Trump colluded with Russia

Half of American Voters Believe Trump Colluded With Russia

Half of American Voters Believe Trump Colluded With Russia

Nearly half of the American voters surveyed in a new opinion poll say they believe that Donald Trump's 2016 election…

6 years ago

Adam Schiff Still Believes He Can Prove Trump Collusion With Russia

As Fox News and Republicans call for his resignation, Adam Schiff is doubling down on his claims that there was…

6 years ago

Trump Collusion Smoking Gun: Russian Hackers Discussed How To Get Clinton Emails To Flynn

It is being reported that Russian hackers were caught discussing how to get hacked Clinton emails to Mike Flynn of…

8 years ago

Adam Schiff Drops A Bomb And Confirms There Is Evidence That Trump Colluded With Russia

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) confirmed during an interview on ABC's This Week that there is evidence that the Trump campaign…

8 years ago

Trump Admits His Campaign Colluded With Russia In Disastrous Press Conference

During a press conference, Trump denied that he personally colluded with Russia, but said that he could only speak for…

8 years ago