Neighborhood Watch Guy Kills Unarmed Black Man After Calling 911 Reporting “Hoodlums”
In a repeat of the Trayvon Martin killing a white neighborhood watch gunman may face death for murdering an unarmed African American.
In a repeat of the Trayvon Martin killing a white neighborhood watch gunman may face death for murdering an unarmed African American.
“My name is George Zimmerman, you know, that guy who killed Trayvon Martin?”
According to Lake Mary Police Chief Steve Bracknell, George Zimmerman was injured in a shooting incident around 12:45 PM on Monday.
During an interview with Politico on Friday, Holder said he plans to push for a new standard of proof in civil rights offenses.
George Zimmerman has a history of violent behavior. Eventually he will run out of excuses and end up doing significant time behind bars.
According to Judson Phillips, because a black youth shot at a police officer, and the black youth killed, #whitelivesmatter
America is not a civilized society and the concept of equality for all its citizens is exactly that; a concept. In fact, what America really has always been is a nation founded on the principles of apartheid, or the policy of racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-whites.
Conservatives, and primarily Republicans, have noticed their racist tendencies are attracting a bit too much attention and for the second time in a month are attempting to distract Americans with accusations that President Obama is a racist who hates and is waging a war on white people.
After a thorough examination of America’s pathetic record of disparate treatment of minorities, a United Nations watchdog reported what people of color, particularly African Americans, have known first hand and all too well for decades. “Racial and ethnic discrimination remains a serious and persistent problem in all areas of life from de facto school segregation, access to health care, and housing.”
On a day when the Supreme Court of the United States turned back the clock and issued regressive decisions that will greatly harm women and public sector unions, at least one court case offered a glimmer of hope that the US court system isn’t irretrievably broken.
Although it is tragic that racial animus is not a prosecutable crime, there are instances when the result of racism can be prosecuted. Yesterday a Florida jury convicted a man for expressing racial animus with a firearm.
The story is not new, just the trial. The deadly event occurred on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving), 2012. The defense is on sharp alert as jury selection opens in Jacksonville.
Former Azusa High School football standout Kendrec McDade was shot and killed by Pasadena Police Department Officers Matthew Griffin and Jeffrey Newlen on March 24, 2012.
A new White House petition is requesting prosecution of George Zimmerman for depriving Trayvon Martin of his constitutional rights of life and liberty.
For the past two-and-a-half years since Republicans took power in states and Congress, there has been a sustained assault on people of color to deprive them of their constitutional rights.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) admitted he hadn’t watched Obama’s remarks about Trayvon Martin and Stand Your Ground laws, but complained that Obama was going after white folks’ guns again.
But it won’t be an angry mob with a rope coming for George Zimmerman. Justice for Trayvon will be coming from the Justice Department.
Zimmerman juror B37 issued a statement to CNN calling for new laws that will enable juries to convict shooters like George Zimmerman.
Four of the other Zimmerman jurors responded one juror’s interview with CNN statement with a statement in which they distanced themselves from Juror B 37.
It is time for Americans to call out white supremacy and racism in all its forms regardless the certain attacks by Republican Party faithful screaming those identifying dog-whistle racism are racists
Ted Nugent blamed the death of Trayvon Martin on a surge in black racism that is caused by the Obama presidency.
As terrible as the verdict is, what’s even more disheartening is how Americans in 2013 buy into the media narratives and engage in what we will call “selective anger”.
Truth be told, the real trial and victor in the Trayvon Martin killing was not George Zimmerman, but the NRA authored and ALEC legislated the “Castle Doctrine Act” that has been acquitted.
Zimmerman was acquitted before opening arguments because the case law shows that concepts like stand your ground only apply to certain people.
Videos of rioting in Miami began circulating quickly after last night’s not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman murder trial. But there was no riot in Miami.
George Zimmerman’s acquittal has put the exclamation point on America’s new and much more subtle racism, which is defined by the claims of conservatives that racism is dead.
“God’s Plan” as George Zimmerman once described the Trayvon Martin killing apparently also included a not guilty verdict. The killer walks. Quoting Zimmerman, “These assholes always get away.”
The Zimmerman trial is a microcosm of the pathetic state of this nation and demonstrates that conservatives, ALEC, and the NRA are driving the lawlessness targeting African Americans.
Maybe the state is saving the best for last, but I’m afraid “softie” will beat the rap.
In case you were wondering what kind of fair and balanced coverage Fox News will be providing of the George Zimmerman trial, Megyn Kelly hosted former LAPD detective Mark Furman to discuss the case.
The Florida man who shot a teenager because he felt threatened by the teen’s play of loud music is changing his story so that it will fit a stand your ground defense.
By accusing Obama of racism toward white people, the Fight Bigotry Super PAC is the perfect haven for real racists to invest their money.
An unrepentant George Zimmermann sat down with Sean Hannity and asked African-Americans to apologize to him, even though he never apologized for shooting Trayvon Martin.
According to Witness #9, George Zimmerman is not only a racist, but a child molester as well.
A federal bill introduced in Congress earlier this year would give special agents greater protection when intervening to stop a violent act, even if it’s outside the scope of their duties .
It’s not enough to vote for the President and leave the trench work unattended. You have the power to change to change the Castle Doctrine. Do something. Now.
When an African-American makes the mistake of defending their property against a white man, as was the case in Georgia, courts have found that Stand Your Ground does not apply.
According to Florida the high burden of proof required to establish his state of mind could make it difficult to convict George Zimmerman.
George Zimmerman has been arrested, but what happens when the next similar miscarriage of justice occurs? Or to the one that’s occurring right now that none of us have heard of and aren’t likely to?
Special prosecutor Angela Corey has announced that George Zimmerman has been charged with murder in the second degree, and 45 days after his murder Trayvon Martin will finally a chance at justice.
This afternoon in a press conference with Trayvon’s parents, Al Sharpton urged supporters to be peaceful and non-violent, “This is not anti-anybody. There are whites, Latinos, who have marched with us. This is not a hate campaign. This is a love campaign… This is a love campaign, to pursue justice for an unarmed man who died.”
Stand Your Ground, a law lobbied hard by the NRA and supported by Wal-Mart may have backlash according to an attorney for the State of California.
Rush Limbaugh tried to defend George Zimmerman today by accusing the Democrats and the media of turning Trayvon Martin into a racial stereotype.
Fox News continues to demonize Trayvon Martin and President Obama by claiming that Obama is using the shooting to provoke a racial confrontation.
Bill Maher argued that the Trayvon Martin shooting is cautionary tale for Democrats about the consequences of lying down and giving the right whatever they want.
Richard Kurtz, a Miami funeral director who prepared Trayvon Martin’s body, said he found no “cuts, scratches, or bruises, only a gunshot wound to the chest.”
Those on the right who accused President Obama of spreading hate with his comments about Trayvon Martin were oddly silent when the president discussed murder victim Melissa Jenkins today.
Rush Limbaugh claimed that both he and Trayvon Martin are victims of the left trumping things up.
In a local television interview, George Zimmerman’s father accused President Obama, the Congressional Black Caucus and the NAACP of spreading hate.
On MSNBC, Alan Grayson explained why the ABC News video of George Zimmerman blows apart his defense and proves that Trayvon Martin’s family was right.
The murder of Trayvon Martin was the accomplishment, not the mistake, of a racist and ultimately greed-based system, this includes its politics, economics and culture.
Rep. Bobby Rush tried to show his support for Trayvon Martin by wearing a hoodie, but he was kicked off the House floor for violating a rule against wearing hats.
Fox News has decided that President Obama is responsible for the controversy surrounding the shooting of Trayvon Martin, not George Zimmerman.
As thousands protest in Sanford, FL, Rush Limbaugh defended the shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman as getting a little, “overzealous.”
Michele Bachmann tried to defend Newt Gingrich’s comments about the shooting of Trayvon Martin by accusing people of imagining what happened.
Rachel Maddow pointed out that no matter what the people want, we can’t even have a dialogue about gun laws because the gun lobby always gets its way.
It is no surprise that Fox News would blame Trayvon Martin for his own murder, but the mainstream media’s willingness to sell the distraction is the real problem.
There is a culturally relevant connection between the racial hatred ginned up by Republican leaders against President Obama and the shooting of Trayvan Martin.
After the killing of Trayvon Martin will we realize that after having success against Komen and Rush, we can stand up and take on the NRA?
If George Zimmerman is not prosecuted, how many extremists will see this as license to declare open season on your son, your daughter, your husband, your wife?
Americans should be humiliated that in 2012 Republicans sport racist bumper stickers as campaign slogans.