Sandy Rios

The GOP’s Fact-Free Year of Hysterical Denunciations Just Got Worse

The GOP’s Fact-Free Year of Hysterical Denunciations Just Got Worse

Republican campaign craziness reaches new lows as their race to the top office becomes a scream-filled race to the bottom…

9 years ago

Ted Cruz and His Mad Scramble for the Hate Vote

Ted Cruz picked up the endorsement of notorious bigot Sandy Rios, wowed the haters at a Texas megachurch, and won…

9 years ago

Sandy Rios Not Sayin’, Just Sayin’, Being Gay Makes Amtrak Crash

You would think that being gay crashed Amtrak, but that heterosexuality is not to blame for even more deaths in…

10 years ago

In Challenging the Supreme Court, Republicans Challenge the Constitution

The upcoming SCOTUS marriage equality ruling is just another opportunity for Republicans to challenge the constitutionality of the Consitution

10 years ago

Bryan Fischer Fired, but Jews Still Lack First Amendment Rights, Says AFA

The GOP has tied itself to a hate group - the AFA - which insists America is for Chrisitans only…

10 years ago

Chris McDaniel Insists Thad Cochran Abandoned Christian Values by Appealing to Black Voters

It's not Christian, McDaniels whines, to remind black people that he hates them. It's not Christian to reach out to…

11 years ago

What Conservatives Fear Most Is a Well Educated America

Conservatives are terrified of a well-educated populace, and for over a year the terror du jour is Common Core that…

11 years ago

Peter LaBarbera Says He was Forced to Watch Michael Sam Kiss his Boyfriend

LaBarbera says he was "forced and subjected through the media these homosexual acts, the homosexual perversion."

11 years ago

Vladimir Putin is Every Republican Bigot’s Wet Dream

The kid gloves have come off and these Republicans who cheer for Putin while condemning Obama have shown themselves not…

11 years ago

Don’t Miss Catch an Illegal Immigrant Day Tomorrow

"The purpose of this event is to spark a campus-wide discussion about the issue of illegal immigration, and how it…

11 years ago

The Valueless Voters Summit Recap

Trending at the Values Voters Summit: when "a president praises a promiscuous co-ed," it is "the definition of civilization decline"

11 years ago

Three Incredibly Stupid Things Right Wingers Have Said That You Won’t Believe

We're waiting for God to pull the trigger and bring all his wayward kidlettes home. Janet Mefferd promises he's close…

11 years ago

Conservatives Release the Propaganda Hounds in Defense of Religious Bigotry

A collection of WTF Boy Scout moments, brought to you by the party that hasn't read the Bible they're using…

12 years ago

Right Wing Insanity Boils Over With Claim Marriage Equality Caused Noah’s Flood

Right wing Pastor Scott Lively hit a new level of crazy even for the far right by claiming that same…

12 years ago

Meme of Desperation – Bush Gave Middle East 10 Years of Peace

In a breathtaking revision of history, we are being told that President Bush gave the Middle East ten years of…

12 years ago