Sarah Palin

Judge Gives Sarah Palin A Lesson On The Constitution While Tossing Her Lawsuit Against NYT

Judge Gives Sarah Palin A Lesson On The Constitution While Tossing Her Lawsuit Against NYT

Sarah Palin's defamation lawsuit against The New York Times was tossed out of court as the judge gave Palin a…

7 years ago

New York Times editor testifies in Sarah Palin’s defamation lawsuit

The editor of the New York Times editorial board on Wednesday took the witness stand in a lawsuit filed by…

7 years ago

Trump Hosted Statutory Rapist Ted Nugent At The White House After Fox Fired Bill O’Reilly

On the same day that Bill O'Reilly was fired at Fox News, Donald Trump hosted sexual predator Ted Nugent and…

8 years ago

Trump Might Pick Sarah Palin To Lead The VA And Social Media’s Response Is Priceless

We laugh, but leading the Department of Veterans Affairs – the government's largest agency – is serious business.

8 years ago

US Veterans May Be Screwed As Trump Eyes Sarah Palin To Head Veterans Affairs

In what could be devastating news for US veterans, Sarah Palin is under consideration to head Veterans Affairs in the…

8 years ago

Sarah Palin Says Trump Wins Because ‘Polls Are For Strippers’

“I just don’t put a whole lot of faith in polls...Like I’ve said before, polls are only good for strippers…

8 years ago

Trump’s Assassination Suggestion Is Typical For Republicans

Trump's comment about violence against Hillary Clinton proves he is an NRA Republican and that guns are the solution to…

8 years ago

Trump Devastated As Former McCain Adviser Trusts Sarah Palin More with National Security

Former senior policy adviser to the McCain-Palin campaign Kori Schake told Yahoo News' Katie Couric that she would have trusted…

8 years ago

The Crazies Eat Their Own As Sarah Palin Turns On Ted Cruz for Not Endorsing Trump

Sarah Palin (R-TV) tried to slam Ted Cruz (R-TX) for his turn on the RNC stage last night, during which…

9 years ago

Trump Offers Jaw Droppingly Dumb Reason Why Sarah Palin Wasn’t Invited To GOP Convention

Donald Trump is claiming that he didn't invite Sarah Palin to the Republican convention because Alaska is too far away…

9 years ago

Trump Dumps Sarah Palin By Not Giving Her Speaking Slot At The Republican Convention

Donald Trump released his list of speakers for the Republican convention, and one name was notably missing. Despite the fact…

9 years ago

John McCain Embraces Sarah Palin’s Stupidity and Blame Obama Dysfunction

These reckless, insulting comments have become commonplace for McCain because he cares more about shifting blame than keeping Americans safe.

9 years ago

Sarah Palin Just Handed The White House To Hillary Clinton During Idiotic Pro-Trump Rant

With one speech in Colorado, Sarah Palin may have just handed the White House to Hillary Clinton.

9 years ago

Global Jaws Drop As Sarah Palin Outdoes Trump With A Racist Response To Brexit

Wallowing in her usual delusion of persecution, Sarah Palin sees Brexit as declaring Independence and urged America to leave the…

9 years ago

Sarah Palin Calls President Obama ‘a Special Kind of Stupid’

"Forget your asinine gun control, do your job and engage in Islamic terrorist control."

9 years ago

Sarah Palin Sabotages Trump’s Campaigns By Trashing His Key Attack On Hillary Clinton

Trump supporter Sarah Palin went on CNN and completely undercut his attempt to use Bill Clinton's infidelity against Hillary Clinton's…

9 years ago

Sarah Palin Wants ‘Smart’ Democrats to Unite Behind Trump

"GOP and independents and smart Democrats, truly it is time to come together, pull together — remember that united we…

9 years ago

Bitter Obama Stalker Sarah Palin Blames The President For ESPN Firing Curt Schilling

Sarah Palin showed that there was nothing that she can't and won't blame President Obama for by blaming the President…

9 years ago

Sarah Palin Resurfaces To Ensure That Everyone In America Hates The Republican Party

Just in case there was a single American left who needed the motivation to hate the Republican Party, Sarah Palin…

9 years ago

In Pictures: Sarah Palin’s Spectacular Wisconsin Crash And Burn

Behold the cringing in second hand embarrassment, the dismay, the boredom and the contempt on the faces of the Wisconsin…

9 years ago

Trump Creates A Political Disaster By Sending Sarah Palin To Speak For Him In Wisconsin

Donald Trump sent Sarah Palin to speak for him at a Milwaukee County Republican gathering. The result was a total…

9 years ago

Sarah Palin Flips Out When Asked About Her Son’s Arrest On National TV

Sarah Palin flipped out and accused NBC's Today of lying to her after they asked Palin about her son Track's…

9 years ago

As The GOP Crumbles Republicans Blame Sarah Palin For Their Demise

Republicans are just starting to admit the danger their party is in, but they haven't hit on the proper reasons…

9 years ago

Sarah Palin Endorsement Bombs As Trump Voters Unimpressed By Mentally Deranged Maverick

Sarah Palin's endorsement has been a bomb with the very people that she was supposed to sway as Donald Trump…

9 years ago

Trump Agrees With Palin that Obama is to Blame for Her Son’s Arrest

Donald Trump is definitely with stupid, agreeing with Sarah Palin that Obama and not any Palin is responsible for her…

9 years ago

Sarah Palin Blames President Obama For Her Son’s Domestic Violence Arrest

While campaigning with Donald Trump in Oklahoma, Sarah Palin blamed President Obama for her son's arrest for domestic violence.

9 years ago

Sarah Palin’s Drunken Son Track Beat Up Girlfriend, Threatened to Kill Himself

Imagine, America. This could have all been yours, all taking place in the White House instead of Sarah and Todd…

9 years ago

Sarah Palin Goes On A Demented Mentally Unstable Rant About Obama While Endorsing Trump

Sarah Palin was supposed to be endorsing Donald Trump, but within moments of taking the stage, Palin unleashed a demented…

9 years ago

Hillary Clinton Drops A Sanity Bomb By Treating Donald Trump Like He Is Sarah Palin

Hillary Clinton treated Donald Trump like President Obama treated Sarah Palin today when she was asked about Trump's outrageously sexist…

9 years ago

Sarah Palin Claims Obama’s Response to Threat of ISIL is Too ‘Namby-Pamby’

Palin said Hillary Clinton is naive in thinking we're not at war with Islam and claimed Obama is being too…

9 years ago

GOP Extremism Is Not Palin’s Fault – Former W.H. Chief of Staff Is Mistaken

William M. Daly mistakenly claims the GOP's "insanity" began when Senator John McCain chose Sarah Palin to be his running…

9 years ago

Sarah Palin Accuses Obama of Prematurely Interjecting Himself as the Cool Savior

Palin let loose on the media and on President Obama in an incoherent mess of a rant over Ahmed Mohamed's…

9 years ago

Bill Maher Skewers Sarah Palin And Donald Trump’s Ignorant Racism

Pointing to Sarah Palin, Maher asks, "Why are the people who demand that everyone speak English always the ones who…

9 years ago

An Unhinged Sarah Palin Gets The Iran Deal Wrong Then Lectures Obama About Unicorns

So today at a rally full of conservatives saying shockingly silly things, even for them, in an effort to "stop…

9 years ago

Here’s Why You’re an Idiot if You’re a Republican in 2016

Franklin Graham says that by imposing her religion on other people, the Rowan County clerk is "Fighting for religious freedom…

9 years ago

Sarah Palin Is Back And Demanding A Government Job As Donald Trump’s Energy Secretary

You didn't want her for VP, but Sarah Palin feels she would be a great fit for a Trump administration's…

9 years ago

5 Reasons To Be Glad That You Didn’t Watch Sarah Palin Interview Donald Trump

If you have ever wondered what it would look like if a washed up former VP candidate with the diction…

9 years ago

Donald Trump Promises To Put Sarah Palin In His Cabinet If He Is Elected President

Donald Trump is threatening America with a promise to put Sarah Palin in his cabinet if he is elected president.

9 years ago

Gone and Already Forgotten: Sarah Palin Fails And Quits Her Own TV Channel

First she got dumped by Fox News, then Sarah Palin did the only thing that she has ever been good…

10 years ago

Our Long National Nightmare Ends: Fox News Dumps Sarah Palin and Deems Her Irrelevant

It is the end of the line for Sarah Palin. Fox News has dumped the quitter governor and deemed her…

10 years ago

Donald Trump Gets A Lesson In Reality As He Pines For Oprah But Ends Up With Sarah Palin

Donald Trump wants Oprah Winfrey to be his running mate, but instead of Oprah, resident Republican crazy person Sarah Palin…

10 years ago

Reject the Absolute Moral Corruption of the Republican Cult

The GOP is nothing more than a modern, reactionary cult designed to give religious justification for willful ignorance,bigotry, and bad…

10 years ago

Christian Counseling and Homeschool Program Embraced By Duggars Funded By Hobby Lobby

Hobby Lobby has, for years, provided substantial financial support to Bill Gothard, the Christian fundamentalist who founded the ATI homeschool…

10 years ago

Right-Wing Media Busted For Spreading False Story About Harry Reid’s Accident

A Las Vegas man who concocted the story about Harry Reid getting injured in a fight with his brother confessed…

10 years ago

Fox News And NY Times Cut Deal With Dishonest Conservative Author For Dirt On Hillary

Fox News and The NY Times have entered into agreements with Peter Schweizer to push the theme from his anti-Hillary…

10 years ago

Ted Cruz Is Unelectable, So Why Is He Running For President?

That gnawing, aching need for limelight, even more so than Cruz's disingenuous flouting of science in exchange for base adoration,…

10 years ago

Using a Convention of States to Destroy the Federal Government for the Kochs

Republicans are supporting using Article V of the Constitution not to propose amendments to the Constitution, but to destroy the…

10 years ago

Ben Carson Knows Nothing About Foreign Policy, Unaware Baltic States Part Of NATO

America needs a diplomat on the world stage, not a myopic neurosurgeon whose eyes glaze over when you show him…

10 years ago

Conservatives Tarnish Their Brand Further By Putting Duck Dynasty Clown On Stage At CPAC

In his long speech, Robertson warned that America was becoming sick from STDs and that wherever Jesus is missing, murder…

10 years ago

GOP Lunacy In Criticizing Obama’s ISIS Strategy At CPAC

Now they are lining up at the annual Aryan-sponsored conservative conclave to accuse the President of all manner of malfeasance…

10 years ago

Marco Rubio Laughingly Accuses Obama’s Policies of Being Bad for the Nation

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) tried to walk a finer line when asked to respond to Giuliani's remarks. He demonstrated how…

10 years ago

Why We Can’t Let Jeb Bush Pretend His Brother’s Wars Never Happened

Jeb doesn't realize how critical it is he convince us he is not his brother, because the more you listen…

10 years ago

The Koch Agenda Brings Pain And Woe To People In Republican Controlled Red States

Because they own most of the Republican state's governors and legislatures, it is there that the Kochs' ideology is doing…

10 years ago

Before Announcing Departure, Jon Stewart Mocks Fox News’ Newfound Love For Muslim King

Prior to making the announcement on his upcoming departure, it was business as usual, as Jon Stewart once again aimed…

10 years ago

Bill Maher Shreds Republicans For Finally Admitting That Sarah Palin Is a Crazy Person

Bill Maher took Republicans to the woodshed for finally admitting that Sarah Palin is a crazy person and proposed three…

10 years ago

Marked Ebola Retreat In West Africa A Victory For Public Health – And Democracy

Congratulations are in order to every civic leader, health professional (many of them American) and citizen who has worked to…

10 years ago

Desperate For Cash Sarah Palin Says God Will Tell Her Whether Or Not To Run In 2016

Sarah Palin says God will tell her whether or not to run for president, but the real reason why Palin…

10 years ago

Jon Stewart On Sarah Palin: She “Doesn’t Believe In Your Liberal Elitist Grammar And Syntax”

During Monday night's episode of The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart skewered former GOP Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin's incoherent speech…

10 years ago

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Emerges As The Republican Candidate To Fear Most

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker impressed the crowds at the Iowa Freedom Summit. Democrats cannot afford to underestimate him.

10 years ago

Sen. Chuck Grassley Absurdly Claims Bill of Rights Dependent on Citizens United

The only thing keeping Republicans in power right now is money, and they'll tell any lies to hold onto that…

10 years ago

Palin for 2016? Ha! It’s Ohio Governor John Kasich Who Has A Puncher’s Chance

A new 'serious' candidate just started kicking the tires for 2016. He's 62-year-old, twice married, Ohio Governor and former Congressman,…

10 years ago

Sarah Palin Knows How to Beat Hillary – Accuse Her of a Bunch of Stuff!

"You know, reverse them. It is they who point a finger who don't realize they have triple that number of…

10 years ago

Bobby Jindal’s Prayer Rally Has Just Become a Demonic No-Go Zone

We are told angels will guard the site of Jindal's prayer rally and turn it into a "no-go zone for…

10 years ago

NBC’s Today Show Lets Sarah Palin Blame President Obama For Her Cruelty To Animals

Sarah Palin's argument continues to be that using her public notoriety to promote using the family dog as a stepping…

10 years ago

Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin’s Coup Against John Boehner Gets Just Three Votes

Despite the backing of Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, Louie Gohmert received just three votes in his bid to unseat…

10 years ago

Media Matters Names George F. Will Misinformer of the Year

Will's most egregious sin may have been his "attacking and dismissing rape victims" but climate denialism and ethical lapses also…

10 years ago

No Texas Messiah: A Requiem for Rick Perry

Rick Perry is another in a growing collection of GOP banditti. In the old days, the Texas Rangers would have…

10 years ago

Mama We’re All Crazy Now – A Michele Bachmann Retrospective

Bachmann's flight from Dana Bash is a metaphor for an endless flight from reality, which pretty much describes her entire…

10 years ago

The Cloyingly Sweet Rot of Nationalism

Love of country should never be fueled hate. It should be sufficient unto itself, desirable for its own sake. It…

10 years ago

Tea Party Congressman Steve Stockman Subpoenaed By Grand Jury In Criminal Investigation

Outgoing Republican Congressman Steve Stockman and three of his aides have been subpoenaed by a federal grand jury as part…

10 years ago

Friday Fox Follies – The Midterm Election Edition

The recent midterm elections has Fox "News" as giddy as Sarah Palin in front of a microphone.

10 years ago

Sarah Palin Puts McConnell On Notice And Places Republicans On The Path To Destruction

With an eye on a two year gravy train, Palin put the GOP on notice; she'll be trolling them for…

10 years ago

Election Day Reality: The Republicans Have Got Nothing, and They Know It

Not a lot of voters will fit in that tiny little GOP tent set up deep in the heart of…

10 years ago

Hey Republicans, Hate and Bigotry are not Values, They’re Character Flaws

Rick Santorum claims if he hadn't been persecuted into silence, he could have convinced millennials to be hateful bigots like…

10 years ago

Sarah Palin Threatens America By Suggesting That She May Run For Office Again

Sarah Palin is claiming that she bugs liberals, and she is using this as her latest justification for threatening the…

10 years ago

Even Joe Scarborough Is Hammering GOPer Joni Ernst For Skipping Iowa Newspaper Meetings

During Monday morning's broadcast of Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough took Joni Ernst to task for canceling meetings with the…

10 years ago

Iowa GOP Senate Candidate Joni Ernst Runs And Hides From Local Media As Election Day Nears

On Thursday, Rekha Basu, a columnist for the Des Moines Register took to her Facebook page to openly complain about…

10 years ago

Sarah Palin Greedily Hoards Cash From Her SuperPAC Rather Than Help Other Candidates

The Center for Responsive Politics revealed that Sarah Palin's SuperPAC, SarahPAC, contributed only $45,000 to the campaigns of GOP candidates…

10 years ago

NRA Board Member Ted Nugent Calls For The Assassination Of President Obama

In a post on his Facebook page Tuesday, has-been rocker Ted Nugent wrote that if those who supported the NRA…

10 years ago

Joni Ernst’s Campaign Is Clueless As They Have Two-Time Loser Mitt Romney Stumping For Her

Two-time failed Presidential candidate Mitt Romney hit the campaign trail for GOP Senate candidate Joni Ernst in Iowa Sunday night.

10 years ago

Republican Says One Invented GOP Scandal Proves Another Invented GOP Scandal

Texas Republican Randy Weber says Obama's record on invented scandals is so bad that he can't possibly be on top…

10 years ago

Ferguson Officials Taking Cue From Sarah Palin By Demanding High Fees For Public Records

On Monday, the AP ran a story detailing the efforts Ferguson government officials have taken to discourage media outlets from…

10 years ago

It is Time for Peaceful Christians to Speak Up for Coexistence

According to the Religious Right, Islam is the enemy, and ISIL, or ISIS as it is often called, is a…

10 years ago

Sarah Palin Gets White House Address Wrong At Values Voters Summit

While speaking at the Values Voters Summit, Sarah Palin hit a new low by getting the address of the White…

10 years ago

Crazed Tea Partier Allen West Tells American Troops Not To Follow President Obama’s Orders

Former one-term Republican Congressman and current Fox News conservative pundit Allen West demanded that the military not follow orders from…

10 years ago

Kansas Rebels,”Going to see Sarah Palin would be the equivalent of having your teeth cleaned.”

Sarah Palin gave her usual pep talk -- including the requisite Palinism of "invicted" -- to the "a couple hundred"…

10 years ago

Pat Roberts of Kansas Goes All Tea Party and Warns of National Socialism

Losing at the polls in Kansas to independent candidate and X-Factor Chad Orman, incumbent Republican Sen. Pat Roberts is pulling…

10 years ago

Bill Maher Obliterates Sarah Palin For Getting Into A Drunken Brawl

On HBO's Real Time, Bill Maher delivered a brutal short and sweet takedown of Sarah Palin after she and her…

10 years ago

Sarah Palin Clone Joni Ernst Trailing Democrat Bruce Braley In Iowa Senate Race

Republicans got some bad news on Monday as a poll in a key Senate race revealed that one of their…

10 years ago

The Republican Embrace of ISIL-Type Violence

Andrea Tantaros at Fox News says Islam can only be "solved" with a bullet to the head. You know, like…

10 years ago

Thanks To John Boehner and Sarah Palin Democrats Are Crushing Republicans In Fundraising

Thanks to John Boehner's lawsuit and Sarah Palin beating of the impeachment drums, Democrats had their July in history and…

10 years ago

Sarah Palin Is Trying To Steal Fox’s Viewers With a Channel That Costs More Than Netflix

Still stuck in 2008, Sarah Palin thinks that people will pay more than the cost of a Netflix membership to…

10 years ago

America Refudiates Sarah Palin As 65% Reject Her Call For Obama Impeachment

Last weekend Sarah Palin claimed that God wants President Obama impeached, but according to a new CNN poll, 65% of…

11 years ago

Sarah Palin Claims That God Wants President Obama To Be Impeached

Since John Boehner doesn't want to impeach Obama, Sarah Palin is appealing to a higher power by claiming that God…

11 years ago

Attorney General Eric Holder Obliterates Sarah Palin With Just Two Sentences

On ABC's This Week, Attorney General Eric Holder dealt with Sarah Palin's calls for Obama impeachment by using two sentences…

11 years ago

Ahead Of Midterm Elections, GOP’s Message Appears To Be One Of Racism And Hatred

Two recent events have brought out the Republican Party's inner racist demon -- the GOP's Senate primary runoff election in…

11 years ago

John Boehner Coldly Shoots Down Sarah Palin’s Call For Obama To Be Impeached

When Speaker of the House John Boehner was asked about Sarah Palin's call for President Obama to be impeached, he…

11 years ago

Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski Says Impeachment Talk Is ‘Disturbing’ And ‘Really Scares Me’

On Wendesday morning's episode of Morning Joe, host Mika Brzezinski played separate video clips of Republicans claiming President Obama needs…

11 years ago

On Fox Disgruntled Obama Stalker Sarah Palin Claims Impeachment Is a Bipartisan Issue

On Hannity, Sarah Palin claimed to have a list of 25 impeachable offenses, and that Democrats also want to impeach…

11 years ago

Sarah Palin Wants President Obama Impeached For Following A Law Passed By Republicans

In an 'exclusive' article for, the former half-term Governor of Alaska wrote that the President needs to be removed…

11 years ago