Sarah Palin approval rating

Crash: Sarah Palin Is Now Less Popular Than George W. Bush

According to a new poll released today by Bloomberg, Sarah Palin's favorable rating continues to plummet, while her unfavorable rating…

14 years ago

Sarah Palin is Now As Popular As BP

A new Public Policy Polling survey of undecided voters released today shows that Sarah Palin's "leadership" may cause GOP candidates…

14 years ago

Sarah Palin’s Approval Rating Crashes to a New Low of 29%

The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll revealed that the more the American people see Sarah Palin, the less they…

15 years ago

Sarah Palin’s Approval Rating Hits a New All Time Low

As Sarah Palin basks in both the cash of and the love from the Tea Party, a new Washington Post…

15 years ago