Trump protests

Trump Calls Pittsburgh Protest Reports ‘Fake News’

Trump Calls Pittsburgh Protest Reports ‘Fake News’

On Wednesday President Donald Trump insisted that he was "treated so warmly" in Pittsburgh while at the same time he…

6 years ago

Trump Claims There Were Many Protests In His Favor In London

There were so many people protesting Trump that he refused to go to London, but Trump has turned this around…

7 years ago

Trump Ran To His Golf Course To Hide, But 200 Immigration Protesters Found Him

Trump fled DC before the immigration protests began, but the protesters found him and still gave him eyeful near his…

7 years ago

Trump Lashes Out on Twitter at ‘Professional Anarchists’ With Hilarious Results

"wait there are people being paid?? did my check get lost in the mail. also how do u become a…

8 years ago

Protest Posters To Turn Trump’s Inaugural Into A People’s Rebellion

If you're a protester in need of a sign, PoliticusUSA is here to assist you in your patriotic efforts with…

8 years ago