Adam Schiff Just Obliterated Trump’s Favorite Conspiracy Theory
Adam Schiff took apart Trump’s baseless smear that Joe Biden got a prosecutor in Ukraine fired to protect his son.
Adam Schiff took apart Trump’s baseless smear that Joe Biden got a prosecutor in Ukraine fired to protect his son.
We have an “erratic, vindictive, volatile, obsessive, a chronic liar” whose “presidency has veered onto a road with no centerlines or guardrails”
When Brietbart ran a story about a “silent coup” by Obama, it didn’t take long to reach Trump via the West Wing
“What’s closer to treason? Political opposition to a candidate, or siding with a hostile foreign power in the Intel war?”
There is Jones by the Christmas tree telling us “I always try to tell the truth,” quoting Spider-Man: “With great power comes great responsibility.”
Neither Donald Trump nor his cronies will disavow the falsehoods and conspiracy theories that got Trump elected.
“So there’s your Trump presidency in a nutshell. Thin-skinned rants. Feuding aides. Conspiracy theories. And all a distraction from the bigger issues out there.”
CNN did what more media outlets need to do. The network showed a graphic and discussed some of Trump’s completely false conspiracy theories.
Tapper called it a “bizarre and unfounded conspiracy theory” and that to say Foster’s death was anything but the suicide it was ruled to be by at least six investigations (including one by CNN) is “ridiculous and, frankly, shameful.”