repeal obamacare

Democrats And The American People Win Big As GOP Cancels Graham-Cassidy Vote

Democrats And The American People Win Big As GOP Cancels Graham-Cassidy Vote

Senate Republicans didn't have the votes so they have announced that the vote on Graham-Cassidy scheduled for Wednesday has been…

7 years ago

Bernie Sanders And Dems Deal A Knockout Punch To Reeling GOP With National Health Care Rallies

Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) are planning to land a massive blow against the Republican effort to…

8 years ago

Democrats And Liberals Declare Full Scale War On Trump To Defend Obamacare

While Republicans are admitting that ACA repeal is not going be as easy as they thought, Democrats and liberals are…

8 years ago

Where Is The Grief For Republican Terrorism Imposed On Americans?

Only a beheading or a suicide bombing can possibly be as barbaric and cruel as denying medical care to millions…

9 years ago

Scott Walker Plans To Kill 9,800 Americans A Year By Taking Away Their Health Insurance

Scott Walker has unveiled his plan to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a system that would kill an estimated…

9 years ago

CBO Drops Reality Bomb On Republicans: Repealing Obamacare Will Add $353 Billion to the Deficit

A new CBO report shows that Republicans want to repeal your healthcare so they can add $353 billion over the…

10 years ago

Republican Nightmares Come True As Customer Satisfaction With Obamacare Skyrockets

Republican nightmares have become reality as a new survey revealed that customer satisfaction with Obamacare has skyrocketed to the where…

10 years ago

Conservatives Hatch An Illegal Scheme To Repeal The Affordable Care Act

Conservatives want to use the budgetary process to repeal the ACA. Repealing the ACA would increase the budget deficit, which…

10 years ago

Paul Ryan Admits That The GOP Plans To Win The Senate and Take Healthcare Away From Millions

In an interview Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) admitted that the Republican plan is to win the Senate then begin work…

10 years ago

John Boehner Humiliates Himself In Factory With Claim Repealing Obamacare Creates Jobs

John Boehner humiliated himself again today by standing in a factory and claiming that repealing Obamacare will create jobs.

11 years ago

In 863 Days House GOP Has Offered 0 Jobs Plans While Voting to Repeal Obamacare 34 Times

In the 863 days since taking control of the House Republicans have passed 0 jobs plans, but voted to repeal…

12 years ago

Republicans Want to Take Away Healthcare from 30 Million to Pay for More Military Spending

Sen. Lindsey Graham spoke for many of his Republican colleagues today when he proposed avoiding the military cuts in the…

12 years ago