social justice

Joseph Farah Objects to Scripture Reading at DNC And Gets Everything Wrong

Joseph Farah Objects to Scripture Reading at DNC And Gets Everything Wrong

Farah objects to Jesus being called a Palestinian, even though by the time of his birth the region had been…

9 years ago

Trump Thinks He Can Scare the Pope, Whom He is Pretty Sure Doesn’t Hate Capitalism

Donald Trump wants to pit his fourth-grade level rhetoric against the Pope to convince him only capitalism can keep ISIL…

10 years ago

Time Re-Validates Humanity By Choosing Pope Francis Over Ted Cruz as Their Person of the Year

Time Magazine named the Pope their Person of the Year, with Ted Cruz as first runner up. Under their criteria…

11 years ago

Nuns on the Bus Roll Into Paul Ryan’s Hometown To Protest His Budget

The Nuns on the Bus say Ryan's budget is 'wrapped up in sound bites' that benefit the 1% while punishing…

13 years ago

The Daring Idea of Happiness as GDP

It’s a question of productivity versus happiness as the ultimate judge of the welfare of nations. Yes, this is an…

15 years ago

Barack Obama Rocks Change for LGBT Community

Today we can celebrate Hopey ordering the Department of Health and Human Services to establish a rule that would prevent…

15 years ago

Jon Stewart Demolishes Glenn Beck’s Attacks on Progressivism and Social Justice

On last night's The Daily Show, complete with a full Beckesque set, and a dead on impression, Jon Stewart mocked…

15 years ago

Glenn Beck Claims that Jesus Christ Opposed Social Justice

On his radio show today, Glenn Beck claimed that the concept of social justice is a perversion of the gospel,…

15 years ago