Liberals Need to Avoid Being Their Own Worst Enemy
Some liberals have the mind-boggling view there is no difference between Romney & Obama, and are even planning not to vote for Obama in swing states.
Some liberals have the mind-boggling view there is no difference between Romney & Obama, and are even planning not to vote for Obama in swing states.
Romney said Bain is ‘a profession that has yet to attract many women and minorities’ but at the time, almost 30% of Harvard Business School were women.
Paul Ryan said that elected officials should be in charge of Row V Wade, raising the alarm bell that a Romney/Ryan admin intends to implement the Personhood Amendment.
John McCain confirmed this morning that a Mitt Romney administration would leave our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq indefinitely.
Paul Ryan says women won’t be distracted by ‘side issues’ of Ryan’s positions on rape, which align closely with Republican Representative Todd Akin’s views.