unconstitutional Nullification Laws

Republicans are taking steps to shred the Constitution they claim to love and declare they were laws unto themselves by…

12 years ago

Gov. Snyder’s Emergency Manager Law May Violate Equal Protection Rights

The clock is ticking, and Detroit's new Emergency Manager is listening. June 23 is the 50th anniversary of the date…

12 years ago

It’s ALEC Not President Obama That is Trampling Constitutional Rights

There is a group of Americans attempting to force a segment of the population to give up their constitutional rights…

12 years ago

Are We Giving Up Liberty for Perceived Security?

Trends in militarization, surveillance, and civil liberties violations raise disturbing questions about the exchange of liberty for security.

12 years ago

Guns are Just the Latest Symptom of the Right’s Anti-Obama Delusion

The current outrage from gun-fanatics that President Obama is sending federal forces to confiscate their precious firearms is a microcosm…

12 years ago

The Right Calls Obama a Dictator, but Sarah Palin Disarmed the Alaska Civil Militia

The same people who love Sarah Palin call Obama a dictator. But in 2008, then Gov. Palin stripped the militia…

12 years ago

Proposed Missouri Law Would Throw Federal Agents in Prison Over Guns

If you think a person is violating the Constitution, you don't violate the constitution yourself as a remedy and expect…

12 years ago

Republican Gov Calls for Unconstitutional Remedy to Obama’s Executive Orders

Republican Gov. Phil Bryant of Mississippi is calling for an unconstitutional remedy for what he sees as Obama's unconstitutional use…

12 years ago