Steve Schmidt Perfectly Explains Why Trump Is Freaking About Felony Russia Charges
Former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt came out and said that Trump colluded with Russia, the question now does it meet the standard for felony conspiracy.
Former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt came out and said that Trump colluded with Russia, the question now does it meet the standard for felony conspiracy.
CNN’s Jake Tapper asked House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) what he was missing on Trump/Russia collusion evidence, and the case that Rep. Schiff made was devastating.
During an interview on CNN’s State Of The Union, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, confirmed that Congress is investigating Trump for seeking business in Russia during the 2016 election.
Trump’s personal attorney asked Putin for help with a Trump business deal during the 2016 campaign, as evidence of a Trump/Putin connection is becoming concrete.
The Russia investigation continues to inch closer to the President on a daily basis as congressional investigators want to question the secretary who handles his appointments and communications.
Donald Trump tried to blame Democrats for the 2016 election collusion during a press conference that definitely caught the attention of investigators.
The Trump campaign’s digital and data director will speak to the House Intelligence Committee that investigating potential Trump collusion with Russia, as the investigation is apparently looking at any data sharing between the Russians and Trump.
It is being reported that Russian hackers were caught discussing how to get hacked Clinton emails to Mike Flynn of the Trump campaign, which would be proof that Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. Buried in the middle of a story about how a Republican operative tried to obtain Hillary Clinton’s hacked emails,…
Sen. Angus King (I-ME) confirmed that Trump was wrong. The investigation into his campaign for potential collusion is not over, and that the Trump campaign is still under Senate investigation.
It is being reported that Jared Kushner requested a secret communications channel with the Kremlin. If this report is true, it would be the most direct proof of Trump collusion with Russia.
During a press conference, Trump denied that he personally colluded with Russia, but said that he could only speak for himself, not his campaign.
During his interview with NBC News’s Lester Holt, President Donald Trump showed signs of mental instability when he claimed that the allegations that his campaign colluded with Russia are a made up plot by Democrats.
During an interview on MSNBC, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) suggested that Wikileaks and Russia are working to together to protect President Trump.