
Trump-Barr-DeVos Triumvirate See Privatization As Backdoor Route To Destroying Civil Rights

Trump-Barr-DeVos Triumvirate See Privatization As Backdoor Route To Destroying Civil Rights

Walking down Main Street, couples, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, cannot be legally denied the right to hold…

4 years ago

Look For The Privatization of Everything as Trump and GOP Go Full Acquisition Mode

"If the trajectory of 2016 continues through Trump’s presidency, the 'commons,' the public sphere and the values of shared responsibility,…

8 years ago

Democratic Opposition to Trump Already Shows Signs of Fracturing

For the second time in a week Charles Schumer aligned himself with Trump in a portent the Democrat's opposition to…

8 years ago

Paul Krugman Cites the Real Outrage in Trump’s Infrastructure Scam

Trump’s plan calls for huge tax credits: billions of dollars in checks written to private companies that invest in ‘approved’…

8 years ago

Success GOP Style: America’s National Parks Are Going Corporate

"Relaxing the rules governing ‘corporate partnerships’ will ensure parks become commercialized” and “dependent on corporations to operate."

9 years ago

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Poisons Flint Kids And Then Declares An Emergency

This all began when one of Snyder's emergency dictators decided safe drinking water from Lake Huron didn't fit the corporate…

9 years ago

Conservative Prays For Katrina-Like Disaster In Chicago To Give Corporations Government Control

Instead of noting how inept the Bush response to help tens-of-thousands of Americans was, or mourning the loss of 1,800…

9 years ago

ALEC Plans Corporate Control and Privatization Of Every City In America

It is true the Koch's are poised to spend nearly a billion dollars to put a Koch surrogate in the…

10 years ago

Koch-Republicans Remember Soldiers’ Sacrifice With A Veterans Healthcare Coupon Scam

The privatization scam amounts to a yearly-issued, and set amount, coupon to purchase healthcare services at a private hospital or…

10 years ago

GOP Privatization Would Substitute an Un-Electable Board of Directors for Democracy

Privatization is stripping powers from electable government, and handing it to the unelectable public - in other words, for profit…

10 years ago

Keeping Their Voters Stupid Keeps Republicans Elected

Over the past six years after every election, a relatively common question is why do so many Americans dependably vote…

10 years ago

Gov. Rick Snyder’s Emergency Manager Is Denying Poor People Running Water In Detroit

A coalition working with organizations and activists the world over to promote water as a basic human right filed a…

11 years ago

ALEC Continues to Push Failed Market-Based Educational Reforms

Market-based educational reform is an utter failure, and yet we still can't shake the nasty remnants of its bad policy…

12 years ago

ALEC’s Latest Scam Is Sending Public School Dollars to Corporate Owned Private Schools

The Koch brothers' American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) wants to send taxpayer dollars earmarked for public schools to corporate-owned private…

12 years ago

Behind the GOP’s Debt and Deficit Talk Is a Scam To Make the Super Rich Even Richer

A group of Americans are being scammed by immoral operatives, and as is usually the case, the scammers are motivated…

12 years ago

The Republican Vision for Government is Corporate Owned and Operated

The government Romney and Republicans propose is not business friendly, it is business-owned and operated, and the people are expendable…

12 years ago

Your Local Post Office: From Public Service to Profit Piñata

For the past year we have seen an unremitting campaign by the corporate masters of the right wing to try…

13 years ago

Profiting from Punishment: The Dangers of Privatizing Imprisonment

Corporations are taking over the incarceration of prisoners to make billions of dollars in profit while lobbying against much needed…

13 years ago

How We Got Here: The View From Wall Street

There has been a lot of deserved talk about the three legs of corporatism: the right wing message machine, religious…

14 years ago