House Republicans Bail As More Than 41% Of GOP Has Left Trump
Rep. Peter King (R-NY) became the 101st House Republican to quit or retire on Donald Trump since he took office three years ago.
Rep. Peter King (R-NY) became the 101st House Republican to quit or retire on Donald Trump since he took office three years ago.
In the past few weeks, there has been an uprising of awareness of police brutality all over the U.S. yet it appears that conservatives are countering the protest with the justification that if you fail to submit to the police, you deserve what you get…that is until their own are brutalized.
Representative Peter King (R-NY) told Fox Business on Tuesday that the way to fix this Ferguson deal is for President Obama to invite Darren Wilson over to sort of make up for months of “smear and slander”.
Even Obama bashing House Republicans are responding with anger and demanding a full congressional investigation into how an armed intruder was able to get into the White House.