the end times

Dear Religious Right: I’m Still Waiting for the Sky to Fall

Dear Religious Right: I’m Still Waiting for the Sky to Fall

My question is, will there be spankings all around? And if so, will there be a charge?

10 years ago

Michele Bachmann is Sleeping with Putin, Proving We Are in the End Times

Michele Bachmann, digging deep, claims Obama is supporting Al Qaeda, proving that we are in the End Times

11 years ago

Right Wing Insanity Boils Over With Claim Marriage Equality Caused Noah’s Flood

Right wing Pastor Scott Lively hit a new level of crazy even for the far right by claiming that same…

12 years ago

Its the End of the World as You Know It

Joseph Farah wants you to believe an angry God is about to snuff us out, but first we have to…

12 years ago

The Apocalypse of John is Irrelevant for America

The Apocalypse of John is a polemic directed at Rome, not an open ended threat against the human race. After…

13 years ago