race relations

CNN’s Jim Acosta: Trump Would Need “Out of Body Experience” to Give Unifying Speech on Race

CNN’s Jim Acosta: Trump Would Need “Out of Body Experience” to Give Unifying Speech on Race

CNN's Jim Acosta thinks it would effectively be a miracle if Donald Trump were able to deliver a unifying speech.…

5 years ago

Donald Trump Proposes East German Stasi Tactic That Abolishes the Fourth Amendment

Trump thinks the right of the people to be secure and free of "unreasonable searches" shall not be violated unless…

8 years ago

Book Review: The Future of Whiteness

I don't like to overuse the term "must read" but Linda Martin Alcoff's The Future of Whiteness (2015, Polity) is…

9 years ago

Glenn Beck Rewrites History and Defends Slavery

It was another wild and wacky trip through revisionist Right Wing history with Glenn Beck today as Glenn decided to…

15 years ago