pro life

Mika Brzezinski Rips Texas AG Ken Paxton Over Kate Cox Case

Mika Brzezinski Rips Texas AG Ken Paxton Over Kate Cox Case

Mika Brzezinski used Attorney General Ken Paxton's brutal attacks on Kate Cox's rights over her own body to make the…

1 year ago

Lindsey Graham Praises Trump’s “Pro-Life” Response as President Predicts 100,000 Coronavirus Deaths

Lindsey Graham believes the President is putting life first as U.S. deaths from Coronavirus continue to mount. The Republican senator…

5 years ago

‘Pro-Life’ GOP Rep Will Not Seek Re-Election After Urging His Mistress To Have An Abortion

Murphy is no outlier when it comes to this pro-life, family values hypocrisy. For proof of that, we need not…

7 years ago

Kasich Vetoes Heartbeat Bill While Approving Another Unconstitutional Abortion Measure

Kasich traded one extremist, anti-choice measure for another.

8 years ago

Marco Rubio Says Women Exposed To Zika Must Deliver Defective Fetus

Rubio readily admits that "Microcephaly is a terrible prenatal condition and it's a lifetime of difficulties. But I'm pro-life."

8 years ago

Enough Of The Hypocritical Pro-Life Talk, the True Issue is Women’s Liberty

It's July 4th, 2016 Independence Day and we are still easily debating whether or not women are people entitled to…

9 years ago

GOP Bill Taking School Lunches From 3.5 Million Kids Is “Pro-Life” Hypocrisy

For many of the poorest children in America, healthy school lunches may be the one dependably nutritious meal they have…

9 years ago

Forget Trump, Anti-Choice Republicans Already Punish Women For Abortion

Trump’s abortion remark was bad, but it paled in comparison to “the wickedness of the response from anti-choice Republican organizations.

9 years ago

Believe it Or Not – Jeb Bush Sinks Lower Than Trump and Cruz

After invoking his status as a National Rifle Association hero, Jeb brought up GOP overreach in the case of Terri…

9 years ago

Pro-Life Republicans Crusading To Ban Life-Saving Research

The GOP is jumping on the Dark Age bandwagon to stop scientists from finding cures to myriad infirmities and debilitating…

9 years ago

Pro-Lifer Admits Regulating Women’s Sexuality, Not Abortion, Drives Planned Parenthood Attacks

Monica Miller of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society admits what she opposes is "sex for recreation, sex for mere pleasure"

9 years ago

Hillary Clinton Obliterates Republicans With A Truth Bomb Comparing Them To Terrorists

Secretary Clinton laid it on the line today at a rally in Ohio when she likened Republican's policies on women…

9 years ago

Cowardly Americans Tremble In Fear While A Courageous Nun Defends Women

The GOP is opposed to providing for the general welfare of anyone but corporations, the filthy rich, and especially the…

9 years ago

Too Bad Scott Walker, SCOTUS Doesn’t Think Forced Ultrasounds Are Cool

What makes this decision particularly noteworthy is that the Justices agreed with a Circuit Court ruling that disabused evangelical Republicans,…

10 years ago

America’s Liberal Surge Continues As Pro-Choice Americans Now Outnumber Pro-Lifers

America's move to the left on social issues continues as a new Gallup poll has found that for the first…

10 years ago

With Koch Funding, Kansas Republicans Pass Nation’s First Abortion Procedure Ban

Kansas' religious Republicans are so intent on proving they will go to any length to protect a fetus that they…

10 years ago

Conservatives Have A Double Standard When It Comes To Use Of Police Force On Blacks

In the past few weeks, there has been an uprising of awareness of police brutality all over the U.S. yet…

10 years ago

Iowa Senate Candidate Joni Ernst Can’t Escape The Republican Anti-Woman Crusade

For a senatorial candidate from Iowa, the way to show support for a religious principle is voting for a constitutional…

10 years ago

Texas Gets Between a Doctor and Patient After The Religious Right Demands It

Republicans have no qualms using the government to come between a patient and their doctor if the religious right demands…

11 years ago

The Great Hypocrisy Is That Republicans Are Anything But Pro-Life

In their blood lust to withhold healthcare, coupled with their sheer hatred for the Affordable Care Act, Republicans revealed that…

11 years ago

The Most Effective Dismantling of Reproductive Rights Comes From Stigma

People actually willing to vocally support reproductive rights have become less and less common owing to the success of stigmatization

12 years ago

The GOP Attempts to Drag America Back to Their Imaginary Conservative Utopia

Republicans adopted positions in their platform which are steeped in ideological purity that defines the party as angry, white, patriarchal,…

12 years ago

The Ghost of Ayn Rand Haunts Paul Ryan

Don't tell Paul Ryan, but many of his positions go against everything that Ayn Rand stood for.

12 years ago

How Many Otherwise Socially Liberal Men Have Abandoned Reproductive Rights?

Some of Ron Paul's otherwise socially liberal followers are an example of men who have turned their backs on reproductive…

13 years ago


The ghost of Christmas past haunted Ebeneezer Scrooge, and was 1/3 of the spirit that changed Scrooge around and it…

13 years ago

Republican Offers Rape Victims 72 Hours of Freedom

No, I kid, I kid. The Republicans have come a long way. Sure, according to Rachel Maddow, “…the Republican Party…

14 years ago

Nuns Diss Bishops by Supporting Healthcare: Only Fake Christians Left

The Nuns have came together to say they care MORE about pragmatic reality, MORE about helping people, MORE about correcting…

15 years ago