Debate on Gun Violence Limited by Either-Or Thinking
There have been 101 school shootings since Newtown. Obama said afteward, “the time is now.” It is now well past time, and nothing has been done
There have been 101 school shootings since Newtown. Obama said afteward, “the time is now.” It is now well past time, and nothing has been done
Larry Pratt, president of Gun Owners of America, appeared on Gordon Klingenschmitt’s “Pray in Jesus’ Name” yesterday and called liberals not only “insane zealots” but unmoored from our shared reality.
If any facet of the GOP’s war on America has grown to lunatic proportions, it is gun control. The more people die from gun violence, the more the GOP sinks into denial.
The rising calls for civil or revolutionary war are the result of President Obama’s re-election, but with NRA and Republican backing, a well-armed group of lunatics cannot be taken lightly.