
Opinion: Trump Enriches The Kochs, Rex Tillerson and Russians For 35 Jobs

Opinion: Trump Enriches The Kochs, Rex Tillerson and Russians For 35 Jobs

“Keystone XL is not an economic benefit to Americans who will see higher gas prices and bear all the risks.…

8 years ago

Latest TransCanada spill is why President Obama rejected Keystone XL – Updated and Corrected

TransCanada delivers what local residents and landowners feared most about the Keystone XL pipeline; oil spills.

9 years ago

Keystone XL Dies but TransCanada and Republicans Continue Lying About Pipeline

TransCanada's Russ Girling accused Obama of "choosing misplaced symbolism over merit and science, and allowed rhetoric to win out over…

9 years ago

Environmental Activist Bill McKibben: “This Is A Day Of Celebration”

Climate activist Bill McKibben expressed jubilation after President Obama announced his decision to deny the Keystone XL pipeline.

9 years ago

Obama Refuses TransCanada Request to Suspend Keystone XL Pipeline Approval

TransCanada claims they need more time to work with American officials but the real reason is to avoid a losing…

9 years ago

Republicans Have Spent 2015 Working For Foreigners, the Kochs, and Religious Extremists

Under Republican control, Congress has not laid any taxes to provide for anything, much less for the general welfare of…

9 years ago

EPA Finding Signals The Death Knell For The KeystoneXL Pipeline

Republicans and the Koch brothers make no secret that next to taxes, there is no part of the federal government…

10 years ago

According to Republicans The 114th Koch Congress Is Focused On Koch Priorities

Republicans are beginning the 114th Congress with the mindset that "nothing is going to get in the way of our…

10 years ago

Boehner And Republicans Plan To Reverse Growth Numbers and Kill Jobs

Now that Republicans will have control of both houses of Congress, they will start, immediately, passing legislation to revert back…

10 years ago

It Is Time To Investigate and Expel Boehner For Ethics and SEC Violations

Boehner needs to be thoroughly investigated by a House Ethics Committee and the Securities and Exchange Commission, thrown out of…

10 years ago

Bold Democrat Mary Landrieu Should Be Truthful About KeystoneXL

It may have been Democrat Howard Dean who said not long ago that if given a choice between voting for…

10 years ago

The State Department Covers for Keystone XL Pipeline as Carbon Prevails

At roughly 3:00 PM EST on the last day of January, the NY Times graced my email inbox with the…

11 years ago

Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz Openly Threaten The Country With Economic Catastrophe

Republicans are once again threatening to hold the debt limit hostage in return for a ransom payment that is, beyond…

11 years ago

John Boehner Lies And Won’t Tell America About His Personal Investment in Keystone XL

John Boehner continues using his position to lie to the American people to profit himself,and the oil industry that contributes…

12 years ago

The New Terrorists: How Ordinary American Activists are Receiving This Dangerous Label

The trend toordinary American activists as domestic terrorists is alarming, bringing to new reasons to revisit the PATRIOT…

12 years ago

14 Senators Decide the Oil Industry, Not Obama, Should Make the Keystone XL Decision

A bipartisan group of Senators decided that the oil industry should makes decisions reserved for the Executive Branch and they…

12 years ago

Oil Money Drenched Congressmen Send Letter to Obama Demanding Keystone XL Approval

After the president mentioned climate change in his inaugural address, 44 Republicans and 9 Democrats responded by sending a letter…

12 years ago

Republicans Refuse to Admit that Keystone XL will Bring Oil Through America, Not to It

The President and Democrats could protect the environment and Americans' health if they informed the people that Canadian tar sand…

12 years ago

Did Obama’s Keystone XL Decision Prevent A Potential Environmental Disaster?

By denying the Keystone XL pipeline permit, President Obama may have prevented a repeat of the BP oil disaster that…

13 years ago