Political parties in the United States

Texas Democrats Stall, Run Out The Clock On Republican Anti-Gay Marriage Bill

Texas Democrats Stall, Run Out The Clock On Republican Anti-Gay Marriage Bill

A GOP effort to prohibit issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples in Texas, failed to come to a vote on…

10 years ago

Republicans Admit Defeat and Silently Surrender In Their War On Obamacare

While Republicans aren't waving the white flag publicly, the GOP is becoming quietly aware that they have lost their war…

10 years ago

Right-wing Congressman Steve King Bashes Jews Who Are “Democrats First And Jewish Second”

During a radio interview, Iowa GOP Congressman Steve King blasted liberal American Jews for being Democrats first, and Jewish second.

10 years ago

Republican Congressman Peter King Slams Self-Righteous Delusional Wing Of His Party

Appearing on Luke Russert's online MSNBC TV program, Shift, New York Congressman Peter King (R) slammed fellow House Republicans for…

10 years ago

Showdown In Wyoming As Anti-Discrimination Republican Boots Anti-Gay Rep From Meeting

Elaine Harvey (R-Lovell) evicted anti-gay Rep. Harlan Edmonds (R-Cheyenne) from a meeting when he refused to remain civil during a…

10 years ago

House GOP Doubles Down On Bigotry With Vote To Stop Obama’s Immigration Executive Order

On a 237-190 vote, the Republican controlled U.S. House has voted to undo president Obama's executive order on immigration.

10 years ago

President Obama Named The Most Admired Man In The World For The 7th Straight Year

The endless Republican anti-Obama campaign suffered another defeat as for the seventh consecutive year President Obama was named the most…

10 years ago

More Heartache Around the Corner for God’s Own Party in 2016

Where once three-quarters had been Protestants alone, now barely three quarters are even Christian, and the numbers continue to drop

10 years ago

Republicans May Cause Government Shutdown Over Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Program

Republicans are going for the full monty of childish behavior. Gone are the real policy complaints. Now they stand naked…

10 years ago

Tom Tancredo Says Republicans in Congress Have Stockholm Syndrome

Tancredo says GOP is impotent. Impotent yes. Because they're ideologically blinkered idiots. Not because they identify with their "captor" Obama.

10 years ago

Democrats Need to Be Bold In Their Policies and Stand with the Guy In The White House

One thing is obvious: Democrats are still allowing the media to parrot GOP narratives, and Democrats are still running away…

10 years ago

Republicans: Women Problem? What Women Problem?

Nothing wrong with an exclusive and hate-filled Republican message. Just with the people who aren't sufficiently white, male, and Christian.

10 years ago

The Democratic Party Is Not Your Abusive Partner, Progressives, It’s Your Problem Child

Calls for the Progressives to "break up" with the Democratic Party as an abusive partner miss the mark. The problems…

10 years ago

Gallup: Republicans Better Able to Defend Against Terrorism, Keep America Prosperous

The GOP has been able to destroy this country while getting Americans to willingly participate in their own demise with…

10 years ago

Federal Court Slams Texas TRAP Law Back To the Stone-Age

In a much needed victory for women in Texas, a Federal Court struck down the Lone Star State's version of…

10 years ago

Republicans Can’t Run Away From Their Allegiances and Policies Unless We Let Them

Mitch McConnell is a man on the run from a disastrous week for the Republican Party.

10 years ago

Howard Dean Feels That Eric Cantor’s Loss Can Lead The Way To Big Democratic Gains

In an op-ed piece for Politico published Sunday, former Democratic Governor of Vermont Howard Dean stated that the recent primary…

11 years ago

American Voters Need To Realize The Terrible Urgency Of 2014

Every time I hear a pundit or a pollster discuss the certainty that Republicans will hold the House or the…

11 years ago

The Body’s Impolitic (Again): Why Is Jesse Ventura Running For President?

Former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura is back in the headlines. He plans to run for President in 2016, if…

11 years ago

Alex Castellanos Accuses Democrats of Being the Extremists

Republican strategist Alex Castellanos took to a CNN op-ed to accuse the Democrats of extremism, asking "Are Democrats more extreme…

11 years ago

Key Republican Defections Mean Missouri Will Not Secede from Union

Republican attempts to nullify federal laws in Missouri are on hold after attempts to override Gov. Nixon's veto failed in…

11 years ago

Harry Reid Mocks House Republicans for Being Afraid of a Tea Party Revolt

Reid mocked the Republicans, 'It seems House Republicans don't want to be seen discussing even the possibility of compromise with…

12 years ago

Larry Pratt: Bombing Seen by Liberals as Opportunity to Increase Government Control

Republicans want bombing suspect treated as enemy combatant but it's liberals who want increased government control?

12 years ago

Conservatives Threaten to Abandon GOP if Republicans Stop Hating Gays

Social conservatives warned RNC Chair Reince Priebus this week via a letter that he better stop trying to bring the…

12 years ago

Show Me State Republicans Need Somebody to Show them Reality on Gun Control

If any facet of the GOP's war on America has grown to lunatic proportions, it is gun control. The more…

12 years ago

Mitch McConnell Gets Desperate and Promises to Avoid Losing Battles with Obama

Mitch McConnell is running away from doing battle with President Obama and hoping to focus attention on battles he thinks…

12 years ago

President Obama is More Popular Now than During His First Term

The GOP finds itself in trouble as Obama's popularity soars and their own plummets, and Obama's second term only promises…

12 years ago

‘Beware when this White House is handing you a suicide pistol’

President Obama keeps besting Republicans, but they still believe they have the upper hand, even as they play right into…

12 years ago

The Republicans Have Quit on America; It’s Time for Americans to Quit on Them

Republicans have quit on America. They're putting forth no effort, and most importantly at all, they haven't even bothered to…

12 years ago

Progressives and Corporatists Struggle for Control of the Democratic Party

The Democratic Party is a big tent. However, the party needs to refocus on its progressive values, not get led…

12 years ago

Oregon GOP County Chair Gets the Boot for Claiming Democrats Seek Utopian Enslavement

Gary Bray, Republican Party chairman in Washington County, Oregon, called liberalism an 'atheistic cult' which seeks 'utopian enslavement'

12 years ago

Why Conservatives are Wrong When They Say Liberalism Will Fail

Conservatives have convinced themselves of libearlism's illigitimacy; now they have convinced themselves liberalism will fail

12 years ago

Move Over Star Wars: A Trilogy of GOP Cognitive Dissonance: 2008, 2012, 2016

The Republican Party's doldrums are likely to continue until they acknowledge reality, but there are no signs of that happening…

12 years ago

Republicans Declare Defeat and Claim They Have Lost the Culture War

Longtime foe of multiculturalism, William J. Bennett, says Republicans lost culture war and accuses Democrats of playing identity politics

12 years ago

Binders of Women Bring Down the GOP’s Pro Rape Senate Candidates

The Republican rape triplets running for the senate took a big hit last night. The War on Women was a…

12 years ago