Sandy Hook Elementary School

America’s Reaction To 9/11 Played a Role In Paris Terror Attack

America’s Reaction To 9/11 Played a Role In Paris Terror Attack

Of course down through the ages violent wars have been waged over imposition of a particular religion, but in modern…

10 years ago

Republican Warhawks And Arms Lobby Unite To Undermine US On World Stage

President Obama has been clear in his advocacy of sensible gun reform at home, as well as balanced global demilitarization.…

10 years ago

After Tuesday’s Shootings, America Has Witnessed 86 School Shootings Since Sandy Hook

On Tuesday, not one but two shootings occurred at high schools in this nation. These two shootings represent the 85th…

10 years ago

Tuesday’s Shooting In Oregon Is The 74th School Shooting In America Since Sandy Hook

Another day, another school shooting in America. On Tuesday morning, news hit that a gunman entered a school in Troutdale,…

11 years ago

Seattle Pacific University Shooting Hero Debunks The NRA’s Biggest and Most Bogus Claim

The bad guy with a firearm that gunned down four innocent students at Seattle Pacific University was stopped by a…

11 years ago

After Whining About MSNBC’s ‘Deceptive Editing’ the Right Pushes a Fake Sandy Hook Father

Right wing media failed to correct stories in which they falsely claimed that a man who is against gun safety…

12 years ago

A Contingent of Gun Fanatics Make Their Intention to Initiate a Revolutionary War Known

There is a contingent of gun fanatics driven by racial prejudice and gun lobby fear mongering who desperately long to…

12 years ago

The Idea That an Armed Good Guy Can Stop an Armed Bad Guy is Not Borne Out by Reality

The idea that an armed good guy can stop a bad guy is not borne out by reality. Law enforcement…

12 years ago

Expect a ringing defense from gun owners in the aftermath of 27 deaths

Politicians (a few at least) are making loud gun control noises. They do that every time there's another mass murder.…

12 years ago