The Times

Ted Cruz Is Unelectable, So Why Is He Running For President?

Ted Cruz Is Unelectable, So Why Is He Running For President?

That gnawing, aching need for limelight, even more so than Cruz's disingenuous flouting of science in exchange for base adoration,…

10 years ago

New York Times Editorial Board Slams Netanyahu For Using Racism To Win Israeli Election

Shortly after it became apparent that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud Party had survived a close election…

10 years ago

Trapped Rat Bill O’Reilly Completely Cracks Up As He Threatens New York Times Reporter

In an interview with the New York Times Monday evening, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly personally threatened a reporter over…

10 years ago

Republicans Embrace Bizarre Conspiracy That Obama Is Behind Immigrant Surge

During the Thursday broadcast of his radio show, right-wing mouthpiece Rush Limbaugh discussed the possibility that President Obama is responsible…

11 years ago

Some Clarification And Background Regarding Japadog and Racism

An article of mine recently received a lot of comments from folks who feel that I was too sensitive or…

11 years ago