Targeted killing

Drones Are Scary, But They’re the Answer to Asymmetrical WarfareDrones Are Scary, But They’re the Answer to Asymmetrical Warfare

Drones Are Scary, But They’re the Answer to Asymmetrical Warfare

Five years into the drone campaign, there have been 2,400. killed, yet in Iraq, the ICCC offers a figure of…

11 years ago
Debunking the Ridiculous Rhetoric that Obama is an Assassin Who Targets Innocent AmericansDebunking the Ridiculous Rhetoric that Obama is an Assassin Who Targets Innocent Americans

Debunking the Ridiculous Rhetoric that Obama is an Assassin Who Targets Innocent Americans

The people who conflate targeting killing of al-Qaida terrorists in foreign countries with targeting American citizens is tantamount to the…

12 years ago