Texas flooding

Huckabee Thinks One Beheading Is Worse Than 17 Texans Killed In Record Floods

Huckabee Thinks One Beheading Is Worse Than 17 Texans Killed In Record Floods

Huckabee raged and attempted to contradict the President telling Fox News that, "I assure you that one beheading is much…

10 years ago

Obama Rescues Arrogant and Ungrateful Texas Republicans With Federal Disaster Declaration

President Obama has rescued arrogant and ungrateful Texas Republicans by signing a federal disaster declaration for those areas impacted by…

10 years ago

Right-Wingers Claim Texas Flooding Caused Not by Climate Change but Witchcraft and Sodomy

Bryan Fischer and company think they can pinpoint sodomy and witchcraft as the causes of Texas flooding, but the Bible…

10 years ago