Tagged Trump Tower meeting


Expert: Trump Suborned Perjury Many Times Before Cohen

In an article published in The New Republic Wednesday a national security expert says that President Donald Trump committed crimes publicly, as he convinced his allies to lie to law enforcement for him. According to investigative journalist Marcy Wheeler, a national security expert, Trump repeatedly suborned perjury “in plain sight” and has never been charged…


Mueller is Investigating Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr.

Special counsel Robert Mueller is looking into Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr.’s role in seeking to build a Trump Tower skyscraper in Moscow three years before their father’s presidential campaign, according to Yahoo News. An investigation published Thursday said that the president’s elder daughter, now-White House adviser, and his eldest son worked several years on…


Trump May Have Just Guaranteed His Son Will Go to Jail

According to Monday’s Morning Joe panel, President Donald Trump’s frantic weekend tweetstorm shows that he knows that his son Donald Trump Jr. is in serious legal trouble.  They also said Trump’s inner circle “won’t be able to hide from the legal consequences much longer” because “the walls are closing in.” Yesterday we reported that Donald Trump…

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