Social Security Trust

Opinion: Social Security Cuts Are On Trump’s Table Despite Campaign Pledge

Opinion: Social Security Cuts Are On Trump’s Table Despite Campaign Pledge

"There are ways that we can not only allow the president to keep his promise, but to help him keep…

8 years ago

Thieving Republicans Robbed Americans In Their First Week Controlling Congress

It is amazing that Republicans who could not pass any legislation last year, spent the first four days of the…

10 years ago

Republicans Won’t Admit that Cutting Social Security Is Stealing From the American People

What Republicans, and some Democrats, refuse to tell the American people is that cutting Social Security is stealing from the…

11 years ago

Rick Snyder Gives Congressional Republicans A Road Map To Killing Your Retirement

Take a long, hard look at what Rick Snyder and turnaround specialist Kevyn Orr intend doing to pensioners in Detroit…

12 years ago

Republicans Expect the Elderly, Poor and Unemployed to Pay Off Their Debt

For some reason, only Republicans remember that it was the poor, public sector workers, and retirees who created the country's…

12 years ago

President Obama’s Strong Case Against the Corporate Push to Gut Social Security

In his Inaugural Address, the President assured the people he will fight to preserve their retirement investment, and he has…

12 years ago

Paul Ryan Justifies Screwing Sandy Victims By Calling Flood Insurance Program Irresponsible

Paul Ryan justified his no vote for Sandy victims claiming that maintaining the existing flood insurance relief program was irresponsible.

12 years ago

Obama’s Record Destroys the Republicans’ Big Spending Democrat Propaganda

There has been no huge increase in spending under President Obama, and yet Republicans claim he has been on a…

12 years ago

As Usual EmoProgs Overreact because they Don’t Understand Negotiating and Governing

There has been no dearth of outrage from EmoProgs who are furious with the president for his third fiscal cliff…

12 years ago

The Time is Now for Obama to Educate in Order to End the GOP Assault on Social Security

There has never been a better time for President Obama to educate the people about Social Security and its non-effect…

12 years ago

In the End, Obama’s Compassion for All Routed the GOP’s Greed and Contempt

In rejecting the Draconian agenda Romney and Ryan proposed, the majority of Americans expressed the compassion President Obama demonstrates in…

12 years ago

Fight the Epic GOP Lie that Social Security and Medicare Are Entitlements

Now that Willard Romney chose Paul Ryan as his running mate, the GOP are misleading voters with a term that…

12 years ago