Bryan Fischer Says Sharia Law Preferable to First Amendment
Fischer says, “Just as we screen immigrants for contagious physical diseases, so we need to screen immigrants for contagious cultural diseases”
Fischer says, “Just as we screen immigrants for contagious physical diseases, so we need to screen immigrants for contagious cultural diseases”
The preponderance of fundamentalist Christians in America are why so many Americans are comparatively unintelligent when it comes to scientific knowledge that drives the epidemic of stupidity of American, primarily in the South, subscribing to hazardous Republican policies.
Jesus said to love. They hate. Jesus said to turn the other cheek. They attack. Jesus said to pray in private. they pray publicly. Jesus said to forgive. They plot revenge. Jesus loved the poor. They worship Kochs.
Hagee says, “The Bible says that whenever we approach the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ,that there would be strange weather patterns.”
Lars Larson and C. Edmund Right are pretty sure that kiss persecuted them and worse, that it’s a lot like making it a crime to insult Mohommed. Or putting an NFL franchise out of business for drafting a gay player, I’m sure they’d agree.
Although fundamentalist Christians have no dearth of so-called tormentors, for the past eleven weeks their greatest enemy has been science in the person of Neil deGrasse Tyson and the Fox science documentary series Cosmos.
Right wing extremists have warned NFL teams that they have “a coalition of extremist Christian leaders from across the nation” ready to unleash Hell on the Rams to teach the entire NFL a Christ-like lesson.
The ongoing, and one-sided, battle between creationist Ken Ham of “Answers in Genesis” notoriety and highly-regarded astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson of Fox’s Cosmos is humiliating for America because Ham typifies the right wing evangelical Christian ignorance founded on ancient mythology.
This abomination masquerading as legislation is precisely what the religious right and career criminals have dreamt of throughout their pathetic lives.
Republicans, like the Nazis, want to enforce through legislation obedience to and a belief in a mythical white paradise
Boykin assures the faithful, “I believe now – I’ve checked this out – I believe that sword he’ll be carrying when he comes back is an AR-15”
Americans who value their freedoms, religious or otherwise, would do well to avoid the pitfalls of staying silent for fear of offending extremists because that silence has produced precisely what is plaguing this nation.
Apparently, a better name for reality TV series Snake Salvation would have been When Faith Meets Reality (You Will Hear a Loud Smack). Pentecostal preacher and host Jamie Coots of Tennessee, believed that poisonous snakes could not harm him because he was anointed by God. The Bible, he believed, said so (Mark 15:16-17). I speak…
Broun asks a question based on a false premise: “does it fit the Judeo-Christian Biblical principles that our nation is founded upon?”
There is no ultimate choice between Christianity and the state. There is, however, a choice between state religion and freedom of religion.
Republicans have illegally passed laws mandating the teaching of the creationism as science in public schools using taxpayer dollars because they claim the creation myth is real and evolution is an abomination.
There is a concerted effort in primarily southern Republican-controlled states to use sketchy and horribly underperforming charter schools to inject a healthy dose of religion into science and history classes using funding for public schools.
As the new year is getting underway, there is a renewed push to force prayer into South Carolina public schools.
Home Depot founder Ken Langone complained that the Pope is being mean to rich Americans because unlike rich people in other countries, American rich people are benefactors.
Darrell Issa who has had the same information the New York Times reported for over a year and sat on his ass wasting taxpayer time and money pursuing Barack Obama.
The glaring hypocrisy of those on the right, primarily conservative Christians, is they want Christ kept in Christmas during the Pagan winter holidays, but “abort Christ” from the policies and agendas they promote throughout the year.
I wish you all the best of the season, whatever your beliefs, whatever your political persuasion
But I say to you, do not resist an evil-doer. But If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also. – Jesus of Nazareth, quoted in Matthew 5:39 (NRSV) The Religious Right’s reaction to Phil Robertson’s suspension is not only what Jesus expected out of his followers, but it has got me…
For the Pope, humility-challenged Christians are Pagans but it was the Church that found Jesus’ poverty and humility too radical to tolerate
The Texas gubernatorial race features very little science and more than a little bloodshed
When conservatives say they want a “white” Christmas, they really mean they want a WHITE Christmas.
If you want to know the reason for the season, you don’t have to look back to Christ but past him.
Sarah Palin’s contention that Founding Fathers John Adams and Thomas Jefferson would join her in the war against the imagined war on Christmas is too much of an affront to American history.
The KGB has cleverly and diabolically re-written every Bible ever sold all the way back to the second century of the Common Era, missing only those copies anyone actually bother to read
The tea party is the intersection of cognitive dissonance and reality. It’s certain to become a reality show. Oh wait – it already is.
Right wing Christians define their right to practice religion as forcing compliance of their beliefs on the rest of the population, and the religious right is counting on the judiciary to achieve their goals.
There is a simple solution that will satisfy the Christian churches and the secular groups suing for equality, and it is simply stripping the tax-exempt status from all churches.
For Boykin it was bromance at first sight and perhaps a wee bit of latent homosexuality as he waxed over Jesus’ “big, bulging biceps…thin waist” and “strong shoulders.”
Palin said, “He’s had some statements that to me sound kind of liberal, has taken me aback, has kind of surprised me.”
The pope’s representative told the American bishops, “You know this comes from my admiration, respect, and loving concern for the Church in America.”
One of Jesus Christ’s commands to his followers was to spread the good news of the kingdom of god by convincing them he was the Messiah, but that is not the intent of the event Bush is promoting.
Bryan Fischer says of Hinduism, “This is a counterfeit religion,. It is an Eastern religion. It is, in essence, an occult religion.”
Rafael’s straw man is “if they can convince you that you came from a monkey, it’s much easier to convince you that God does not exist.”
“She’s basically, you know, she’s basically, at least symbolically, showing how to have sex with some satanic figure”
John Christian Hillcox is a mail order Baptist minister who represents everything we have come to hate about the self-righteous hypocrisy of the Religious Right
Tom DeLay says “God created the nation and God created the Constitution; it is written on biblical principles.”
God is about to begin his “rule and reign” and the anointed Ted Cruz will oversee a big “end-time transfer of wealth.”
Lapin says atheists are parasites and we’d be better behaved (do what conservatives want) if we acted like we had God looking over our shoulders
The Pope warned that “when a Christian becomes a disciple of the ideology, he has lost the faith: he is no longer a disciple of Jesus.”
Pagan Romans feared not a violent revolution but something far more sinister, a political coup exactly like we are seeing today
According to Hagee, “America is becoming a pagan society; we are in a moral free-fall.”
Fischer said, “Now, our Elijah today, confronting the prophets of Baal, is Ted Cruz and last night was his ‘show down’ on Mt. Carmel.”
Ken Blackwell of the Family Research Council (FRC) says there is “nothing more Christian” than cutting food stamps
Obama administration is the “modern-day equivalent” of ancient Rome, where each citizen is made to worship Caesar with progressivism.
Ron Paul joined Pat Robertson on the 700 Club to show his Religious Right bona fides and his new homeschool indoctrination program
Fundamentalist Christianity is determined to turn not only our government, but more frighteningly, our military, into their tool
There has been a shift among evangelical Christians of late to openly oppose everything Jesus taught and trade in Christ for the NRA.
If you want to see what privatized relief would look like, think of Walmart. That’s the face of Republican disaster relief
Careful what color Crayon you choose to draw the human brain: Dr. Mungadze can tell if you’re gay or if you’re demonically possessed
The more science discovers about how the universe works, the more regressive Republican thinking becomes. Dragons were real and prove the authority of the Bible. The proof? Dinosaurs of course!
Religious conservatives need to believe so badly they shell out money for a film that has, as a central message, “beware of blind faith.”
Muslim baiter Geller is affronted that anyone defends scholar Reza Aslan for writing a book about Jesus yet not defend her for hating Muslims
Catholic League president Bill Donohue believes some pretty far-out things himself and he may not be the one to talk about bizarre
From the moment these words leave Green’s lips, “You’re a Muslim. So why did you write a book about the founder of Christianity?” the interview is all downhill.
You have to wonder at what point Pope Francis will have pulled the rug out from beneath America’s Catholic and Evangelical clergy.
The tenets of Christian nationalism – control of the government for Jesus – is behind the political aspirations of Rand Paul and others
For Thomas Jefferson, religious freedom was neither freedom to coerce nor a coerced mind, but rather a free mind
David Barton is reaching out to corrupt the minds of Ohio children by teaching his fantastical tales of an America that never was
Apparently God already decided what constitutes marriage and he wins 1-0. Of course, they can’t show you that part of the Constitution
Apparently, those who find themselves in violation of God’s law, lose their rights under Republican governance
According to Republicans, if liberals would stop saying no to fundamentalists, we could have the America Jesus intended when he wrote the Constitution!
For the sake of the very modern concept of “family values” it is essential that people not listen to Jesus and put their family second, after the Kingdom of God.
The Fundamentalist Christian sense of self-importance paradoxically makes them essential to civilization, which existed long before the Bible
“There is a war on Christianity,” he said, well ahead of the Christmas season. “Not just from liberal elites here at home, but worldwide.”
Glenn Beck has convinced himself that worship of Baal and Moloch led to Occupy Wall Street that he wrote a novel to prove it
According to Republicans, Satan fills the emptiness yoga creates, allowing Satan into your soul
Paul’s vision of America has nothing to do with the United States Constitution and democracy and everything to do with the Bible and theocracy
Gallup reported recently that 77 percent of Americans believe “religion is losing its influence on American life.”
It seems as if Pope Francis has no problems with atheists, but his other rhetoric suggests otherwise.
Michele Bachmann seems to envision an America governed not through the democratic process but through a prayer-tyranny of the bigoted few
More cries of persecution coming out of the Religious Right: if we allow gay marriage we are persecuting Christians
You probably didn’t know this but gun safety laws are “pagan” and it was prayer that defeated Manchin-Toomey
Visiting Grandma should not carry with it the prerequisite of conversion
There are those who say the mood of the nation toward gays and women’s rights are changing for the better, yet the far right is forging ahead to restrict their rights.
Kansas Republican Tim Huelskamp says marriage equality is unpatriotic and will destroy the family and motherhood – and even your apple pie
When Reshad Riddle gunned down his father at Church, he didn’t say his act was the will of atheism.
conservative Christians, did not limit their threats to President Obama and the Supreme Court, and set their sights squarely on the Republican Party.
Pat Robertson thinks there are demons in your underpantsr, so be sure to rebuke them before heading out of the house
Joseph Farah is putting up 10 Commandment billboards in “Sin City” – Las Vegas – and he wants your dollars to do it
Ralph Reed, mistaking the Bible for the US Constitution, believes his holy book should govern US immigration policy
The granddaughters of Fred Phelps, Megan Phelps-Roper and her younger sister Grace Phelps-Roper, have left the hate group of Westboro Baptist Church.
Unlike football, one group of Christians is playing by a different set of rules that defy the tenets of the religion and its adherents’ claim to be followers of Christ.
Oklahoma Pastor James Taylor says if you can refrigerate something (like shellfish) it isn’t an abomination anymore
There is a growing movement to insert religion into the education system using taxpayer dollars.
The Republican Party needs to shed its God problem before its unhealthy obsession destroys America
Joseph Farah wants you to believe an angry God is about to snuff us out, but first we have to survive the Republicans
Piers Morgan, already being attacked for his stance on guns, has truly thrown caution to the wind by proclaiming that the Bible is flawed and must be amended.
The numbers don’t lie: they didn’t lie on Election Night, and they do not lie in the longer run when they prove that America is becoming more, not less progressive.
Conservatives are dreaming of a ‘white’ Christmas, and that is all Christmas really is to them: a means to an end that has no role for Jesus
In India, you can apparently be charged with blasphemy for pointing out that a statue of Jesus is not, in fact, crying.
“All I want for Christmas is to kill it,” seems to be the song conservatives think liberals sing each and every holiday season. Fox News has made a lucrative living pushing a nonexistent war on Christmas, seizing on every example of religious pluralism in this country – that is, the right of people to believe…
James Dobson determined that Obama’s defeat means we are living in a time of judgment and that God can make use of Obama
Conservatives insist that economic prosperity is impossible without their God but America wil prosper just as well with 20 gods or no gods
The Religious Right says some laughable things, but there is nothing laughable about their money, power – or influence on American politics
Paul Ryan says Obama’s path compromises some non-existent values; the real problem is that Obama stands between Ryan and the Constitution