States’ Rights

Opinion: For Trump, States’ Rights are OK for Racism and Sexism, but not Saving the Planet

Opinion: For Trump, States’ Rights are OK for Racism and Sexism, but not Saving the Planet

Last Thursday the Trump administration announced its intention to revoke California’s right to set its own auto emissions standards. The…

5 years ago

Sessions’ Sermon On the Dangers of Legal Marijuana Is a Pack of Lies

Jeff Sessions told so many lies about non-existent dangers associated with legal recreational marijuana that it likely made his audience's…

8 years ago

Arnold Schwarzenegger Says States Rights Logic Applies to Pro-Environment States Too

"My Republican colleague here is all about states' rights - except the right to clean air & save lives from…

8 years ago

President Obama To SCOTUS – Butt Out of Colorado’s Pot Law

Republicans in two states are appealing to SCOTUS to empower them to abolish another state's rights to pass a law…

9 years ago

Rick Perry Ignores Supreme Court Ruling Vows to Enable Discrimination Against Gays

Rick Perry vowed that if he were president we would not have to worry about progress or equal rights, because…

10 years ago

S.C. Says Constitution Allows Discrimination Against Women So Gay Discrimination Is Okay

The crux of South Carolina's argument in support of discriminating against gays is that if it constitutionally permissible to discriminate…

10 years ago

It Is Time To Repeal the 10TH Amendment And Unify America

It is true that there was open rebellion and massive bloodshed as one faction that could not countenance a 'united'…

10 years ago

Texas Republican Proposes Another Civil War By Ending The Union Through Nullification

The Civil War is something a Texas Republican legislator, Dan Flynn, is attempting to repeat through a proposal that empowers…

10 years ago

Cliven Bundy Republicans Campaign To Seize and Sell Off Federal Land

Now, there is a serious movement among Republicans who embrace Bundy's claim the federal government is forbidden from owning land…

10 years ago

Missouri Republicans Violate the Constitution with Attempt to Nullify Federal Law

In Missouri this week, Republicans moved forward another measure to nullify federal gun laws.

11 years ago

Treasonous Republicans Warp the Constitution To Justify Nullifying Federal Laws

Republicans persistently claimed they, and only they, adhere to the constitution regardless they routinely disregard or misrepresent the document to…

11 years ago

GOP Responds to Obama’s Gun Control Executive Orders With Threats of Civil War

President Obama issued benign executive orders to quell the bloodshed from military-grade weapons, and Republicans responded with threats of civil…

12 years ago

The GOP’s Anti-Constitutional Amendment

Now some Republicans are proposing a constitutional amendment that would permit the states to ignore the Constitution by voting to…

14 years ago

As Simple As Black and White: The GOP’s Secessionist Dream

It has been 150 years since the Confederacy of Southern States seceded from the United States of America starting the…

14 years ago

Iowa Case Shows GOP Doesn’t Really Believe in States’ Rights

GOP opposition to big federal government and support of states' rights is a reaction to loss of control and does…

14 years ago