Tagged taxation


Opinion: Is the Opposite of Warren’s “Socialism” an Anti-American, Fraudulent Capitalism?

Imagine picking up a newspaper, or scrolling through your favorite internet news source, and coming across articles with headlines such as “How to Burglarize Your Neighbor’s Home,” “How to Undermine Public Education for America’s Children,” or “How to Destroy Sidewalks and Streets and Sabotage Other Infrastructure.” I like to think you’d find that news source…


Scott Walker’s Koch Economics Is Decimating Wisconsin

Kansas has received its share of attention for its epic trickle down failure typical of conservative economics, and it is duly warranted. However, the governor of Kansas has not been tapped by the Koch brothers as their preferred Republican presidential candidate for 2016. That distinction goes to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker who has his state’s financial demise keeping pace with Kansas for the top Republican economic failure.

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