reince preibus

The Republican Party Caves On Their Boycott and Puts MSNBC on ‘Probation’

The Republican Party Caves On Their Boycott and Puts MSNBC on ‘Probation’

The RNC's boycott of MSNBC lasted all of nine hours as Reince Preibus quickly caved announced that MSNBC has been…

11 years ago

Chris Christie Is So Doomed That Republicans Are Invoking Benghazi to Save Him

Chris Christie is in such big trouble that the only thing Republicans like RNC Chair Reince Priebus can do is…

11 years ago

RNC Chair Announces GOP Plot to Infiltrate Minority Communities With Propaganda

The RNC has a big plan is to pay workers to infiltrate minority communities in order to spread their repeatedly…

12 years ago

Republicans Try to Scare America into Supporting Romney by Claiming Obama’s from Outer Space

Since the whole birth certificate thing didn't pan out, Republicans are trying a new approach. RNC chairman Reince Preibus is…

13 years ago