Republican tyranny

Opinion: U.N. Condemns Republican Bills Criminalizing Peaceful Protests

Opinion: U.N. Condemns Republican Bills Criminalizing Peaceful Protests

Since January 2017 a number of undemocratic bills that if enacted into law, threatens one of the United States’ constitutional…

8 years ago

Conservatives Call For The Lynching of President Obama

A racist conservative Facebook group "America the next generation" created a photo-shopped image of President Barack Obama with a hangman's…

11 years ago

Washington is ‘Broken’ Because Republicans Abandoned Any Pretense of Governing

The reason Washington is unable to function as it did for 232 years is that Republicans decided, after Barack Obama…

12 years ago

Republican Amendment Proposes Religious Liberty Based Death Panel

A Republican amendment in the Senate is proposing the creation of real life death panel that would put religious fanatics…

13 years ago