
Scott Walker And ALEC Allow High School Dropouts To Teach High School

Scott Walker And ALEC Allow High School Dropouts To Teach High School

Of course, anything 'stupid' Republicans conceive of is always at the behest of their funding machine the Koch brothers and…

10 years ago

President Obama Doing the Same Thing and Expecting Different Results?

If there is one thing Republicans and the Obama Administration love more than pandering to Wall Street, it is the…

10 years ago

Inconvenient Truth: America’s Public Schools Are Among Highest Achieving In The World

If, as privatization "reformers" in Republican, corporate, and Obama Education Department claim that America's public schools are dire failures, then…

10 years ago

Propaganda Demonizing Islam Is Starting to Infect Public Schools

Of course the Americans putting Goebbels's propaganda tactics into practice are Fox News, neo-conservatives, Republicans, and their religious right sycophants,…

10 years ago

Chris Christie’s Donors Profit From Transferring New Jersey Pensions to Wall Street

Chris Christie is no stranger to questionable ethics and corruption, and although helping financial institutions profit to the tune of…

10 years ago

A Single Picture Perfectly Sums Up The Republican Anti-Woman Agenda

Most people have heard the adage that a picture is worth a thousand words, but it is seldom the case…

11 years ago

ALEC’s Latest Scam Is Sending Public School Dollars to Corporate Owned Private Schools

The Koch brothers' American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) wants to send taxpayer dollars earmarked for public schools to corporate-owned private…

12 years ago

Denying Equal Pay is the Latest Republican Revenge Tactic Against Women

Republican attacks on women are purely ideological because despite women as an electoral force, the GOP made it clear that…

12 years ago